Hey there Sup Forums. Yesterday this particular comic came in the mail for me. With that said I've taken the liberty of scanning the pages to this comic myself, that way we can storytime this much earlier before the rips come around.
I tried my best to make them as high quality as I could. They may still be a bit rough around the edges, but they're still readable.
With that said, Happy 25th Anniversary Sonic, and Welcome to "Sonic: Mega Drive."
>mfw this entire issue They're all too damn cute. I want to hug them all.
Ayden Powell
Thomas Morgan
The genie says "Best I can do", and Sonic 3 & Knuckles was better than Chaotix.
Jordan Myers
It's so old, though, that I don't even think it's that much of a problem.
Nicholas Evans
God this artwork looks so damn good. The style is just perfect.
Honestly it just makes me sad that this is no longer the official style for the games anymore. It feels so much more vibrant like this.
Maybe when Sonic gets yet ANOTHER reboot they'll go back to this. Here's hoping.
Jacob Sanders
That's how it ends? Wow, if they hadn't already announced a second issue that would have been a real dick move.
Fun though. I'd kill for an ongoing in this art style.
Robert Price
I couldn't help it. It was too reaction worthy.
Jose Hall
James Russell
Wow that was really, really good. Nailed the cheeky old style of the Mega Drive games really well. Can't wait for the next issue.
Angel Roberts
Made a better version with the digital pages.
I think what works about it is that it kinda proves how the Sonic CD style has a lot of potential for expressions and slapstick. They are so simplistic that you can easily forgive the 'single eye two pupils' design some of the characters have, and they can be exaggerated without feeling out of place.
Knuckles for example felt just fine with all of his wacky expressions despite heavy exaggeration.
Evan Roberts
There's going to be four issues so they can put them all in a trade when it's done. They're just rusing us.
Angel Butler
Jason Rogers
I personally think simplistic pupil eyes are better at emoting then more detailed ones.
Sonic Team going back to that bright and colorful Sonic CD style aesthetic is one of my big dreams with the franchise, but they won't.
>Next issue in god damn November
Luis Sanchez
Yeah, that sounds like something Archie would do...
Ryan Long
>Having to wait till November Yeah I know that feeling bro.
Anthony Watson
Oh it is. Sonic just works better with simplicity. Keep him simple but allow his expressions to be more out there and we'd have a great Sonic design.
Justin Clark
Anyone know where to find .zip or cbr of Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia? Neither SonicScanf nor TKA have it.
Grayson Gutierrez
I guess basically like the Classic Sonic model in Generations then?
Nathan Flores
Juan Barnes
>nor TKA have it You didn't look hard enough.
Anthony Nguyen
Didn't the company that made the Game Shark go bust? Or am I thinking of Game Genie?
Owen Gray
Ooops, my bad. For some reason it wasn't showing up on my side.
Angel Edwards
Galoob made the Genie. They were bought out by Hasbro.
The Gameshark is owned by Mad Catz now, but they seem to have retired it.
Leo Gutierrez
Good to see Hei-Ho found work after the Death Egg got axed.
Noah Myers
>all this Amy being cute It's nice to imagine how many times Boco cut himself while reading this issue.
Easton Carter
Har har.
Hunter Green
Why you so tsun-tsun, Boco~?
Adrian Collins
tyson hesse is the best, i really want to buy this and i´m not even a sonic fan, the style of classic sonic is awesome and it´s nice to see some classic sega recognition
Jordan Hughes
I'm enjoying the art style too much to care. Just this once.
Jason Phillips
Classic 80s/90s Sega was always best Sega.
Robert Ward
my nigga someday i want to draw an official panzer dragoon or streets of rage comic for sega
Camden Perez
Hey, you never know. Extraordinary things can happen if you believe in yourself.
Bentley Carter
There's something I really love about how they drew Robotnik with one leg out of the machine while attacking, it's a nice touch.
Camden Peterson
It was back when everything they did was interestingly experimental and all their games were colorful and full of life. The alternate timeline where the Saturn and Dreamcast were commercially successful must be a great place.
Caleb Collins
Just take a moment and a step backwards and compare this art style, to say, sonic booms. It makes you realise how cancerous sonic booms designs are and how you truly just don't fuck with perfection, christ sega, fix your shit.
Jaxson Carter
>Fun though. I'd kill for an ongoing in this art style. Wish granted. It will replace Sonic Universe.
Christian Anderson
Eh, Boom worked fine outside of the games, though.
Brandon Anderson
I hate everything about Sonic Boom. Just, hate it.
Brody King
My brother.
Ryder Wood
>Next issue in god damn November What, why, who, ho- >Archie Ah
Grayson Bell
Not like Universe has been that good since the book rebooted anyway.
Kevin Campbell
>Tyson drew this
>He also drew pic related
Gabriel Williams
This is really making me want to replay the old Sonic games.
Or Sonic 4 Ep 1 and 2.
Or some ROM hacks.
Ayden Adams
I was thinking some of the reaction shots looked familiar. Good job on him.
Wyatt Cook
I want to FUCK Amy!
Evan Butler
Wow that Sonic at the bottom is straight lifted from the Sonic CD opening. That's neat.
Colton Robinson
That's actually not a bad idea for a boss, it'd be like the start of the Labyrinth Zone boss but reversed, run away until you can reach the end where he destroys himself.
Joseph Gonzalez
CD kinda did something like that. The Crystal Quartz boss, if I recall.
Ayden Lewis
Holy shit, a sonic comic I liked
Ethan Hernandez
>Capsule only has animals that swim
Nice touch
Lincoln Foster
THIS is the sonic I love. None of that relationship drama garbage or filled with filler characters.
Owen Cooper
Should the main comic and Universe be cancelled and replaced with this?
Ayden Morris
I would be completely happy with that.
Xavier Martin
I'm buying three copies of this comic to support it.
Evan Bailey
I'd be alright with that. But more likely, they'd can Universe for it and condense Universe's side stories into backups for the main comic.
Lincoln Johnson
Why would they can Universe? This wouldn't be the first time that 3 Sonic books were running at the exact same time. Only reason Boom got cancelled is because the higher ups went full retard
Robert Turner
No, that's retarded.
I'd like this as a quarterly side series, but in addition to what we already have.
Austin Martin
>Only reason Boom got cancelled is because the higher ups went full retard And you think they won't again?
Anthony Kelly
The comic hasn't had relationship drama since the reboot.
Jordan Johnson
>Not taking into account the Egg Bosses
That's a tough call.....
Ian Allen
The egg bosses did nothing for me, neither did the pre-reboot batch either.
Adrian Wright
Wait, that small series of comics was made by the guy who made this?
That's....... incredibly awesome.
Lucas Jenkins
Wasn't the same pretty much in older games? Animals released from the capsules would correspond to the area they're in.
Jose Murphy
No, that's be retarded as all hell.
Landon Evans
Yeah basically. Penguins and seals in ice levels etc.
Jason Rodriguez
No. I love classic Sonic, but man, am I tired of people foaming at the mouths for it. Barring postReboot as a whole, the way the main comics have always been fine, at least for me, and it'd be stupid to get rid of them with how much they bring in.
Lucas Ortiz
i always hear the oh great A WALL part with that fandub voice
Mason Adams
Note, "always been fine" is a blatant exaggeration, obviously it has had MAJOR rough patches, and just horrible decisions, but still. It just annoys me how people rave over classic and moan over everything the comics do, even when it gets pretty cool, at times.
Eli Gray
yeah the comics have some really good runs, as long as we have more artists like tyson hesse and less like ken penders everything´s good
Jacob Gutierrez
By sheer coincidence, I happen to have replayed Sonic CD very recently, actually.
Now that you mention it, that was pretty similar, you were just in place the entire time so it isn't immediately evident that the two are comparable. While they could be a touch on the easy side, Sonic CD deserves some serious credit for their unorthodox bosses that required more out-of-the-box thinking to defeat.