Do you think the army men from Toy Story are actually bloodthirsty little bastards?

Do you think the army men from Toy Story are actually bloodthirsty little bastards?

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They're just hardworking men who want to do their country proud.

their not bloodthirsty bastards, they are just molded that way.


>still no Army Men spin-off movie
Way to drop the ball pixar.

>Andy buys another bucket of soldiers
>It's tan

FUCK. So much missed potential.

I imagine they'd all have a shared unspoken vibe of impotence due to their guns not actually working.

Could lead to some good jokes, and of course have them McGyvering stuff a la Home Alone or Small Soldiers if the Army Men movie did become a thing.

>3DO's unrelated Army Men franchise will never be bought and revived by someone competent
>even if it was it would flop because the kids will call it "gay CoD for kids"

Just don't make it an FPS.

Make it an RTS with the cursor literally being the kid's hand that's playing with the toys.