>Americans actually believe they won't the space race from the Soviets
Americans actually believe they won't the space race from the Soviets
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If you ignored everything apart from landing on the moon then yeah they did
Kek wills it that Americans lost the space race.
Praise kek
It doesn't matter if you lead the race all the up the finish line if you don't cross it first, the moon was the finish line. The US obviously won.
And the finish is? sending a human into space and a space station which is useful till today.
The Soviets never tried or wanted to land on the moon unlike the Americans. The ussr won the moment they send Yuri into space and made the first space station
>Making it that obvious
It was the Germans that won it
Of course the Soviets won. The Russians even have better ICBMs today while we're wasting our time on missile defense
Glad you agree John. As you can see with the shilling swedecuck some people and alot of them are americans believe otherwise.
Race is still on, friend.
Why are there two threads right now about this same topic?
>Netherlands believe they should wait for their Chinese girlfriend for 10 days in the airport
the germans won it op
Apparently going to the moon is the bigger feat than being the first person to ever leave the goddamn planet.
Sorry burgers, Russians got you on this one. But as for the "Space Race" I'd say the objective was clearly to up the other one in space dominance, to which the Americans would win.
Of the two major space programs in world history, only one still maintains any kind of noteworthy presence beyond low Earth orbit - that's NASA.
The race hasn't ended until the terraforming fat lady forms atmosphere on another planet. The moon was just a SMALL step towards victory.
Americas private space sector is working diligently, Amazon has a program called Blue Origins and Elon Musk had SpaceX.
Explain in your own words why the moon landing was the objective?
Going to a celestial body of rock IS more impressive than leaving the atmosphere.
>the space race is literally a race to outer space
Because 50 some years later humans still haven't gone further than the moon
Thanks canada
>burgers being this delusional and think they won
Then we can keep going on till we find the middle of our milkway etc. Russians won it by completing their goals which are more important to the human race than landing on the moon which was 1 small thingy and has never been done again. Now compare that to the people we send to space which is important.
I disagree, Why would it be?
So what?
Because the Russians were doing it as a propaganda piece. That was the "race." They were trying to make a claim they were better.
We just one-upped them. They, or anyone else, has yet to retort. Hence we won the "race." You're just going to have to deal with it.
>Russians won it by completing their goals which are more important to the human race than landing on the moon
Which country is sending probes to Mars? Which country is sending shit to Jupiter, Saturn, and the outer planets? Which country has actually launched shit out of the solar system?
Hint - it ain't fuckin' Russia.
Russia's last major successful extra-orbital mission was decades ago.
>Dutchfags think they can into spelling
A race implies there must be a certain distance attained for one to be the winner. The US has gone much farther than Russia and is currently winning the shit out of the race.
The technology used to get to he moon was more advanced than the tech used to breach the atmosphere. Americans win again.
Why should the space race be about utility to mankind? Says who, you? We set the moon as the goal, the Russians didn't dispute it, and we beat them. They had their own moon programs, and they failed completely, and the Russians gave up when we beat them to the moon. If you're behind someone for a whole race but get to the finish line before them you win. This isn't rocket science, Pieter
What I'm saying is the bigger feat is clearly being the first man to leave the planet and enter space, not the first man to step foot on the fuck off moon.
It's the fucking moon.
The work in progress space race implies that the US is clearly in the lead, I'm not disagreeing with you. All I'm saying is the Russian made it into space first and clearly that's one of if not the biggest feats in human history.
>What I'm saying is the bigger feat is clearly being the first man to leave the planet and enter space, not the first man to step foot on the fuck off moon.
Explain your reasoning. So far both the US and Russia got into space. But only one on the moon.
>making a rocket into space is better than making a rocket that carried men to the moon and back
The logistics behind landing multiple human beings on an orbiting body 300,000 miles from Earth - and having them return - are vastly more complicated and risky than sending one man 1,000 miles into low-earth orbit. You are a fool if you believe otherwise.
They're saying they'll get there by 2030. Never mind we did it already with older tech.
Because no creature in the history of life on Earth has ever intentionally left our atmosphere to enter outer space.
leaf logic
>Because no creature in the history of life on Earth has ever intentionally left our atmosphere to enter outer space.
Do you even proof read? Just curious.
Man, I couldn't tell you of much I give a shit if you did slightly better or not with outer space exploration. I mean we are like what? One of five countries in the world that do.
>first manned flight into space in the history of humanity
>first people to set foot on the moon
Clearly both enormous feats, the Moon being more complicated obviously but sorry, first man in space beats first man on the moon, period.
We just have fundamental differences as to what's really saying more for our species.
>thinks I'm denying this
Great reading comprehension bud.
>first man in space beats first man on the moon, period.
The lessons learned from landing men on the moon and returning (successfully I might add) contributed more than launching dogs and monkeys on suicide missions into the lower atmosphere. Just putting that out there.
The race is still on tho. The finish line is FTL travel
Mate, as far as I'm aware, it's Russia that does all the work in space nowadays. The ISS is dependent on them and their docking craft.
Being in space is meaningless if you don't go anywhere with it mate. Nevermind the fact that you're ignoring the reason that the space race existed in the first place.
>accuses people of reading comprehension
>doesn't even proof read
Only a fucking Leaf could shit post like this and still make shit posting look worse because of it.
Really makes me think
Kek doesnt like you
I love America but right now we are losing the space race because the liberals in office stopped funding Space programs and started giving money to minoritys.
I think he does:
Wow, again not fucking disagreeing with you.
Also it's pretty cool that you'd just conveniently leave out Yuri in exchange for a dogs and monkeys.
>being in space is meaningless
wew laddie
Are you retarded?
>Strapping expendable men onto giant rockets and shooting them into space hoping they live while removing them from history if they die is a greater achievement than sending a man to the moon
You're a faggot. The USA could have easily sent a man into space way before Russia but because Americans value life way more than the Russians did we didn't photoshop people out of photos and hide our failures.
You do realise that all around the board Republicans want to defund NASA? The only candidate on the republican forum for same level of funding or increased funding was, oddly enough, Ted Cruz.
True enough. Though, naturally, it's no longer a race if 13 countries have finally figured out how to put rockets into space.
Noteworthy enough only one still put a man on the moon and brought him back.
>It doesn't matter if you lead the race all the up the finish line
Except the Soviets started falling behind in 1965, several years before the moon landing.
Yet you guys didn't do it first.
Just calm down, you don't have to take all the credit for the achievements made by completely different people (and some in completely different counties :^) )
Russia is doing all the LEO taxi shit, but NASA and ESA are the only people actually successfully launching shit BEYOND Earth orbit anymore.
The last successful Russian space mission beyond Earth orbit was Vega 2... in 1985 before the USSR broke up.
Your original post:
>What I'm saying is the bigger feat is clearly being the first man to leave the planet and enter space, not the first man to step foot on the fuck off moon
Unless you have some twisted unique definition of the words "bigger feat" you are objectively wrong. In every single way, the moon landings were a bigger feat and a larger contribution than Gagarin's flight. More people know about it, more money was invested into it, more viewers across the world saw it, more people worked on it - there is literally no way of saying that it was a lesser feat than Gagarin.
>reading comprehension
fucking hell that's some grade D English right there Dutchbro
>w-we surrender
>but sorry, first man in space beats first man on the moon, period.
We weren't even aware there was a space race until the Russians challenged us. Even with a head start they didn't out pace us. Put it in context, leaf.
>inb4 i'm not disagreeing with you! yet again
Russia is better than the USA in space stuff burger
>Russians never wanted to land on the moon
>we beat them at landing on the moon
Soviet union already did eat you by entering space with a human onboard and having a space station the rest is irrelevant what you guys have done
Well at least we spell our shit right on the first try
Not how the world, and more importantly Russia, felt about it at the time.
That's because you guys can't smoke the dank shit
>moving the goal posts closer so you can "win"
keep trying bitch nigger
On top of being the first people on the moon, we're the only ones on mars now. Plebian soviets' lander broke after landing.
It is clear you are either trolling or have a strong anti-American bias, because you have not presented any arguments in this thread so far besides Russia is better. Perhaps you should vent your frustration against the United States by posting in a more appropriate thread.
Save it. Of course you're going to get hounded by Americans for congratulating another country for an obviously bigger feat.
>we could have done it first but whatever
Almost sounds like they're bitter.
>It's the fucking moon.
You're god damn right and we got there first, we won the space race leaf
The Russians did though you stupid Mongoloid
>The Soviet manned lunar programs were a series of unsuccessful programs pursued by the Soviet Union to land a man on the Moon, in competition with the United States Apollo program to achieve the same goal set publicly by President John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961. The Soviet government publicly denied participating in such a competition, but secretly pursued two programs in the 1960s: manned lunar flyby missions using Soyuz 7K-L1 (Zond) spacecraft launched with the Proton-K rocket, and a manned lunar landing using Soyuz 7K-LOK and LK Lander spacecraft launched with the N1 rocket. Following the dual American successes of the first manned lunar orbit on December 24–25, 1968 (Apollo 8) and the first Moon landing on July 20, 1969 (Apollo 11), and a series of catastrophic N1 failures, both Soviet programs were eventually brought to an end.
>first communications satellite
>first weather satellite
>first reconnaissance satellite
>first successful Venus and Mars probes
>first liquid hydrogen rocket engine
>first orbiting space telescope
>first manmade object to exit the solar system
>first completely successful space station (that didn't fail in orbit/get the crew killed/fail to reach orbit)
>first docking of two spacecraft
>first tetherless spacewalk
>first human beings to exit LEO
>first recovery of a manmade object from space
>yfw you realize they CAN'T go to the moon and Mars, not that they WON'T
Just calm down.
The only reason you're holding Armstrong up over Gagarin is because Apollo 11 was filmed, had broadcasts from the Moon and because let's face it, Armstrong is AMERICAN and Yuri is russian.
>first communications satellite
There's an entire word you can remove from there and the feat would go to the Russians. Come on bud. Try harder.
>On March 27, 1968, the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, died. He was in a MiG-15 on a routine training flight with his instructor when his plane crashed.
Just putting it out there that Buzz Aldrin is still alive. USA wins again!
Shit that's another good reason why everyone with half a brain ignores Yuri.
Thanks Burger.
>Netherlands couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
Oh believe you me, us Dutch are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the turkroaches and moroccans and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY american pigshit they see. When the Netherlands done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Also Russia won the space race and America can't even go into space without Russia.
Yeah some of them seem really butthurt that another country did something better
Did they teach you that stuff for moments like these when you have no proof and are mad that the ruski's won the space race
Can you stop listing Russian achievements as American?
Which is the superior achievement?
1) Magellan circumnavigating the globe, 1518-1522
2) A freighter doing so in 2016
Turns out people blamed his own government for killing him because of the mysterious circumstances. It's not that they forgot about him; it's that his government fucked up his legacy for him.
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I can play this game, too. :^)
Depends, is a nigger running the freighter?
Stay mad, though.
XDDD no you cannot play this game
EL CUcK MEME LEMAYO ;ddddddd KGHCKJCHCFG OMGG EPIC LE ME EE SO FUNNY FROM REDDIT YOU MSAD BROXD? ? ?_? ??YOU MAD BRO XD YOU MAD? MEME FROM REDDIT DANK LE MAYAMYA FROM 9AGA ;DDDDD AYY LEMAO MEME FACES XD MEME MEME FACESD YOU MAD? MEME FRO!M LOLLELEREDDIT DANK LE MAYAMYA FROM 9AGA ;DDDDD AYY LEMAO MEME FACES XD MEME LELEOELEOLEOELLL LE LOL BRO Sup ForumsRO EPIC MEME YLYL! banana meme ftw BANA! I REALLY LIKE THIS IMAGE deas FORM ISDES IN ORBIT MAN SIDES XD LE FRIES IN ORBIT ::dd XDD REACTION FACE OF LE COSTANZA ;P BANE?BANE FOR YOU BANA FOR YOU FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUU FACE RAGE comci meme le me le troll :sss Dank blaz3 a marijJAUAN!!!!!11111112348O7T45OIB LE !!!!!11121ONE logf [??$??(??5??)??$??] holla for a dolla XD SUCK MY DICK Sup ForumsRO YOU TROLLED YOU TROLL SO HEAVI XDD LE BACON NARWhals at midnight banana for scale SLUT BU SEMEAN DEMON FOR teh winz,! interwenz [??$??(??100)??$??] +100 internets to you my good sir XD (????)?*:?? ??: *?(????) le sparkle fight!!!!! TEXT FACE FOR THE MEMEZ ;O FOR THE WIN!!1 :0 XD ?(????) Y U NO POST ON 9GAG?!?! AYY LMAO EY LMEO EIGH LEMEIGHO?(????) ~ ?(?)? from 9gag a meme AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO le kek so kek dae le thanks lori? xD ftw le really like this image xP why cant scruffy marry le 12 year old xD tfw no gf :P DAE LITERALLY WHO? wat a nioce board m8 i r8 it 8outa8 pleb i tip my fedora to you, ;p xD, sent ;)! xD, half LIFE 3 WHEN?!?!??!, le epic tripfriend! whos your waifu? ]:) tips fedora LE BACK TO Sup Forums MEME wow memez? :) le meme TRIPS (im a memer) we r moots fav!! PRO-TIP: YOU CAN'T XDp!!111 haha le pepes are rare dae le CLT le dubs goy! le why dont you kids like the copypasta? is this a le new meme!?!?! screen capped for that sweet memeing xD. top kek, toppest of keks : AHHHHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!!! Ebin simply E B I N, literally eb: the in xD that sure hit the spot ok now repeat that fucking epic ass M E M E haha>
How can he be mad if he doesn't live in a 60% white country?
What am I getting mad over exactly? You're saying nothing.
Because the space race was a propaganda fluff piece for both countries. Russia failed. USA won.
Goddamn look at all this mad! xD
>is still literally this retarded
First into space bud. Bigger feat bud.
Both sides won the cold war, because they both prevented actual war. Both sides won the space race because both sides explored space. Stop your divisive rhetoric.
>Literally cannot explain his reasoning here.
>Posting chink pics
Weeb pls leave
I could agree with the first sentence but no the space race is over. Russia won of course you can still explore more which isn't a bad thing it is just that USA was too late.
>Space Race = The race into Space
>Moon Race = The race to the Moon
You just have to use words correctly is all.
USA still exists. USSR does not.
>Canadians are so disinterested in space they're begging for applicants.
This is the pitiful attempt at Netherland's "Space program."
Congratulations on winning the Existence Race.
It wasn't just the moon landings that won the space race. The Gemini program allowed the USA to pull ahead in manned hours in space, and EVA activity. Performed the first rendezvous in space, achieved the highest Earth orbit of any manned mission thus far. By the end of the Gemini Program five Americans had walked in space while the Soviets had barely managed to have one successful spacewalk.
>completely ignores my post
It's been fun big guy.