>Viva le France!
>you have my bow
Halal supermarket in Paris told to sell pork and alcohol or face closure
pick one
would vote
Usually that would piss me off, considering that it's a violation of property rights, but muslims are animals, they deserve to get fucked by the State.
We should expel them and the Jews tb h.
>"We want a social mix," Mr Besnard added. "We don't want any area that is only Muslim or any area where there are no Muslims."
I think we definitely do want areas where there are no Muslims.
It's more complicated than that.
Because of the vasts amount of muslims, there can only be a number of halal shops in an area, so that non-muslims still can shop in there own area.
This shop wasn't supposed to be a halal supermarket but a general one and that's why they now face closure.
It's cucky behavior, they should've closed it immediately.
If I turned around to a muslim in a supermarket and said "I can't serve you, you're muslim" I'd be fired.
The reverse should also be true. Especially when the fuckers are literally throwing you under a bus well... truck; but close enough
>mfw someone at the grocery needs to test the pork for quality
Oh yeah, walked past a 'fake KFC' that had halal written on the window. Gathered up all my phlegm and spat on the halal bit. Shall come back with spraypaint.
France No!
Interesting tactic.
wonder how many attacks this will spawn
>those nips
ok, but no one will buy their pork there..
The amount of white babies I would father for that woman..
>those hairy pits
Oh speaking of this halal shit, I really want to load up a supersoaker with pigs blood and soak all the paki kids near where I live.
It'd be a bloodbath, they'd be running for cover and I'd be hanging out the back of a car yelling "fuck your halal motherfuckers"
Scared a huge group of them around Easter when delivering a severed rabbit's head (I trap and eat them) to a friend's grillfriend who does taxidermy.
Pic related
Fucking exclusionists
low test
>get overrun with muslims
>think offering some pork will change anything
it will just rot because everyone there is a muslim
Why is the state telling businesses how to run their business? And why are you faggots celebrating when you know that commie shit like that doesn't belong in the west?
God I want to put my seed so far deep in that woman
>Lease for a general store
>Store doesn't honour the lease
Wow so hard to figure out!
The uncucking begins
>this is seen as good instead of Armageddon-tier by Sup Forums
The state has been telling businesses how to run their business ever since affirmative action for niggers and women.
The state has been telling businesses how to operate for about 100 years now.
You know, so people don't get food poisoning and shit.
You know how your state says "I'll spend all that relief money on a new submarine"
A very large proportion of the youth in France are non-white. Laws like this are the only way they can maintain their culture in the long run.
What are you? A fucking gardener?
Is this the 12th century?
Is this good or bad?
Who's the woman?
good. don't listen to ZOGbertarians who think muh free market is more important than culture.
I suppose vegetarian Indian restaurants are going to have to start serving meat, too.
This is lame.
If the French government wants to sell something they should sell it themselves.
You don't have to be Muslim to buy Halal food though. Some people just don't like pork.
(((they))) didn't bring them in to sit in enclaves they brought them in to breed European blood out of existence is what he's saying
>paki kids near where I live.
>tfw someone in england lives near pakis
>tfw nearest mosque is over 100 miles way.
>tfw shitskins come and don't stay in area
Are Kosher places going to have to start selling lobster and bacon now?
And gay wedding cakes while you're at it
France has the right idea. They are going full Rousseau and that is why their culture is so strong.
xray that shit
>Some people just don't like pork.
Exactly. I fucking loathe pork and I was raised Catholic.
It's slimy. It's tough. It stinks. It tastes bad. Everything about it is inferior to chicken.
I remember almost puking when I was a kid and had to eat pork chops and "city chicken".
spotted the newfag hill shills
you're not supposed to actually pick one dumbfucks
It's not about ZOGbertarians or muh free market.
France is so overrun by muslims that they need to get a lease system, so that the native French can still buy beer or pork in there region.
This shop just ignored that and went halal anyway, in an area where there already are many halal shops. The government just said "no, you can't do that desu, please sell pork and beer again so people can still buy that without going to shop in another region, sorry for the trouble"
How is this a win? How is this good?
>And gay wedding cakes while you're at it
That's different. Putting a little ornament atop a cake with two people of the same sex is hardly in the same league as having to stock a completely different product.
Did the vegetarian Indian restaurant sign an agreement saying it had to sell meat before it opened business? No? Then shut the fuck up.
Ur autistic
>completely different
Kek, they refused to carry one of the most common items
Under capitalism, if there is a demand, there will be a market. Statist shit like telling groceries stores that they have to sell certain things is a beyond asinine level of retardation.
there is literally nothing on this planet more perfect than Mademoiselle Le Pen
>Ctr shills telling ctr shills to get out
>Ur autistic
Autistic because I have functioning taste buds?
OKAY broo
While it's funny to see some government crap fuck with muslims, that doesn't mean I want the government butting into the affairs of a private business.
They shouldn't be forced to sell pork/vodka. I shouldn't be forced to paint a cake of one man rimming another's asshole.
>Kek, they refused to carry one of the most common items
How does your response have anything to do with what I wrote that you quoted?
Why is France giving these freaks money to open stores in the first place? Fucking give it to Jews at least
Or maybe just load up a little squirt gun, sit above them on a rooftop and just mist pig blood down on the street.
Her face is too big. She look like a man.
>'We don't want any area that is only Muslim or any area where there are no Muslims'
This is why capitalism is anti-white.
>I shouldn't be forced to paint a cake of one man rimming another's asshole.
False dilemma, false equivalence... gosh... how many fallacies can we count in your post?
Two male-looking figures, two female-looking figures, two opposite-sex figures... Oh, noes... the sky is falling because I would have to stock an extra two baggies of non-perishable tiny figurines.
go back to Sup Forums
Or acid. There was episode of Luther with a guy who used acid in a water pistol
Then you just don't buy it. How fucking difficult is that? Stores don't force pork on everybody who enters.
It's about segregation, it occurs even more natural between muslims and whites than it is with whites and black.
But I guess you can make that into a good point, even if you lose half of your country.
If you could only see the troglodytes on this god forsaken island you'd feel the same way
>Then you just don't buy it. How fucking difficult is that? Stores don't force pork on everybody who enters.
Not the point.
If it doesn't sell then the owner has to take a loss.
It competes with space for other products.
Most pork products have to be refrigerated, which is even more cost.
No, the problem is that it can actually be really hard to find certain foods that are pork-free, especially sausages. Why else do you think a lot of goys buy (((Hebrew National)))?
Baby steps
Forcing them to assimilate
In order to be a religeous store/shop/whateverthefuck in France you have to apply for it. They didn't. Now they look retarded because they didn't do the paperwork.
>Not the point.
>If it doesn't sell then the owner has to take a loss.
>It competes with space for other products.
>Most pork products have to be refrigerated, which is even more cost.
Also, a principled person may want to refuse to sell drugs.
Alcohol is a drug. No one should be forced to sell drugs.
>Irish "girls"
Try finding lamb that ISNT halal in the UK or at least in my part of Canada. I dont want to eat something thats been ritualistically slaughtered by some goat fucker. The thought of it makes my skin crawl.
Also, modern methods of slaughter are more humane than mudskin methods.
Go back to Re**it.
Oh, and nice quads faggot
Not in England. In English Ireland. There's like 500 of them packed into 100 houses, max on the houses.
>Was on community service (police caught me with a minuscule amount; 4 fucking tablets, of clonazepam; tried to say I was dealing it, though the police are beyond useless here I got assaulted by some drunk and despite me and a witness saying to two officers 30yds away they told me to go to the station and make a complaint like catching real criminals wasn't their problem, the fucking drunk sat there for ~30 min I shit you not)
>Be on community service
>Have to paint wall white in paki area
>Suddenly paki teenagers start smearing mud on newly whitewashed wall.
>Grab paintbrush
>paint paki's face white
>Paki runs away trying to remove paint from his face
>Community service minder guy goes nuts
>"What the fuck did you do that for user!!!!!"
>"I just thought it was another piece of dirty wall mate"
>Everyone starts laughing
>Community service minder guy starts laughing (he was a right bro)
>"I'll have to report that, but fuck that was hilarious"
>Nothing ever became of it other than my leader going "blah blah blah hate crime, blah blah blah assault, blah blah blah nobody wants to press charges, blah blah blah, lucky I don't boot you out (starts to grin a bit) don't do it again user.
Youre fighting for muslim rights
>and my axe!
Tout va bien coupain?
France no!
>In order to be a religeous store/shop/whateverthefuck in France you have to apply for it.
What the everloving fuck?
Do you have to apply for a permit to sell hot-crossed buns?
Exact same thoughts.
You've never had decently cooked pork.
Those things would cut glass
yay more reasons to kill us!
no business should be forced to sell anything
Then the shopowner is free to leave Europe, where pork and alcohol are widely consumed by the native population, and pursue business elsewhere.
What about bacon, senpai-a-lam?
The right-wing parties in Belgium want to ban ritual slaughters and is supported by the animal activist organizations, while the Green Party is REEEing constantly and says we should have more "civil debate" about it
They'll always find a reason.
checked and checked kek confirms it
seriously though, if this act does cause a terror attack, it just proves that we should not ever back down from the fight
Do you eat bacon?
Pork sausages?
Pork ribs are fucking boss if you oven cook them at 150C for 4 hours in hoisin and sweet chilli sauce, keep glazing them and once the meat starts to fall off the bone remove the foil, give it a thicker glaze and crank it up to 200 for 15 mins for crispiness.
You must have had shitty pork bro.
(check all three to make sure your country isn't blocking them)
Il s'appele Mohamed
Il est inscrit au chômage
Il arrive du Maghreb
Couscous et Djellaba
Il a ramené sa famille,
Toutes ses femmes et ses enfants
Il ne parle que le Kabyle
Et ne lit que le Coran
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Il joue l'incruste partout
Pour pouvoir être embauché
Il ne sait rien faire du tout
Et il passe sont temps à glander
Harlem Désir est ton Dieu
Parce qu’il te donne tous les droits
Il te protège, te rend heureux
Et te laisse vivre chez moi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Nous l’avons croisé un soir
Dans une rue qui était noire,
On a voulu l’éduquer,
Mais nous l’avons crucifié,
Nous nous ne sommes pas inquiété,
De toute façon il n’y avait pas le choix
Dans son sang on l’a laissé
Il n’avait rien a faire chez moi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas souffrir
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas mourir
u ok bro? why so angry?