She's trying to rebuild a socialist economy that'll help the rich and poor alike. Where's the fucking proof btw of her "alleged" crimes about her family's foundation? Also don't act like you dumbasses don't make mistakes with computers. She was a SENATOR and SECRETARY OF STATE. What did Trump do again?
Why are you idiots against her?
Other urls found in this thread:
>help the poor
>by destroying the value of their labor
.02 Shekels have been deposited to your shill account, now please leave.
She's trying to balance everything out. This way the niggers have something better, but old rich fucks are afraid of getting cucked by a real man.
>Why are you idiots against her?
Making a lot of assumptions here, guy.
I for one am ecstatic that Trump has imploded and Hillary has the possibility to completely blow him out come November.
>What did Trump do again?
Well, for starters he didn't go back to sleep while Americans were being overrun and an ambassador killed. Instead of moving heaven and earth to pull our people out of there, she took a nap.
I see that you're not only a shill but a dumb commie.
>helps rich and poor
No. Much like capitalism, the arbitration in the socialist government primarily benefits the arbiters.
Read a book nigger
>she took a nap.
Since when? She's made a name for herself in the '70s and rose to the top using Bill Clinton to get her face and ideas to everyone when he became president. She's very clever and that's what we need. Trump meanwhile had countless affairs, went bankrupt, and had to pull out multiple loans to get his "casino" going again. So go head and vote for the fuckwad that's going to enslave you.
>rebuild socialism
>dumb commie
So a moose fucker is implying that America isn't already a communist country? Do you fucking history?
>What did Trump do again?
Well for one, Trump hasn't been a government employee all his entire adult life.
Shill or otherwise you need to die
I believe in punishing criminals. Not rewarding them
Ban guns.
Open borders to criminals and leeches.
Import rapefugees.
Encourage domestic BLM terrorism.
Empower CTR and MSM propaganda machines.
Hand over more and more power to the government and their corporate masters.
I'm sure the country will be great under Shillary's cuntwhore leadership. Stupid CTR cucks.
Do you retard
>socialist economy that'll help the rich and poor alike
>socialist economy
>help the rich
>help the poor
Well memed
Ban guns.
Open borders to criminals and leeches.
Import rapefugees.
Encourage domestic BLM terrorism.
Empower CTR and MSM propaganda machines.
Hand over more and more power to the government and their corporate masters.
I'm sure the country will be great under Shillary's cuntwhore leadership. Stupid CTR shills.
If you think america is a communist country I understand you people vote for Hillary. You are to stupid to see the forrest because of the trees
How can she be pro tpp AND for "climate control"? That would destroy US economy. Create strict environmental protection regulations, it drives up production costs. Making it even more desirable to send jobs to china where they burn plastic for heat.
people will vote for her when she kills herself
I no longer care if it's bait. Please die in an excruciating manner.
By your own hand would be preferable.
Slide thread
Go away Hillary shills
Im for her because she knows how to eat KFC like a fucking american
Well OP basically capitalism and socialism want to achieve the same... The only difference is that socialistfucktards are lazy cunts and want to get the same shekkels than the hard working capitalistic minded... The only reason why socialism never worked and never will work... This debate isnt even woth mentioning anymore, just gtfo
Atleast trump didnt knowingly killed niggers in african countries or haïtians in haïti fgt, her corruptness is like worse than all cancers combined... There's a reason that africa stays underdeveloped, inb4 muh niggers, clinton is more whitesupremacist than trump if you ask me
She has had s stroke and is physically unfit for the position.
you believe the rigged polls? even if you did, the most recent ones show trump coming back anyways
I thought we purged all of the Hill-shills.
This must be one of the last remnants. What a shame.
>I did not have sexual relations with that woman
>Not a single time
People against her literally get murdered. It doesnt get any worse than that. As an outsider, the corruption in the US is fucking astounding. I feel sorry for you fags
You really Corrected my Record.
Honestly I wish there was a corruption purge squad. If a politician is corrupt, they either get arrested or executed by the squad.
you are very symbol minded
I just want to be left alone. Trump will do that.
>Where's the fucking proof btw of her "alleged" crimes about her family's foundation?
there's plenty of proof if you did any actual research
she's corrupt as fuck
I don't give a shit how retarded Trump is, I'm not voting someone that'll trade American lives and interests for money. You oughtta be ashamed of yourself.
Good thing you're too young to vote.
Lets see -- Hilary got there by her name and volunteers hard work
Trump got there by his hard work
who has more experience?
Daily reminder this bitch wears diapers under her commie suits because she's brain damaged from several strokes. We don't need a pantshitter in office who's on the toilet when that 3 AM call comes in.
Just looking at that image, I hate how stupid the FBI is. They know she's done these crimes but they don't bother busting her. Its literally like they are asking their own US citizens to handle that shit.
Syria has a democratically elected government that doesnt agree with the United States of Assholes or the President anyways, Hilary has a lot of foreign experience of putting in a dictator shill to rape the country
They don't have the authority to bust her. Comey made it pretty clear she is guilty but they can do nothing about it. He blasted her and all but begged everyone to vote for Trump.
If Trump wins and isn't assassinated, maybe they will be able to go after her and her Foundation.
Sage for shill thread.
>They don't have the authority to bust her. Comey made it pretty clear she is guilty but they can do nothing about it
They should just say "FUCK IT" and arrest her anyway. Some agents may lose their jobs in the process but sometimes you gotta make a sacrifice.
Lose their jobs? Their fucking families would be murdered. Comey even mentioned that his family and integrity were the most important things to him, in that order. That was a message. The official that responded to him thanked him for mentioning that and said that everyone will remember those words deeply. That too was a message.
>Their fucking families would be murdered
If Clinton gets arrested and tossed in prison or dies, that shit would end.
its funny how you expect them to make sacrifices because its convenient to your world order and reasoning
how about you make some sacrifices, get a folder of anti hilary pics, and promote Jill Stein so that Trump gets voted in, but at the same time, notify the politicians that these issues have voter interest. The next election they might use these as a platform. This pulls the government in a different direction. Besides voting just tells the elites how much people are pissed off and willing to get off their couch towards a revolution. If you cant stop watching 1 hour of TV to vote, they dont have to worry about you risking jail and going in the rain to kick them out of office.
People don't mysteriously die when they stand up to trump
Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.
>Thinking Clinton is a socialist.
You're a tard if you think this is a shill thread and not just a troll.
Jilly Juggs
Make everyone rich.
>kill nigger babies
>remove kebab behind the scenes
>steal from the poor
>lock up darks
I think I actually might vote for her
Think I'm in love.