
Tell me something I didn't know about the jews. Why does Sup Forums hate them so much? Conspiracies?

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Well fuck me, talk about a blast from the past.

>Everything somehow always goes their way
suspicious desu

Lurk moar


thank me later





They're little backstabby rats, just like the rest of the shitskin squadron. I'd still take them over the nigs and the muzzies, but in the end, they'll have to go as well.

The Iraq war was a Israeli designed proxy war to destabilize the region which would lead to the Arab Spring, which in turn would destroy any stability in the region. This was supposed to culminate in the destruction of Syria and Iran but more war in the Middle East became unpopular with westerners, and rightfully so. The Iraq War cost the US 1 trillion dollars and 10,000 lives.

pic related. This is why we need to expel the jews.

On the left the God is using the Flail to thresh his Phallus.

>Why does Sup Forums hate them so much
Sup Forums is them that's why we can pickup on monkey business so easily


No, I'm not jewish
You can tell because I haven't killed myself yet

International Jewry is a blight upon the modern world. They are a parasitic host that infiltrates countries, refuses to assimilate, but pretends to be like you. They take names that sound like yours, try to talk like you, and even try to act like you. But deep down, in their heart of hearts, they are loyal only to fellow Jews.

Through history, this meant that they had no problem with profiting off of interest on loans at a time when Christians were trying to live in interest-free brotherhood. Whereas the Christians worked, the Jews made money off of other peoples' labor--hardly an endearing profession.

With the acquisition of this ill-begotten wealth, the Jews started to advance in the world. By the 1700s, many Jews, most notably the Rothschilds, had acquired so much wealth that they had established noble houses. Lord Rothschild could use his money to decide who would win or lose wars; at this same time, international Jewry was instrumental in the Atlantic Slave Trade that dealt with other humans as if they were property--something to keep in mind when people blame whites for slavery.

Before the idea of Zionism, international Jewry latched onto Marx's Communism. Through Communism, Jews could topple national governments and take over a country through their "dictatorship of the proletariat," ruling either directly as in Germany or Hungary, or through a gentile frontman like in Russia.

With Zionism, the Jews now manipulated the US into joining WW1 in order to secure a state for themselves in Palestine; the Brits agreed to this and have caused trouble for us ever since.

Using the Holohoax propaganda and their antisemite label they shame our countries into supporting their country, leading to our wars in the middle east and our national degeneration.

Hitler was right.


Go check your ancestors and prove to yourself none of them came from eastern europe. Any amount of jewish blood means jewish soul. The normies are herded cattle(sheep/lamb) led by a collection of shepherds.

>Chris Kyle
>Racist Serial Killer

Every time.


The whole world is watching a Sex Show, lol



these two documentaries are all you need to get redpilled about jews

you're welcome

Problem ?

Thank you for dutch subtitles btw.


there's fake jews and there's real jews

Did you not notice who the audience were? They were the American government.

I think some people need to watch the Godfather again with different glasses on.
