What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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Why couldn't he keep it in his pants?
My god that was a great idea.
Gets exposure to Jill which is perfect to siphon off Hillary voters.
That probably saved his life at this point.
not gonna lie Jill Stein is being pretty based
Green party. Better don't vote for this shit. We have a green party in Germany. They started as long-haired, pedophile, communist drug addicts, then they started destroying Germany by making stupid "environmental" laws and dumping effective clean nuclear energy for coal, gas, wind and solar power and now they try to import as many so called "refugees" as possible to make Germany a half-islamic nation. Those guys are nuts as hell.
Sooo when's the green convention?
I don't think they need one. They just asked Jill to do it once more.
You didn't say why the American Green Party is bad. I don't know anything about it, but you're assuming that all parties across the globe with similar names are the exact same.
Hint: They're not.
Worker's Parties aren't always communist and Liberal parties aren't always leftist.
>All these liberals in her feed attacking Jill and Assange over the perceived notion that they are indirectly helping Trump
lol, these liberal cumshitters will turn against you in a dime for even the smallest reasons.
>Assange will release the files at the Green Convention
>when all the Bernouts are watching, therefore ensuring maximum exposure
>Bernouts will them amplify it, and force it into the MSM
>still a month and a half out from the first debate
No he's right, they're pretty much exactly what he described here in the states, except they also like to blow shit up every now and then.
>yfw a jewess ensures a Trump victory
w-with Jews you win?
they really are our greatest ally
Bern bots are gonna get Jill pilled.
So the green party of the united states of america is actually not green, not environmental, not pro-feminism, not pro-diversity (refugees welcome) ...? What's the point of calling it green then?
Well Jill is sort of a retard, famalam.
they need to make up their mind
jews jewing jews
Sanders fucked Hilary raw from the start. He got the far left interested in 2016, and made them hopeful. Hilary crushed that hope and they want her blood now.
They're probably not going to vote for Trump, but they're going to be constantly giving Hilary negative press when they otherwise would have joined CTR.
It's amazing that it's all burning down.
They did make up their mind: they will not vote for Hilary. This means one of three things: they either won't vote, will vote Green, or will vote for Trump (and bern it down).
Either way this is good for us, as nominally these people would be championing the Dem candidate.
i know it's good news
the jews wanted Sanders in, but the goy didn't vote hard enough so they are going to jew her out of her chances.
Yep just another retard grad from Harvard Med School. Thank you for your continued service.
What do they have?
when's the green convention?
Jews are chaotic, sowing discord wherever they stay. I truly think it is in their nature. Take, for example, Israel: the most vocal opponents to their scheming outside of the Arab world are other Jews.
>Gary endorsed BLM
Jill Stein has been hammering hillary pretty well, she's going to pull a lot of votes from her.
No thank you CTR if you have read any of her Tweets you know this cunt posts retarded shit.
Whats a jill pill?
pill me bruh
Jill's VP pick.
So what are the odds of an unfortunate weight lifting accident before Assange speaks?
Saying retarded shit is what twitter was made for.
Just need to ddos the embassy. I might do it for laffs
The US Green Party is the same. They are hippy enviro-nuts who destroy industry for bs reasons.
Still, better to have them suck votes off of Hillary than not. I like Stein she is a smart lady, she is just to devoted to her green ideology.
Are you asking if he get's Dahmered?
Yes but this retarded bitch thought self funding was the same as super-pacs.
Anti gun is not based. You're a faggot for thinking that anyone but trump can't save this shit hole country
the dead man's switch triggers and he crashes the system with no survivors
The Jill pill is basically a double dose of the blue pill. It's completely unpalatable to most on Sup Forums but Bernie supporters just eat that shit up.
Holy shit could there be a bombshell?
>Stein has stated that she supports reparations for slavery.
Liberals really should start following the Sith Rule of Two. Any more than a Master and an Apprentice and it turns into one big in-fight.
you retard, she's stealing Hillary voters, not Trump voters
Repatriations? Fug yeah.
Send them all home.
Damn. I hate Patiño. I hope Hilldog puts a bomb in the embassy while he is there.
Jill Stein is a useful idiot
Hes going to get dumbbelled isnt he?
She's siphoning off Bernie supporters like crazy. I live in LA and almost every loony liberal I know is voting Stein over Clinton.
it's a video feed, he's not leaving the embassy
holy shit leaf, thats a good thought.
It really makes me think
the entire assange "rape" narrative was just a smear job. both women that accused him of "rape" later recanted their accusations once they realized that they were being used as political pawns
what basically happened was he was pushy with a couple women for sex, they had consensual sex, but he didn't do a good job at it so they had reservations afterwards
the biggest thing to take away from the whole story is that you need to be good at fucking women if you're going to fuck them, or else you can literally end up in legal trouble
4K HD Jenga
Isn't she an anti-vaxxer?
Ah good, cause he still owes us one bombshell and Hillary's inditement
she catered to them on reddit for some reason in an AMA, and I think backpedalled on it.
A shame this is what America's third party is.
Fuck it, let's give reparations and finally lay this thing to rest if it means sabotaging Clinton's campaign.
This is a good idea, since it defeat this nonsense claim that Assange is working for Trump or something. Stein is to the left of Bernie.
>attacking Jill and Assange over the perceived notion that they are indirectly helping Trump
Basically saying "Assange is right but... hey look the other way ! Trump is Hitler so I know were the worst but vote for us !"
That look like a big happening.
Assange is a rapist like Bill and Trump though, remember? I remember people claiming the charges were TOTES FAKE back in the day and that Assange was going to be assassinated.
What amazes me is that they think Green party is the same as Democratic party, rather than a competitor.
>yfw Assange hates Clinton so much he supports Trump
I wonder if jews have rebel jews..
Jewtonian physics predict this with math
He made him a deal he couldn't refuse.
He'll get him out of that embassy and let him fly where ever he wants to go.
>those replies
>hurr Putin, Kremlin, rapist
Jesus Christ, how many shills did Shillary hire?
About a million plus a few million bots.
Jill and Assenge are just a means to an end. They'll destroy Hillary, takes her votes and may even give us some. We don't have to agree with them, they're not politicaly strong and they're lefty.
>Stein has voiced her opposition to wireless internet (Wi-Fi) in schools, saying, "We should not subjecting kid’s brains especially to that... and we don’t follow this issue in our country, but in Europe where they do, you know, they have good precautions about wireless. Maybe not good enough, you know. It’s very hard to study this stuff. You know, we make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then we discover how many die."[171]
I understand that, but:
I'm saying shit like this is bad because the United States two-party political climate is horseshit, but the most popular 'third option' is just:
"What if I was a left-wing tea partier tin foil hat faggot?"
>So the green party of the united states of america is actually not green, not environmental, not pro-feminism, not pro-diversity (refugees welcome) ...? What's the point of calling it green then?
Green - as in naive...
Green party is literally like bernouts on steroids, most of her policies are socialist with environmental bs piled on.
I like Jilly-bean though, she's very sincere and honest, obviously doesn't get bought out cause she was in a smelly hippy folk band. Even though I completely disagree with her politics, I can atleast appreciate she's defending democracy even at the threat of possibly electing Trump.
That's really what I find pretty defying about this entire election, the lefts narrative is that Trump is a fascist, however I think media/government collusion, election fraud, propaganda and silencing opposition is much closer to that of a dictator and that's Hillary.