I hate being brown

>MFW I'm attracted to white girls
>MFW I'm Hispanic
>MFW I'm red pilled so it would be a betrayal to my beliefs to have a child with a white woman.

I think I will die virgin in order help saving the US.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why not adopt?

iq, workethic, and commitment to the continuation of Western Civilization matter more than race friend, don't buy the muh skincolour meme, Hispanics are alright in my book, better than blacks and canadians at least

>become muslim
>go to syria
>join refugees to eu
>get refugee bucks
>get introduced to young and progressive white girls
>allahu ackbar

>I'm Hispanic
>I'm red pilled

I'm pretty sure that those two things don't go together

Also average IQ doesn't mean shit, its just that an average. I my self am a white male dating a Puerto Rican girl. Shes pretty smart and Im sure our kids would turn out fine so long as they're raised right .

stop posting frogs for one you fucking nignog

fuck that man date who ever you want just raise the kids to be conservative

don't let the memes consume you

I don't think I could raise an adopted child as well as my a child that has my genes.

>average IQ doesnt mean shit
Wew lad.

Nigger and spic countries are shit because the inhabitants are low iq.
Kill yourself. Puerto ricans are mostly white anyways unless you're dating one of the full blown niggers.

They have almost no native admixture. The spanish killed all the taino on the island, so puerto spics are mostly white with some nigger mixed in.

don't worry m8, i'm white and i'll be a wizard

Kill yourself shitskin. Kill your parents and all your siblings to help stregthen the human gene pool. Have a spectacular day pussy beaner

yo im hispanic and redpilled, date a chink they arent too bad or just move out of us and get married somewhere else like im gonna do

Then you are stupid.

Just marry a white looking spic then

in an individual case average iq's don't mean shit is what he means friendo

I am indian and I have had white and east asian girl friends. Are you ugly or shy? Because you can fix both.

No... It's not a fucking meme. America is only 60% white for fucks sake. How are you OK with that?

Marry a mestizo or light skinned hispanic gril, Pedro, no sense in being single.

Post your fat dick

No, go for Latinas. They are for you.

>be black
>have excellent white wife with white children from a previous marriage
>she wants more kids
>I don't want to muddle the kids worldview with such craziness but I honestly want to procreate

shut up
hispanics were considered white by the us untill 1920s
your welcome to fuck one of our white women
as long ur not a nigger or muslim

>MFW same
>MFW I simply screw them, will not marry them
>MFW I avoif the guilt with the red pill
No jodas OP, simplemente razona.

PLEASE just donate sperm or something.
We cant help our genes are recessive just like you can't help being black.

Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner.
>inb4 Hispanic is race, viva la raza mierda!

Fun fact: Hispanics and white people are of the same race.

Average IQ doesn't mean shit to an individual. An intelligent beaner will have intelligent children.

Which am I then? Because I thought I was both.

Fun Fact Two: Hispanic is not a race.


Dubs speak the truth.
Hispanic is simply an ethnicity.

Shy, I mean all the people with autism are shy and we all know every guy in Sup Forums has autism. So its obvious.


>IQ doesn't mean shit

>not marrying a hispanic qt and making mexico great again

the whole fucking point is preserving the beauty of your own heritage and culture

we just talk about preserving whiteness cause most of us are white

I'm white and fuck your latina women with no regards for anything not even safe sex.

do you not know how to read leaf? Average iq means jack shit when it comes to individuals, we are talking about individuals

you can't fix ugliness

Not even that ugly but I am cripplingly shy

Who /handholdless/ here?

Just settle for a gook or another wetback. Avoid niggers and sand niggers. Leave the white girls for white guys, you aren't helping by shitting up the white genes.

I had to learn this the hard way, I will not and neither you will ever be white.

can i get a iq test to complete
the other day there was one on some iq thread but it was just figuring out patterns i thought it was bullshit

that's half of a good iq test, the other have is logic puzzles

I wish I was autistic, I might have a decent excuse then

careful user, latina's are extra fertile.

Just channel your autism into art or science or some niche subject/hobby. Chicks get turned on when they cant understand what you are saying

well there is... other options.

I know that feel, I'm Irish, so I have to date others from the British Isles.

You couldn't get a white women if you tried you pathetic shitskin. And fuck all the footkissing faggots in this thread saying you shouldn't be ashamed of your skin color.

I'm redpilled. Dads side is Lebanese and my moms is German/polish. Don't care I got me a white girl and shes cute and has only been with me. Living the dream.

well fuck if were judging people's mental power on their ability to figure out patterns...
i got 107 and i got bored and just put random shit for 2nd half
how do niggers manage

white girls are trash, come over to the dark side.

This man speaks the truth.

I don't care what race you are, just uphold Western values and you're fine by me. Everyone saying otherwise like and are the leftover rotten sewage from Stormfront's basement autists and they won't breed anyways so their opinion on this matter is immediately worthless.

lebanese are bros if they are christian heritage

>>MFW I'm attracted to white girls
>>MFW I'm Hispanic
>>MFW I'm red pilled so it would be a betrayal to my beliefs to have a child with a white woman.

Know ya feels senpai, White dude in love with latinas.

Have children then your kids will have children with whites and so on.

eventually your Hispanic genes will be lost in a sea of white genes.

Same situation you're in bro.

> Armenian (white, but still)
> Immensely attracted to white girls
> Speak to one at an event
> Depp down feel disgusted because I think she must be hating being seen speaking to a non white
> Deep down feel disgusted by myself
> Mfw can't help it

What did you do to me, pol??? Is there any chance of coming back??

too lazy to do anything except read and shitpost here

is that your gf or something?

r u mad my dad is colombian and my mom is a blonde hair green eyed whitey from new york

I think it's really hard to be unfixable ugly. Might cost money, might have to work out, but it's doable 90% of the time

you realize that the basis for intelligence is recognition of patterns right?

No, he won't.


also im dating an eastern european jew :^)

>tfw cuban and have stuck in plenty of white girls
It's cool though cause they all think I'm white or asian.

Nanomachines, son. If you hold on for 20 years we can all be 6'2", blonde haired and blue eyed.

Where can I find dumpsters like these to pour my seed into?

>eastern european jew

is she fucking russian or what?

no i dont. no one's ever told me that or ive never read anything about that online
>canadian education

something that doesn't exist, your iq depends on your parents not the average of your race, if two intelligent beaners have kids low and behold kids gonna be smart

>white women

I'm not talking obesity, just facial defects. I haven't go the money to fix my face and that wouldn't interest me anyway. Not that I'm not that ugly, just shy and no interest in changing.

patterns+logic = intelligence
it sounds simple and it is simple

I know that feel, only I'm white and I like asians. I would like white women if they werent irredeemable at this point.

I hate living in the UK.

mom is from moldova dad is ukranian

Go ahead and wife a white woman, bro.

Only loser virgin neckbeards buy into that "stay away from muh white women" bullshit. They'll literally never get laid, so more booty for you, senpai.

Help redpill normies and when the race war comes kill as many niggers and feminsts as you can.

I'm Indian and it's ok to racemix if you vote republican and donate to the NRA

You're an American hero OP


We only hate the majority on nonwhites. Think of yourselves as like Sikhs. They don't act nigger and are ok so there is no problem.

>against my ethics
This dude is a bullshitter, as a true anchor baby Mexican I speak on behalf of all stateside beaners that this becky motherfucker is lying. We would die to raise a family with a white woman but white women do not go for us because we are brown and generally too short for them.

just remember to choose the side of america and you will be equal

i married a redpilled viet. she's a good wife and works hard. can't find that in white whores these days

shit she probably looks good, but yea don't get baited into giving her shit loads of money early in the relationship , the rest should be ok

>t. non-white

I'm glad you're taking one for our team Paco. Extra beans for you on wall duty.

But I want to marry one and make cute blonde blue eyed kids

This guy gets it

Who #bronzeandbold here?

The sad thing about racemixers (most people who say it's okay are trying to self-justify their own strange attractions that they know are wrong), is that they'll never get what they want.

When you fetishize traits in different groups of women, you always fail to account for the fact that those 'traditional' women you're lusting after aren't going to be interested in you, because if they're traditional in the first place then they're only going to marry someone of their own race.

You'll never catch the dragon in heroin hero, user. Let it go.

You can't fix POO

I feel this all the fucking time.

I feel embarrassed for them about me. Even being around these blonde white girls let alone talking to them, I feel like a shit-skin subhuman.

You have to go back.

funny you fucking say that man shes obsessed with me buying her makeup shit althoughr she doesnt explicity say it.. you got experience here?

Let me just get this free college degree off my financial aid and then I'll leave

Haha kangaroo fucker. I'm an american. you're better off making gun, burger and clapping jokes.

what type of model is this shit
The reason why the Discussion section is short, is that I don’t know what to make of your model. If differential sibling regressions were to be interpreted in terms of a combination of 1) shared E + genetic influence or 2) unshared E + genetic influence, we need first to explain the absence of convergence and worse, the widening BW sibling regression gap with IQ levels. I was unable to explain the widening of BW gap with IQ/SES in terms of environmental influences. I have nothing much to say, and that’s why the Discussion section was brief. But maybe you can succeed where I failed.

As for the T factor, as you see, the BW differential sibling regression is trivial (the 2 last graphs in analysis #1), it amounts to almost nothing.
the results are inconclusive

White women to minorities are basically a status symbol.

Like a big house, 22''s or a gold chain.

I'm Mexican, I learned white women are bad news, baggage, a drain on emotional and financial.

>I had to learn this the hard way

What happened?

You cant racemix and be a nationalist, or talk about how immigrants are ruining things. If you did you would be hypocritical. Your kids will probably identify as Asian too, and become those annoying asian american SJW's.

Just too many downsides. Asian women have better qualities, but fuck it would mess with my politics.
Vietnamese food is god tier btw.
I hope your wife isnt one of the pro commie viets, fuck those.


In both cases the discussion sections are several times larger than the articles. Actually read both of them if you want a serious reply, cunt.

Okay, amigo. You'll always be a non-white in a white country and you'll take that insecurity to the grave.

>I'm Mexican, I learned white women are bad news, baggage, a drain on emotional and financial.
And you think your women are any different?
Any woman who goes to America gets ruined. Probably due to the media and society there, unless you're in Alaska or something then you will be surrounded by that trash.

>Nigger and spic countries are shit because the inhabitants are low iq.
Chile, Uruguay and argentina have higher average iq than americans and also are more safe than the US.