Why are mass shooters overwhelmingly white, Sup Forums?
Why are mass shooters overwhelmingly white, Sup Forums?
Whites are the overwhelming majority in the US? Where most of these school-shootings take place? Golly gee, I dunno, sir.
niggers can't think in advance and plan out intricate things
Nignogs not in school.
Because we're good at killing. So good we have our own "mass" category.
What are you talking about? Orlando shooter was a muzzie, Dallas shooter was a nig, pretty much all recent shootings were shitskins.
There hasn't been a white shooter since the roof
Meanwhile there have countless Muslims attacks and even a couple black mass shootings
better question
why are criminals overwhelmingly niggers?
because since youth we're told by society that we're evil
After all these years, Columbine is still the comfiest mass shooting.
Cho nigga
What was that OP?
The mass shootings blacks commit are ones done in secret to the opposing gang
Niggers mass shoot their ghettos up all the time, moron. The difference is that the msm-dnc-blm-sjw shitbags couldn't give a fuck less to report on it.
This summer's main murderers have been mostly non-white.
Why are white Americans pussies that go after little kids in school or cookie-baking grandmothers in their church, while black men take on legit targets and make an entire city's armed police force look like fools, and be so scared shitless they need to strap a bomb on a robot because even SWAT doesn't want to confront them?
While white shooters kill at most 10 people, Muslims kill from seven to 20 times that amount in one attack.
The same reason most terrorists are Muslims, or most rapists are niggers. It's been a cultural thing since Columbine. Personally I like the stereotype, just means minorities keep their distance around loner whites
hol up
Blacks are actually still overreprested in shootings and serial killers. Iirc, bkacks make up 22% of all serial killers at 12% of the population.
Oooooooh that's a bingo.
>while black men take on legit targets and make an entire city's armed police force look like fools
Niggers kill kids all the time, maybe if you opened a news paper or looked online instead jerking off to animated children you would know.
Jap poster are honest to go the most autistic. I always picture so fat nigger weeb or fat white weeb roleplaying as a jap when you cucks post.
>overwhelmingly white
But they're not? The media and globalists just highly sensationalize the ones that are committed by whites. This is a dead meme. You notice it isn't said as much anymore because of all the consecutive shitskins gunning people down the past few years?
They aren't though. At most they're about equivalent with the proportion of the white population.
2/300 something is all recent shootings? What the fuck?
>Whites are the overwhelming majority in the US
Didn't some jap kill a bunch of old cripples recently?
Western society literally hates white men, is it so weird that some lash out?
>overwhelming majority in the US
>overwhelming majority
the white race is dying and nobody even wants to acknowledge it
Not black.
Blacks tend to murder rival gang members. They don't share the affinity for K-12 school shootings that white boys enjoy.
You won't be able to find any unbiased statistics on mass shootings by race. The FBI has released information, but didn't include race and most studies done by major news outlet only include mass shootings that are highly publicized, meaning mass shootings in "the hood" and other places that the mass media does not care about are not accounted for. I've actually seen cases where the media has tried to discredit the FBI because their mass shooting statistics included all mass shootings and not just popular ones.
Yes, Mr Chang.. it's true.
>They don't share the affinity for K-12 school shootings that white boys enjoy.
That's because black "school shootings" get marked under gang crime.
Whites perfected the art and all that remains is for the lesser races to chew on the scraps.
Yes, asian guy is "not black", shot 32 people at VT because they wouldn't install a soiled panty dispenser in the student lounge.
No fucking idea. Blessed with: high IQ, middle class+, can travel anywhere in the world and be treated like a god, admired by all women, ... Who would through that away? I could understand a successful one that has experienced everything and is looking for a new high like the killers in the movie Hostel (2005).
They aren't, the media just reports on white shooters more to fuel their anti-white propaganda
>most mass shooters are white
>"see! whites must be stopped! they're crazy!"
>most crimes are committed by blacks according to statistics
Debunked. The actual stats:
White shooters - in-line with population percentage.
Blacks - slightly above.
East Asians and Native Americans - way above.
Hispanics - quite a bit below.
Because we do everything better
Us whites tend to be more fucked in the head
It would actually be blacks followed by mexicans then chinese who have the most mass shooters in the united states.
To be a mass shooting 3 people have to be hurt which is a typical drive by in the ghetto but the news never reports on that.
Because spics and halfbreeds are counted as white when the commit crime and non-white when they're victims
Because the 99% of mass shootings that are gang related don't make the news.
Gang shooters are overwhelmingly Negroid, it's our nature.
Caucasians are quiet and well-mannered, but are lethal when the time is right.
Whereas Negroids are obvious and constant, and have little element of surprise, although they can be effective with brute-force on occasion.
Niggers killing each other isn't the same as shooting children or church goers
>not a hero
>if you kill your enemies they win
Shut the fuck up you fucking jap
I heard he was trying to catch em all.
Really cause of the last 20 mass shooting like 12 were white and 18 were non white (multiple shooters) so how is this a white issue??
Are you implying the sandy hook shooting was real?
>Why are mass shooters shown in mainstream media mostly white?
They aren't.
It's just that the media wants you to think this.
They don't report the nigger mass killers.
Why is killing your enemies bad?
>Why are mass shooters overwhelmingly white
because there are more white people in US
compare the racial composition of the population to the racial composition of mass shooters and you will find that white people are not over represented
get fucked
Because they can carry the gun to where they kill without being noticed.
nigger detected
don't you have some nips to rape, jamal?
*english teacher
Because nogs hold the gun sideways and cant hit shit. They lack the foresight to bring more rounds. Driving by makes it hard to be accurate. Nogs see someone "creeping" and instintively know to get down behind cover. It isnt news if they shoot each other so no MSM coverage. For fucks sake read a newspaper (local) in any city and you'll see a story about a coon shooting another coon. It's not new so it is not newsworthy nationally. And the Jews did something or other.
Why are they and their families almost always predominantly registered Democrat?
>bkacks make up 22% of all serial killers at 12% of the population.
It's higher than that
Lately they're middle eastern.
Only white people bother to aim enough to kill more than 3 people.
Everyone's basically at the population rate, but Asians are very mass-murderous, and Latinos are a bit less axe-crazy.
Because the marxists successfully shifted the Overton window. Society is against the white man.
We're denigrated for our skin colour but "You're white, so it's not racist".
We're told we hold the Sins of the Father
We're attacked for holding political views outside of those in the MSM
We're attacked daily by the MSM simply for being white
We're told we make more money than women, despite this not being true
We're told we're racist
We're told we're sexist
We're told we're rapists
We're told we're violent
Every day we get this and more.
It's amusing at first, "these idiots really believe that". But then you see parliament start introducing laws in favour of these ridiculous beliefs, businesses and landlords actively discriminating against whites and white males.
Interestingly enough, part of the reason that mass shooters are overwhelmingly white is because the FBI raised the number of victims required for a "mass" event after black gangs would cause "mass" events every other day.
When whites do it, it's the only way out after enduring so much. When blacks do it, it's because Jamal and his 4 year old niece looked at Tyrell funny.
When whites are attacked day after day, everywhere they look, everywhere they go because it's the trendy thing to do; When there's nobody out there to champion the now disenfranchised masses and they're left with nothing to do but try to continue to endure - Is it really so hard to think that a few of them would snap?
He looks like such a pathetic autist.
Ya, Japs just knife their children and their elderly
Well, dude..
Because whites are subhuman rats.
Fuck off Bulgaria with your muslim green flag
Because we have the timing and planning necessary to perform a successful shooting?
Protip: it's not true.
Don't try to explain a false statistic.
Breivik isnt fucked in the head fatty
When the Europeans finally snap and start genociding you filthy shitskins, we are going over there to help them.
Because when blacks shoot a bunch of people it's just called "gang violence".
Because they cant get laid
BBC gets more pussy than them
They have small dicks
Theirs dads rape them
Lol whitebois just looked like fools.
He could kill you.
You'd be dying as he laughed.
>be not a fool
>get laid and die
>don't get laid and kill
Whitebois only shoot on niggas that cant shoot back. They scared little bitches thats why.
Thats why they get their hos took
Purges are perfectly necessary.
Those with the intelligent to survive, get naturally selected to live.
Choosing your fight is as important as fighting it.
You role-playing fool.
Lanza was a false flag. Kid could barely tie his shoes.
>shooting rampage in amarica is called a mass shooter
>shooting rampage in africa is called a soldier
>shooting rampage in middle east is called a jihadist
>shooting rampage in east asia is a government guard
thats why
A swordfight is like a game of chess...
>You must think first, before you move.
We're the only ones who pass the background checks