Why are you not an anarchist yet Sup Forums? Take the black pill, no masters. Also, I'd be happy to discuss the ideology and clear up some of the common misconceptions about it.
Why are you not an anarchist yet Sup Forums? Take the black pill, no masters. Also...
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How's high school?
I have a heart you egoist prick.
Nice arguments lads
Not interested in the most supreme form of autism.
But I am one user.
Contrarian memelord alt-righter is the real high school ideology.
daily reminder that anarchism is just pretentious satanism is just pretentious nihilism is just pretentious utopianism
Communism is the only way
Mutualism, individualist anarchism, and anarcho-syndicalism are neat ideas. Anarcho-collectivism is retarded because it supports the same type of inefficient "credit" economies that fucked the Soviet Union up so hard. Ancap is an underdeveloped ideology, and less worthy than minarchism or modern libertarianism, which are much better thought out.
The real plus of anarchism nowadays is that it pushes people to challenge the actual sources of authority, and question their legitimacy. That said, in many ways I think anarchism has become outmoded. It seems like its descendants are green politics and social democracy, at least in terms of values.
What sort of anarchist? Syndicalist, mutualist etc.?
high school political views
>pussy liberal indoctrinated into utopian socialist beliefs
>alt-right invisible fedora future memefiend
>edgelord anarchist coldsteel worshiping newfriend
>no political views needed bro my sports teams are more important
etc etc
care to elaborate on mutualism? I'm the OP and am only mildly familiar with the works and ideas of Proudhon in particular. I consider myself a voluntary individualist with a few important distinctions between ancaps
hell yeah now im an
anarcho capitalist nationalist
CNT is a qt
wow this guy seems pretty cool
None of those are neat ideas. Authority exists because people love authority. Fringe elements that don't are not relevant, at most they bitch about it, and in past they committed some terrorist acts which achieved nothing.
So any ideology based on negating authority is out of touch with human nature. There will always be leaders and followers.
Point is to make leaders serve the followers as much as possible. You'll never remove leaders, because humans aren't all same and with same capacity.
Ideologies and philosophies that base themselves on a small group of highly intelligent people (or 90% of them) are nothing but pointless intellectual pursuits and waste of time.
Majority of population anywhere is dumb or average in mental capacity. They want simple instructions, simple path to follow.
this is really nice
we are sharing iqs and there seem to be very few people
pic related
Surrrre you dont have a master.
>tfw no anarchist gf
Good arguments lads
All anarchists turn into neofeudalism the moment I gather the strongest people and decide to take other people's stuff. But you anarchokiddies are retarded anyway.
basically, the point of mutualism is to try and set up a system where you get back the value of your work. Mutualists support a market system, but believe in democratically run firms where the firm is collectively owned. Like syndicalism, mutualists also believe in people having a democratic say over things in proportion to how much they affect them.
You're an edgy, stupid teenager who imagines himself part of some imaginary elite. For these systems to work, there would need to be a strong system of public education.
That person could go off and start their own farm but don't expect them to hire anyone when everyone else is working collectively
Oh im sorry did you not understand?Ill explain.Its a retarded child voraciously gobbling an imaginary cock.Its what I think of when stupid people try to impress others with stupid ideologies.
What I really wonder is how are most modern anarchist linked to communism? Did the communist propaganda really try to convince the anarchists, that fascist communism is the necessary step to reach real anarchism or are they just completely confused lads.
I really start to believe, that communist propaganda was so effective, that it's still all around us even if nobody is really seeding it anymore. It's like a ghost of the UDSSR.
>I gather the strongest people and decide to take other people's stuff
you're welcome to try
The most productive people will want to keep their shit. That's how evolution works. The strong do well, the weak do poorly. You can't understand the idea of people being self-interested though because you don't believe evolution applies to humans. If you did you wouldn't be a leftist, unless you actually are mentally handicapped or have genetic defects.
See, I knew someone would make this dumb response.
It's a fact buddy. I don't consider myself some God-given ruler of masses, it's just how it is. Majority of people can't possibly comprehend and aren't even interested in your intellectual wanking that takes for it's subject some perfect rational human being.
Just check IQ distribution in ANY European or Asian society.
Now consider the fact that Africans, Arabs, or Indians are a lot worse.
Well some hardcore Stalinists might think that. Frankly I'm quite critical of the self proclaimed "socialist states", they did some good things but I admire the Paris Commune and other libertarian socialist experiments more.
Provide an actual argument next time laddie i'm not trying to impress anyone
Yeah, and I'll succeed. That's how every state in history was formed. By the strongest people taking control. If I have the strongest people by definition I beat you. Checkmate.
What makes one better than the other the business owner who inherited his factory is a parasite and gets coordinators to run it for him anyway. He does nothing but sit on his arse.
That's total bullshit by the way, your picture.
Relevant Jews in early USSR were Kamenev, Zinovyev, Trotsky, and Kaganovich.
After Stalin's fun ride only Kaganovich remained.
Everyone else was non-Jewish.
>negro is literally in the country name
sorry, but I don't want to live like a fucking animal and get killed by a bunch of naked niggers.
under anarchism humanity simply can't evolve
>no faith
>no loyalty
What's it like being a sociopath?
Is context not a thing in bongland?it should be easy to see my point.for one,simply declaring yourself to be unbound from rule is bullshit.like it or not you exist aithin the boundaries set by whatever governing institution lords over you.to believe otherwise is indicative of being either a child or impoverished...possibly a nigger,as well.
Alright, good luck convincing the vast majority of the population to stunt their power so you and your bourgeois buddies can benefit
>dah jooos
top kek
Please stop posting, Montenegro. You have nothing intelligent to say.
Both the free territory in Ukraine and revolutionary Catalonia were crushed incredibly, almost embarrassingly easy by statists (from both left and right)
At least socialism managed to stagger on for 90ish years before collapsing spectacularly.
I'm not a moron.
Facts are unrelated to intelligence. And these are facts. At no point was 95% of Bolshevik central government Jewish.
MIght equals right humans are hierarchical by nature good day to you sir
T. ex anarchist
So what? Capitalism was crushed easily at first. Still dominated the world by the 19th century and now it's facing endless crises in the "first world"
How about I convince the vast majority of the population that they get a share of your shit? I won't even have to fight, they'll kick your ass for me.
because im not a complete retard
So because I live in a society where a government exists I should just accept it even though there are previous societies that have strived without one.
Might I add that insults are not arguments
to bad she was probably raped to death by fascists
That's it let it all out don't worry no one here can hurt you
Read Leviathan you fucking faggot.
Quality argument
"This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of blood sucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other... This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralisation of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found." Mikhail Bakunin
Not an argument
No sources provided in that climate rebuttal no ok
How about you provide sources showing an H20 feedback? Protip: you can't
You need heirarchal management if you want power, water, food - basically everything to survive - unless you want to live in a wood like a dog.
Oh please,and how do you express your independence from govt rule?if youre anything like every other "anarchist" ive known over the years you clothe and feed yourself from dumpsters,have a family who thinks youre an idiot and stay up late copying marxist writings into a notebook because youre a revelutionary young mind!its all bullshit.youre a member of your society and as such are suvkect to the same system of rule,risk and consequence as everyone else.
I need someone to blame for why I'm a sad piece of shit.
The internet told me that it's brown peoples' fault.
Therefore, I want a government to save me from the brown people. I have convinced myself that I would stop being a sad piece of shit who fails at life if this were to happen.
Because I like a functioning society where everyone has an obligation to work and no one is forming war parties to loot for resources because they realize they have no skills and can only survive by pillaging and destroying.
I was an anarchist. But, I was conquered by a large number of organized archists, who forced me to join them, or be killed. The problem with anarchy is that the only way to prevent powerful organizations from forming is to have a powerful organization in place to prevent powerful organizations from forming. This inherent contradiction makes anarchy functional for very short period of time, ending with the creation of another powerful government.
>he thinks I support Laissez-faire
wrong, see pic
>leftists think the people who create jobs are parasites
you can't make this shit up, business owners create value by 1. creating jobs and 2. efficiently allocating work. Did you think managers were completely worthless?
thx JIDF, please provide sources for your information