When is the American empire going to fall?

When is the American empire going to fall?

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In case you haven't noticed, the process is underway.

Yeah but it's going to take more than a silly president to bring you guys down a notch

Whenever it happens it won't just hurt America

when yellowstone explodes

Trump is hastening it, but I think he's more of a symptom than the cause.

it already happened, this country wasn't intended to be an empire, it wasn't intended to be a lot of the things it is now. I can't blame some rich British fucks from the 1700s for not having the foresight because nobody can predict such things.

it's been on downfall since Bush Jr at least

It’s already happening though
>corporate welfare making life unlivable the further we get into the 21st century
>riots for social issues and the country tearing itself apart
>economic riots a certainty at some point in the future (maybe the student loan bubble?)

There are certain days on Sup Forums where 'you just had to be there'.

The day the first headlines appear that America is officially only 49% white will be one of them. And it's closer than you think.

America stopped being an empire the second the globalists murdered JFK. There's a reason the 50s and early 60s are the only decades of American history people fantasize about.

looking forward to it

wh*Tes are the leading cause of america's downfall considering they vote in idiots like Trump, Dubya and Reagan.

>There's a reason the 50s and early 60s are the only decades of American history people fantasize about.
What a load of nonsense this post is

that was the golden age, also the 90s I think, but never stopped being an empire

I’m addition to this
>more guns than people, remarkably easier to start shit when you have a lethal weapon in proximity
>healthcare is best in the world but is unaffordable but is contentious and near unaffordable for a lot of people
>decaying infrastructure and LMAO NO JOBS. See Detroit, parts of St Louis, and parts of Chicago
>housing in a larger city where there are jobs is disgusting. Like $4000 in San Fransico for a 1 bedroom or $1500 outside of San Fran with a one hour commute

Within 25 years. A man being elected running on a MAGA platform is an indicator of decline.

The USA is a republic, and just like Rome before it, it will transition into a real empire. Or it will collapse.

Holy shit I messsed this post up
*healthcare is near unaffordable for lots of people

America is not an empire, and I don't give a damn what your soy laden opinion about it might be abo boy.

Not very soon, and it will hurt everyone when it does happen.

You'll see people say "Oh, I love the music of the 70s" or "The 80s had such cool fashion!" but most people agree that actually living in those times was pretty shitty overall.

The 90s was a brief upward spike of positivity sparked by the Eastern boogeymen dying off, but most people knew it was just a facade.

After JFK died though, most of America's presence in the world has been mindless grabs for short term gain to keep the machine running. There was no real attempt at making the beast stronger, just keeping it on life support. Now the beast is on its deathbed and its masters are shoveling the last bits of medicine they have to desperately keep it alive (as in, raping the young generations with impossible death and extremely unsustainable situations for pretty much everything). America is over. It'll balkanize within the next 50 years.

>America is not an empire

debt, not death*
But the amount of suicidal younger people nowadays makes me think I might as well have written that intentionally

>It'll balkanize within the next 50 years.
I was with you until this part. You spend too much time on the internet if you believe this.

The modern United States does not feel sustainable. While there is no real secessionist feeling at the moment, everyone I know is feeling deeply unsatisfied with the rest of the nation, a sentiment that only seems to be intensifying. The next major economic crash (which we are due for any time now) will be the breaking point as to whether all 50 states are going to stay together or not in the long run; if it makes us all closer, then America will have another good century left in it. If the divide only deepens, then its days are numbered.

may people as stupid as you die in their sleep

I dunno about secession, but the economic collapse is coming. My bets on housing, again, seeing as even after the bailout rent is still too damn high and owning a house seems like a fantasy.

Alternative is college loans, because hey why not burden a person for trying to get ahead in life only to have all the great jobs given to Pajeets and Chang’s who will work for half of what you do? I know I’m bitter, I’ve embraced it desu

Naw, we'll come together again, and hopefully it will come by way of greater states rights. We'll see.

>have all the great jobs given to
You sound like a whiny, entitled little shit.

>dude American jobs shouldn’t be given to Americans lmao

>aging population
>the costs to put your parents in a nursing home are fucking insane if you're middle class or in debt
>everyone in our generation is in debt



Okay user, keep it :100:

Something has definitely got to change about student loans. Many young people are choosing to stay away from college because of how fucked the loan situation is. There's nothing wrong with trades or community college, but the fact that higher education is being bled to death and forcing entire generations to look away doesn't really spell good news for the future. Most of the highly educated people I know are seriously considering leaving America because the prospects here are so grim.

The super rich obviously don't care. They've gone on record saying that they want the situation to be worse because they don't to pay Western people more than their literal African serfs. The American people will have to do something during the next crash to take back the country; we tried with Occupy Wall Street, but it was taken over by people who wanted to rant about women in STEM instead.

I hope so. For all its flaws, I still love this country. I just hate what has become of its management.

>jobs are given
>not acquired
I did, though. I'm a tradesman.

Don't bash the based Opera singer, m8, he's got a point. The world needs ditch diggers.

I agree that you shouldn't be ashamed of work like that. The job itself probably isn't so bad in a country with a higher standard of living than the United States, like Australia, for instance.

If wealth inequality gets much higher, its over

But I feel a leftist resurgence coming in the near future, which will only strengthen the country

You already were as much oif an empire as you were ever going to be. I'm not looking down on it, you really were the most powerful nation in the whole of human history. It's time for a different phase now tho

I'd like to see socially conservative/moderate progressivism, but I'm worried it's going to be more (((neoliberalism))) + (((social justice)))

people like you annoy the shit out of me

It's happening before your eyes

>meme punctuation

kill youreself

It was sort of (((ironic))) desu senpai. The fact that you're unironically offended by it sort of makes me worry that your idea of "leftist resurgence" places a lot of emphasis on bathroom signs.

Yeah our system is a mess. Unless we partake in another world war where we emerge the sole untouched superpower, we won’t return to glory.

Even our meme president who promised a more isolationist stance is still fucking with the Middle East, which is totally unwinnable

it's inevitable, but impossible to predict when. the more interesting question is, "what will fill the power vacuum?"

Obviously you would both disagree, but imo most social issues seem totally irrelevant in comparison to how fucked our economic issues are

China obviously. Ain't nobody else coming close.

>anyone ever winning the Middle East
The Middle East would only be peaceful if it was nuked to every inch desu

Why do you constantly light candles every night hoping for the day? An ascendant Chinese empire would only be negative for Australia compared to the benign Pax Americana

The only people who should legitimately wish for the USA's downfall are China, Russia, and MENA.

China. It’ll be interesting to watch them become more aggressive over time

I actually agree completely, I simply think you would get wider support of economic reforms if you sort of cooled it on the social issues that they're associated with.

The Philippines
strongest nation on Earth

Yeah, I mean any war is winnable if you exterminate everything, but the fact we are still in the Middle East, toppling dictators and making everything more shitty and chaotic, is a testament either to the military complex or just how fucking stupid we are

>h1b visas and illegal immigrant laborers are given
>not acquired

>an empire is a particular system of government

just being the largest economy isn't enough to be a world empire. China is still far behind Japan in military technology, and decades behind Japan in naval veterancy. Even if the US didn't get involved, Japan could destroy China via naval blockade. So long as Japan didn't venture beyond the Chinese coast, I wouldn't bet on China in any war between the two. It's also understood that Japan is "turn-screw-ready" meaning that they have all the ingredients for a nuclear weapon, they just need to turn a few screws to officially have nukes.

American Orthodox Theocracy when?

>Japan could destroy China via naval blockade.
that's why the chinks are working on one-belt one-road

And what would it matter if Japan had nukes? China already has ICBMs and the only place they can’t reach is South America. If Japan has nukes and used the, it would just be MAD

I mentioned the nukes to imply MAD would exist between them. Not that Japan would nuke China, but that Japan would use their navy to blockade China and/or destroy/conquer the coastal regions; and China couldn't simply nuke Japan because of MAD.

>makes me worry that your idea of "leftist resurgence" places a lot of emphasis on bathroom signs.

Thats the kind of autism that happens when you rot your brain on Sup Forums all day

Ah I see.
Couldn’t China launch land to sea missiles to break the blockade? I’m not a strategist but i can not fathom Japan choking China to death by sea. If it was a smaller country, maybe, but it is just such a massive beast to blockade

>just being the largest economy isn't enough to be a world empire.
true. China often had a larger economy than many of the countries that took advantage of it during the Century of Humiliation.

It's already falling apart

Racial stereotype faces honestly scare the shit out of me. Imagine meeting something irl that looked like black face or yellow face. That’s spooky

the future is CHI :')
no salvadorians/guatamalans allowed

All of my normie friends who aren't Trumptards or apolitical came back from college like "I'm a leftist! Gender is capitalist oppression! Economics? Uh... idk just do ironic gay space communism lol"

China's coast is totally encircled by archipelagos, controlled by neutral or hostile countries. Their naval traffic for oil flows through a bunch of very vulnerable choke-points. I think they could break such a blockade through diplomacy, like by flipping Vietnam and Philippines to their side; but not through anti-ship-missiles, which are mostly good at defending the coast (if they aren't taken out by cruise-missiles first).

China has A large collection of mobile land to sea missiles but those are mostly for US carrier fleets I believe. China is working around the threat of blockade with the One belt one road initiative, and they're building up infrastructure in Pakistan so they can transport things from the Indian ocean avoiding the south china sea.

Interesting. Thanks for the info

as a Mexican-American myself, I don't understand why any Mexican-Americans actually want this. I don't want to reunite with Mexico, it sounds terrible.

that is of course why they seek dominance with their neighbors, they do not want to risk anyone being able to object to their actions in the future

Non-meme answer: never.

At worst it will play second fiddle to China.

>Non-meme answer: never.
Ah yes, just like the other eternal empires
Such as...

>Non-meme answer: never

Then why do you act like nationalistic mexican in america and as a pretentious gringo in mexico?

Just stay out of here and stop leeching on ur culture

first things first, the united states is not en empire

Well, the silk road being operational is correlated with china being shit or not, historically speaking
Same can be said for the middle east desu

the eternal ANGLO

Truly the most powerful force in the world

just a joke my dudes

>those posts
>those flags

naval shipping was much worse back then, so the Silk Road was a lot more practical. some arabs could navigate the route, but it wasn't as easy and cheap as nowadays.

The modern silk road isn't going to rival naval shipping in cost efficiency. It's a project to soak up the excess building supplies from China's building-boom; to bring peripheral countries into China's sphere of influence by loaning them money and/or owning their infrastructure; and as a worse case scenario to protect against a naval blockade, but cannot come close to fully replace naval shipping.

>USA will be the dominant power for the next billion years

Don't you see the little problem with your "never"?

>forgetting central asia is filled with landlocked cunts

>like by flipping Vietnam and Philippines to their side
Vietnam hates China with a passion, so it won't be flipping sides any time soon

no one has to be "dominant," that is such a small hoomon minded perspective

I am an American. I am trying really hard to figure out what to do next. I am in a very fortunate position personally. I have cheap rent and low costs all around. My goal is to retire here in the Philippines before I'm 40. I can make the kind of money I would need to do that in the US quite easily. I could have it taken care of before the tax shit fucks my class in ten years. But who's to say the country is going to remain stable for that long? I feel like I need to hedge my bets, look into immigration to another first world country for work even if it's a temporary thing.

it's good to know a doom and gloom retard will pollute someone else's country

tbf alot of old white folks retire in mexico

I'm not a "doom and gloom" retard. I have a goal and I'm trying to be pragmatic about it. I have all my ducks in a row and as long as I am able bodied I can take care of myself and my household. I refuse to be ignorant of potential risks though. All it would take to sink me would be one medical crisis. If the shit hits the fan in the US I'm probably pretty much screwed too. I also think I could probably earn more somewhere else and have a higher quality of life at the same time. Living costs are a concern but I might be able to work that out.

good riddance?

Isn't it more likely that they'll just flat out annex Taiwan if they knew America wouldn't come to the rescue?

Silk Road 2 is not to trade with Kazakhstan, it's to trade with Europe.

Hope you're not poor bro lol. Otherwise you'll wish you were thinking like me. If you're in a higher tax bracket you have no reason to care what I do or don't do either way.

>Student Loans

Literally all these things are currently overvalued/overpriced. When one of these things pop, it will set a chain reaction never before seen in US history

i dont think Japan would let them.

I have no tolerance for your sort, you are selfish and annoying, just leave already, and do not return.