I can't wait to play this diverse game!
I can't wait to play this diverse game!
Haha white boys btfo by strong black war heroes
Decided on Titanfall 2
Weapons will prob be more fun in that game than any shitty WWI iteration from ((((((((Dice)))))))
Looks fun enough to warrant 80 bucks but your bullshit bitching just makes you the faggot really.
What's wrong with the game? It's not worth buying or what?
It's forcing liberal narratives about history.
>There aren't black men in the military
>You don't want to play as a badass black guy in a global conflict
Really turning my gears
The pandering is fucking out of control. Making all the characters now in all media black for the sake of trying to appear not racist. The vast majority of the people who created this game are white. I love how CTR says all whites are racist because they are white and if they take pride in their race they are being racist. So, let me get this straight its ok for a black man to be proud but not a white person simply because the color of their skin. Isn't that the very essence of racism. Does this mean that the people crying racist are the racists?
Really makes you think...
I chose cod. I'm just in it for that remaster
The retarded part is that there actually was an all black regiment of American soldiers who actually won some honors. But instead of following that probably compelling story, they are shoehorning niggers among the Aussies, French, Germans, and other American regiments.
What's the problem? The United States had plenty of black soldiers fighting in World War 1
wtf i hate video games now
at least final fantasy will never have a black character
Any photos?
>collector's edition doesn't even include the fucking game
You mean America had a bunch of blacks in ww1 fighting for the French. A country that isn't in the game
>white person plays a role that should be a minority
>hahaha look at these subhumans chimping out lmao directors should choose whatever actor they want
>minority instead of white person in movie
>omg those jews and comminusts are destroying the planet this movie must be stopped
its like you cant even see yourself from a third person viewpoint
>only way to get MW remastered is to buy the collector edition of Infinite Warfare
This! this is my fucking problem with the game and why I made the post. Its taking nothing of value such as actual history and instead throwing a black man in there for the sake of diversity. I thought it was about the all black regiment until I looked at the game. At least we got to see some cool black history in a non liberal force fed agenda in the film Glory.
America barely even fought in WW1 at all tho.
The USA, Britain and Germany have always been black.
Karl the Great was actually black. Guillaume the Conqueror was originally from Africa. George Washington was a slave owning racist portrayed as the first president of the USA by history when actually it was Yakub Brown, ex-slave, that won the United States' independence from Britain and freed the slaves from the racist confederates.
I think you mean the french had plenty of black soldiers. The US hardly fought in WWI. Do you even history Breh?
>Blacks claiming credit for a war they never fought in
We wuz soljurs n shiet!
Verdun is far superior, don't even use Bolt Action rifles in this "World War 1" game
Get the fuck back to Sup Forums you massive degenerate.
just buy Verdun
They don't even use the Enfield mkI or mkIII in this game? Are you fucking kidding me?! God damn it someone please give me a historically accurate game!
Nope. It's Jews trying to strip whites of all their history.
I've been out of the loop on BF1 for a while, and news on an open beta on PS4?
Reminder that skins are customizable
Go back to Buzzfeed and take your buzz words with you.
So either both people are wrong or both are right... which is it?
I doubt there is this retarded calling for objectivity and being rational in the leftist/sjw camp. So in the end your little argument only works if you say the same to other side, otherwize our side is disarmed of the reactionary "bitching" that makes the other side so strong.
The right thing is to not give a shit about little things like this and to not get triggered by the everything that doesn't fit your worldview.
Hardly and most fought for the French anyway.
I'm not buzzing words, videogames are a massive time sinker that can potentially ruin your life.
already did famalam
And im sure i have had better ww1 experiences with verdun than i ever would with battlefield 1
Just play Rising Storm 2.
infinite warfare will not be a failure, but the lowest selling cod to date
They WILL sell the remaster on its own in order to make up for the lack of sales
release date when????
Probably November 1st.
Whatever. You get 20% off when you buy games from Amazon so it balances right back to the cost of the base game
inb4 reading novels and watching movies aren't. Video games have become really just another medium to tell a story. Shouldn't you be making some Hillary shill threads or something?
Fucking KEK! I needed this. Thank you good sir.
>sides obliterated