Cutfags btfo


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Does it really matter when you're gang raping a grill, Pajeet?

Jews are a sick people

check em

That just implies that i can fuck longer.

You mistake me for brazil. We are both brown but not same.


inda btfo

Here is the obligatory Foregen post.

>We are different from Brazil
>Posts tranny
Not really helping your argument there buddy.

Irrelevant since nobody on Sup Forums is ever going to get laid.

source this pic you poo in loo

It's a strap-on, you fucking nigger.

Tfw you got scars instead of nerves on your pepe

why do Americans do this. I can understand the jews doing it for religious reasons but there is literally no excuse for normal americans

gib me source plz, pajeet.

A good point, bro.

is homosexuality environmental or genetic?

nvm cuz it's

fake talk

>India isn't the country known for gang rapes

Please Dopinder, you're a rapist, but not in the "muh cishet white male patriarchy" way, but in the "me and five of my friends are gonna hold down this women and penetrate her asshole" way.

I'm crying

I know right? Immediately lost all interest.

and people act like jews didnt deserve the holocaust

>penis envy

Sorry Hans I don't have as much experience with strap-ons as you and your gf


Kellogg spent a bunch of cerealbux talking shit about intact dicks because he was a Christfag.

Also, Oprah gets rich shilling circumcision to housewives since she owns stock in a company that makes face-cream out of ground up baby dicks for old bags to look less old.

Foregen will grow your actual Foreskin back using your stem cells which is entirely plausible if you know anything about the science.

"Restoration" is just stretching the skin from your lower shaft which will create a good "artificial" Foreskin but will not regenerate the sensitive frenulum and riged band.

>India isn't the country known for gang rapes

1. It isn't. India has one of the lowest rape rates in the world. India is a feminist shithole.

2. Why do you even care about raped women, you whiteknight filth.

It's so that the jews can hide easier. Harder to root out the jewish plague that way.

I have phimosis so what do I do? Get cut? Fuck you OP and please POO IN LOO.

You don't even know what a real orgasm feels like.

That is simply not true at all. Nice try.

How could you know?

>that feeling of numbness in my penis

Go to doctor
Ask for stretching cream and advice. Circumcision is last resort stuff, its only standardised in the US to help their jew population blend in

Some skin is not going to make an orgasm feel any different physiologically, Pajeet.

It's not """"some skin""""
>if you had it, this would be obvious to you already.

>unironically thinking numbness is orgasm
Truely cucked

>20k nerve endings plus a sensitive glans would have no effect whatsoever on sensation

Why cant you guys just accept its a fucked practice and not do it children that cant say no? Are you that stubborn, that nonsensical tradition born out of jewish doctrine is more important than your son being able to decide what happens to his cock?

Foreskin allows males to achieve orgasm intensity levels comparable that of uncircumcised females.
>I don't give a shit about how your orgasm feels, just don't mutilate your child's penis. He can have it done when he is old enough to chose, but he won't.


Citations and everything, boys. Get this, scholarly scientific and medical journals too. Actual medical professionals? No way.

>oh it's all fake and the jews paid for that

i dont care

You're acting like we want to be cut

Best part, all those dick skins get sold for profit by the hospital.
Good goy

>Allegation 10
>Rebuttal: More 'varied' sex lives.
>circumcised oral sex more enjoyable for """"women"""".
>implying you are tryng to fill in what's missing with more promiscuity

Tfw one of the utmost human pleasures forever eludes you.

Honestly I'm considering getting a circumcision. Constantly thinking about muh dick is a waste of fucking time. For I'm less sensible I'll give less of a fuck about degenerate porn and vaginal Jew.

>"Opponents of circumcision allege that this protective layer of skin on the glans makes it less sensitive. There is no proof of this statement - many men circumcised as adults claim that once the glans becomes moist (e.g. during sexual intercourse), it has nearly identical sensitivity with that of the uncircumcised penis"

>"Many men have also reported that the foreskin, instead of "facilitating" sexual intercourse, actually hinders it [10] because the glans is covered for a lot of the time, thereby reducing the sensitivity experienced by both partners. Even though the exposed glans is less sensitive than in the uncircumcised case, the former regains a lot of its sensitivity when the glans becomes moist (due to the use of lubricants or naturally during intercourse). Also, contrary to the claim often repeated by the anti-circumcision lobby, the foreskin is not the only erogenous part of the penis! Another advantage of circumcision is that the glans becomes enlarged (since it is no longer restricted by the foreskin), which many women find sexually very stimulating. Taking into account the factors mentioned here, as well as the much improved hygienic state of the circumcised penis, it should come as no surprise that a survey of women demonstrated female sexual preference for circumcised men"

I'm not here to change your opinion. I'm intelligent enough to admit there are pros and cons to both sides. If you don't realize that, maybe it's time you sought help.

How often are you supposed to get smegma when you're uncut? I'm uncut but I haven't had smegma since I was very young and I wash with water every day. Apparently smegma is good for the health of your penis? Should I just not wash it?

It would make more sense for the kikes to stop getting circumcised.

every kike and islamonigger belongs in hell


tfw retard good goy parents jew you at birth

Hey for some reason they like the pooper.

My parents chopped off part of my dick. What should I do to them to make them pay?

>Of course you know better Hans

yeah, no nerves or tactile sensation in skin at all ....

>From the day that a child is born until it is old enough to make its own decisions, it is the responsibility of the parents to look after the welfare of their child. This means making decisions that they believe will be in their child´s best interest. If parents are convinced that circumcision will benefit their child, they have the legal and moral right to make this decision for him. This is, after all, what parenthood is all about [13]. In the light of this, some of the comments made by those opposed to the procedure (e.g. that infant circumcision "is an atrocity and a fraud; that it´s brutal, perverse, outrageous violation ...") can only be described as being bizarre on the one hand and totally misguided on the other. Some even equate circumcision with child abuse. Comments like these are irresponsible, not only because they are totally false, but also because they trivialize real suffering and abuse.

What are you on about Pajeet? It honestly doesn't surprise me that this was written by a Poo-in-loo.

I have a feeling you and I don't mean the same thing when we say 'sensitivity'.

The inner head of the penis is not pleasurable at all compared to the foreskin. The foreskin is on a whole different level. The inner part is """"sensitive"""". That is not what we call 'pleasure'.

Other than that have you got any other arguments than """hygiene""" and looks good to """women"""? By that logic we should also mutilate every roastie.

>Tfw one of the utmost human pleasures forever eludes you.

choose your battles carefully, pajeet

Your argument is that an orgasm would be better with foreskin which, again, makes no sense physiologically. That feeling is on the inside.

>there are pros and cons to both sides
What's the pro of forcing an invasive surgery that may or may not have benefits on an infant incapable of consent?

I think it's something for normies that don't masturbate 2 or 3 times a day like us

I havent had that shit since I started masturbating with 10

less sensitivity = last longer = greater overall pleasure for both parties.

checkmate uncutfags


Fucking can never forgive my parents

This is a major reason why I hate kikes



>makes no sense physiologically

Is the diagram in Op in your blind spot?

And by the way, I'd like to see a medical/scientific source which can attest to foreskin having a lot of sensitivity in it, not your opinion. Still have yet to come across it on the internet. I'm waiting.

Most of it I dont care either way but this kike bullshit pisses me off
>don't call the mutilation abuse because it trivialises real abuse
Jewish damage control in response to germany banning circumcision a couple of years back. Fucking shameless. How can you argue against leaving it until the kid can make their own decision? What justifies taking that choice away? Fucking kikes

Can I waterboard my children if I hold a legitimate belief that it will improve their moral character?

>it feels like nothing then you cum

Your source has no medical or scientific validation.

>shit about parental responsibility
They're still wrong though. You might as well argue that parents should be allowed to chop off their kid's fingers if they want to.
>undermines actual abuse
Fallacy of relative privation

Why are you trying to impress women, think about yourself.

Those women want genital mutilation, ask them if they would rate the aesthetics of female circumcision


>utmost human pleasure

>Just american things

Its very simple.
Would 20k nerve endings plus an uncalloused, sensitive glans increase, decrease or have negligible impact on sensation?

In summary, it can be seen that doctors in English-speaking countries introduced widespread circumcision of male infants in the late nineteenth century. At the time this innovation was justified largely in terms of discouraging masturbation, then regarded as a serious disease in its own right and as the cause of many more, but this rationale was increasingly overlaid by others in the early twentieth century, including protection against syphilis and cancer, freedom from phimosis (seen as a problem mainly because it was thought to provoke masturbation), and a general contribution to both moral and physical hygiene. To justify circumcision on the ground that it discouraged masturbation was to acknowledge that the operation reduced the sensitivity of the penis and curtailed sexual pleasure, a powerful argument to use at a time when most respectable people believed that excessive sexual indulgence was morally wrong as well as physically harmful; mainstream paediatric and child care manuals continued to assert the value of circumcision as a disincentive to masturbation right up until the 1950s. With the advance of the sexual revolution in the 1960s (by which time routine circumcision survived only in the USA, Canada and Australia) this ceased to be a strong selling point; if a doctor there wanted to persuade parents to let him amputate part of their baby's penis he now had to reassure them that the procedure would significantly increase health without noticeably reducing sexual functionality or pleasure, and the original logic of its introduction was lost in a welter of social, aesthetic and medical rationalisations. At the scholarly level, the significance of the original link between masturbation and circumcision was rediscovered in the 1950s, when belief in the harmful effects of the former was declining, and as medical historians began to investigate the origin, course and effects of the onanism scare during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

>implying im talking about the act of defecation

Is it possible to repair glans?
I dunno how the penis head glans get fucked up, but dick heads should be red or purple, not a slightly darker skin color.
I don't give a fuck about the cocksleeve I just want my glans back.

See Do some reverse google search if you care
Btw was directed to you

There are literal cock sleeves that will cover your glans so that it starts to go back to normal, don't know how effective they are

Yeah you used the word elude wrong so therefore I give it 0 stars.

Holy fuck, thanks Straya, I'm gonna try some.
Do they have a brand name or something?

>Implying I was wrong.

If the tip of the foreskin is so sensitive then why can't you cum by rubbing it?

And again that's not medical, scholarly, or scientific. And for all I know, some Sup Forums bro wrote it who hasn't even had sex yet. Next.

>dick insecurity thread #6,870
Oh look.
It's another one of these threads.

See? You don't even have an argument!

No idea sorry man, but someone else was talking about them in this thread. Just google glans hoods / sleeves for sensitivity, should yield some results

You can lol. Your pleasure lasts so long if someone just plays with your foreskin.

brb going to boost the USA opinion of the non-jewed penis

my parents arent even jews and they still chopped part of my dick off

You can. depends how horny you are.

zzz meant for

No argument was warranted. That was your opinion, followed by the typical Sup Forums tough guy insult. Terminate yourself.

>I'm tough now too guys look at me!