can anyone beat English school dinners?
Can anyone beat English school dinners?
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only one tendie
what the fuck
is that an egg?
Bland and tasteless just like England.
american lucnhes are on par with prison food
America can.
that's battered fish
im guessing you are talking about the sponge cake pudding
> soggy fries
>english thinking they have got good food
what the fuck
Why are you eating dinner in school?
>literally serve happy meals in schools
Put some vegetables in there atleast, jesus fuck
I ate sushi for lunch
t. blog
Oh and I've been to England, and literally the only good food I could find was fish and chips.
I don't believe you.
the food is actually better in prisons than in schools
is it atleast good though
What the fuck is that thing on the left
What's that disgusting yellow shit. Is it halal?
Yes, Jamie fucking Oliver.
OK, you Mexicunts make a mean burrito, I'll give you that. Now get back to mowing the lawn, Pablo.
Potatoes are vegetables, ass, and the bread is made from vegetable parts.
That meal is so unhealthy it's not even funny.
>t. recovering fatass
Accurate af.
Whenever I look at other countries' foods I thank God that I live in the South.
forgot to mention, in the north of England where im from we call it dinner, you guys call it lunch.
Black Pudding is great. You missed out son.
It's like Tres Leche cake idiot
cornbread in congealed fat, awesome
Potatoes of protein complete. They just lack Vitamins A, D and B12.
The only free dinner you'll get here is in jail. Fun fact; the food in our county jail is the same food served in our schools. I'm pretty sure stateville also uses the same contractor (sodexo), but I've never got slammed hard enough to go to the joint so I wouldn't know.
Never had proper black pudding, but the blood-centric things I have tried have been absolutely delicious. Blood should make a real comeback as a foodstuff.
Fish n chips, cheese pasta with tomato based sauce, corn n peas, cake n custard, white bread, pasta in a cream based sauce with cucumber, spring onions and corn.
That's what I see.
You are not a burger, get the polish to do it for you after he unclogs your toilet, Ahmed.
Take that back
I know a few ex cons.
Its literally the same food, same portions too. They're always hungry due to the small portion.
Vegetables are prohibited ?
True but the actual protein and nutrient content per calorie is not that great as basic feed goes. Sweet potatoes can help out with some of that.
They're stupid easy to grow and store though. Definitely a good find. And, last I heard, not a target of genetic engineering.
>brits eat sponges
I'm not that surprised.
I got out just before they were forced to make the chips less than 40% lard. I miss those lard chips.
Find some hispanic place, maybe PR community, and look for Morcilla. Same exact thing as far as I know.
>This is considered a 5 star meal in Bongland
Potatoes, milk, and oats form a complete diet as far as vitally necessary nutrients. Of course other foods would contribute to a more optimal vitality, but you would not die of malnutrition consuming this diet. They used to think it was just potatoes and whole milk but that lacked molybdenum.
It is though. This one just has the leche on the outside. (where r u from)
It's sad that schools can't afford bulk chicken/beef, veggies, and rice. That literally all you need for the bare minimum of a school meal.
>Chocolate milk is the highlight of my meal
Fucking sad
afaik gmo foods are not harmful by themselves, it's just that they are bred to be resistant to glyphosate so they can spray and spray and prey Roundup which is mildly mutagenic
If you want a survival food, there isn't much better. Especially if you're in a situation where you need calories. Always supplement your diet with variety.
thats so poor, where are the turkey twizzlers, and potato smileys!?. its alll about that cornflak tart man, chocolate tooth paste ffs.
you were probly to poor and have to bring in a turd smeard over to pieces of moldy old bread. FAGGOT
Fucking bad for you son. Cholesterol through the roof
>can't afford
But that's wrong, its just that they are do ingrained in their own ways and liabilities (can't have people actually cooking now). Buying good ingredients in bulk and having someone cook it up as opposed to prepackaged trash will almost always be cheaper.
This wouldn't be bad as like a Friday "yay it's the end of the week" kind of lunch. But every day...?
777 like 7 years of grain in the silo? Ancient Egypt making a comeback?
But to be sure potatoes are a very valuable thing to have. Everybody should try chucking some potatoes in whatever patch of dirt or a bucket they have around and see just how easy it is. And that's not even growing them properly.
If your liver is working right then dietary cholesterol isn't much of a concern if you're not eating stupid.
Stop being poor and buy a better lunch then.
Stop embarrassing us all by comparing hispanic food with britbong's "shit and chips", Tyronne.
I remember those bad boys being so interesting in flavour, in hindsight the shit in them would probably make my stomach turn nowadays
Way to delete your shit, beaner
It's fine friend. Under normal circumstances you'd always have small amounts of the stuff and only if you killed a pig.
Dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on serum cholesterol. Cholesterol is actually very misunderstood. Not only is LDL not as bad for you as once thought, statins could actually be increasing mortality rates. The real demon of CVD is inflammation causing lesions in vessel walls, which cholesterol is sent to patch up. Decrease chronic reducing consumption of grains and sugars, exercising daily, and fasting regularly...
PTA decide on dinner menu.
Parent Teacher Association.
any parent can be a member.
so like pasta
turkey tizzlers
peas ofc
no gravy
brown and red sauce
m8 that looks like trash
i guess you all eat marmite and vegemite anyway so what's trash compared to dog shit
Sweet wet cake.
Same concept pendejó.
? Serious question, why don't more americans go to private schools?
Its considered JUST tier.
its really expensive
It is most certainly not, it doesn't even taste close to our version, pendejo*
my german grandparents who lived and died in minnesota also called lunch 'dinner' and dinner was 'supper'. i never understood why
love it or hate it, i have good memorys about school dinners. we got to go up for seconds sometimes and the dinner ladys were forever telling us to pronounce the "t" when saying water.
Moscow school. Breakfast.
>brown and red sauce
Do you mean barbecue sauce and ketchup. I can't tell what's britbong slang or not
The question is why your people come up here and clog our schools? I work tech at a school and all I see are you No Ingles muchachos
Can't afford it. All schools should be private though. Education isn't a right and only gets diluted when you expose it to the lowest common denominator.
What is the thing on the bottom left?
we say:
looks pretty good to be truthful relative
pronounce the t in water lmfao you god damned blokes
Add some milk or something for more protein (important for developing brains) and that's reasonably efficient.
>the food is actually better in prisons than in schools
Why is this? Ive never understood why its so bad, ita not even free
>Median income: 6, United States; $43,585
>Median income; 35, Mexico; $4,910
How much expensive is the cost of living of 'Murica? Like wtf.
because dinner time was meal time, you know ,you would "dine", not "lunch".
Florida school lunches are best school lunches.
Such disgusting slimy shit I always hated this country
The portions suck but the food is so shit I never had a problem trading some trays to hungry inmates for favors. A small tray of dumpster-tier food is worth a lot more than you'd expect on the inside, but if you don't keep it lowkey the COs can fuck you over for it. Jails the only place where barely edible garbage can get you like 15 bucks in commissary or if you're really lucky, a few hits off a tiny joint the Aryan Brotherhood smuggled in (protip: talking to the AB is a dumb move that puts a target on your back. That "stick with your race shit" from the movies is a great way to have no friends on the inside). Honestly jail is fucking awful but you're rarely in danger unless you get put on a cell block with nothing but niggers. Even here in cook county it's not that bad as long as you don't have gang tats. We have a separate block here for nonviolent offenders with no gang affiliation and it's a paradise compared to the other 90% of the jail where they cram nigs and spics from rival gangs like sardines and people get stabbed on a daily basis.
Why in the holiest of fucks should i care what kids eat in school?
Underage fagget.
It tastes better pendèjò
>90% of it gets thrown out
wtf man, check russia out, the posh little cunts.
>turkey twizzlers
Don't remind. God, how I'll miss you.
huh. the more you know.
northern england was my favorite part of jolly old when i visited on business. those pies man, i wosh i could get them here.
There is something about this shitty canteen type food that I just love. Having said that I eat in medium price restaurants that are excellent that I hear about through word of mouth. Maybe I just like food in general.
Looks pretty good, desu.
>not a target of genetic engineering
Go back to SF you fucking retard
That's the American Way!
not enough fries
What the fuck does mexico have? You are a third world shithole. You have bean mush in a wrap, what is wrong with you?
A private highschool would cost like 15k a year
>school dinners
don't you have a home? why are you/your children having dinner at school?