what's next, team isis?
Why do you want to crush her Olympic dreams Sup Forums? Why are you so mean and hateful?
That qt is a refugee in Germany.
How jealous are you other countries that we get such cute refugees?
here is your award for being poor
Looks more like a fucking five head convention.
are malformed
wtf why do they look retarded
they look like swedish child athletes
Already have team France
These people would rather not represent their country and show pride and bring glory to their home, but rather selfishly bring attention to themselves.
Rather fitting for the refugee situation in Europe, actually.
>we want the Sup Forums crowd
That or they wouldn't qualify otherwise. Which is just as likely.
Lol. Dudes name is poophole
In Sweden they are age 15. In the Olympics they are 18.
i bet my money on "popole" to came first in sexual assault
>Rami Anis
>ram the anus
You gotta be in pretty good shape to swim across the Mediterranean sea or jump the Fence at the Spanish boarder with Morocco.
poopole missingo will be bunking with team sweden tonight
Popole? More like popola LOL
That's what Syrians Iook like?
Who cares we have a bigger joke team.
Funny you say that.
Belgium has a guy who is the brother of a suicide bomber. I guess it's what you get being trapped between France and Germany.
James looks like a lopsided don cheadle.
How jealous are you that my country doesn't have Turks?
>Ram my anus
It's not hard kohai.
>that's what she said
you have half a million dude
Why are negroid so god damn ugly?
>tryhard second-world shitholes displace thousands of people to build fancy stadiums to impress the West
>Olympics creates refugee team
>people who are refugees because of the Olympics are not allowed on the team
top left is a serious QT
>running away from war
>get sent to Brazil
This is a nice way to get rid of these refugees.
Hope they get some sort of accommodations on a Brazilian favela.
>Raping European women is literally made a sport now