Post em
ITT: We post redpilled grills from Tinder
How is any of that redpilled?
well she squats so that's like half the battle
You could at least post more than one image.
Looks a little bit black...
Pick one.
Here you go buddy
xD she le squats le /fit/ lifestyle!!!! redpilled!
fuck off
Shit thread OP
>imported beer
It's not 1976 anymore. America is the home of craft.
>burger beer
oh boy
>American beer
Another Sup Forumsack from the SFV!
>Germanistan talking about beer in a sharia controlled zone
Be careful or you might get stoned
All of you cunts are useless.
Why do you guys even like girls at all? They seem like a meme.
we make the best beer in the world m8. all the white beer brewing euros fled to america to escape sharia law
>dating sites
>red pilled
mfw I have a Sammy flip phone which can't use any app any time any where. and I am forced to pay $25 a month for it, whether I use the 6 hours of call time or not.
>it makes phone calls
You make okay beer, it used to be shit, now it's okay.
You are nowhere close to the best.
>uses tinder
How do you play Pokemon Go ?
a wolf in sheep's clothing
Yeah, no.
Better than that moose cum you drink faggot
>Sup Forums
Check'd and mate'd
>le american beer meme
America is the gold standard in craft beer, cuck.
nice crusty ass drip tip
>Untrimmed fingernails
Bruh clean your drip tip
c'mon burgerbro, even we are better than you when it comes to beer.
At least post Pacifico you disgusting fuck
what the fuck did you do to your pc case or laptop or whatever? are you a child?
>scratches in the back of your laptop
Buy a prepaid, put it in airplane mode and use it with your wifi, dumbass. You can also buy a refurbished unlocked AT&T LG tablet on eBay from a big seller and register it with the free 200mb plan from T-Mobile.
Average American beers taste like fucking bitter piss. Disgusting.
Laptop is my roommates, his gf did it or something.
Flavor for later
>American beer
>German beer
>Canadian beer
>British beer
thats lemonade.