Trump endorses Ryan? What did he mean by this?
Trump Endorses Paul Ryan
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that it's over
This pisses me off. Paul Ryan doesn't deserve his endorsement.
Trump caved. He's given up on his policy of never apologizing and never giving in and sees that there's a game he has to play if he wants to survive. Expect more of this in the future.
He probably got some concession.
its said in the daily mail today; client eastwood and hulk hulgon support trump. client went on to say back in his day this wasn't racist, and its PC gone mad.
He endorsed McCain too.
When Ryan does it, everyone praises him. When Trump does it...
Can he be playing a sly survival game? Like playing along because he knows it's best and will give him be best chance for executing his plans?
I don't think he'd play it another way... sometimes you have to be strategic with your strategy.
He was never going to not endorse Ryan. He simply delayed the endorsement because Ryan initially refused to endorse Trump, and has continued to backstab him since the endorsement and nomination.
It was nothing more than a message, to stop fucking with Trump or Trump will fuck with him. He never seriously thought he could not endorse him.
You must understand that the Republican party actually wants Clinton to win, and may have wanted her to win even when they expected Bush or Rubio to be the nominee.
Why would they want Hillary to win?
Why wouldn't they? She represents the same interests. Trump does not.
Clinton could get more done than Bush, certainly, and everything would be blamed on the Democrats, not the Republicans
He's a big bitch that what he meant by that
It's so fucked up... it all has to end... hopefully it will.
He is a softy. Certainly no Stalin or Hitler that will inspire fear in those who would cross him. He tries to make a show of being fearsome, but it is obviois that inside he is not.
That is worrying in its own way. Still O am rooting for him
This. I'm still voting for him, but Trump lost some of my respect with this cuck shit
Means he's a cuck.
>he thinks the 2 main parties actually have different interests
I am raging. They are all liars. Trump is a lliar. I was totally for him because he was not like them. He told us he was anti-globalist. He told us he was anti-establishment. Now he has caved to the horrid globalist shit-bag scum-bag Ryan, who gave Obama everything Obama wanted. This is true - I always vote with my conscience. Trump just blew it for me. I am out. He does not get my vote. He is a liar.
Unfortunately, it was the right thing to do. After Trump's reelection (godwilling), then he can shake things up. Endorsing Nehlen would set the party on fire again.
Besides, Nehlen knows what's up. He's a true patriot
Gotta get into the white house first. While I don't believe the campaign was as bad as the media was making it out to be, I do believe that it was a bit of a clusterfuck. Endorsing Nehlen would have had a negative effect on Trump's chances of getting elected. You have to play the game a little bit, whether you like it or not.
"A display of true leadership." Biggest bunch of bullshit I have hard in a LONG time. True leadership would be standing up to these globalists with integrity and dignity. Trump is a liar and he is now playing the game. He is now one of them. He could have supported Nehlen, just like the American people went out on a limb and supported Trump. Screw Trump. I am so angry right now. He betrayed us.
>Endorsing Nehlen would have had a negative effect on Trump's chances of getting elected.
I absolutely disagree. No one likes Ryan. No one likes the RINOs. They betrayed us. We all took a chance on Trump, and he said he was not one of them which is why we took that chance. People in Wisconsin seem to love Nehlen and hate Ryan. So what risk would Trump have taken? He is filling stadiums to this day, the American people want change. They don't want Ryan. He betrayed us. He is a liar.
Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.
>seem to love Nehlen
look, i know we talk about how polls don't matter here, but the reality is that Nehlen beating Ryan is a longshot. Ryan wins after Trump endorses Nehlen, there's a huge bridge burned. Nehlen doesn't care and still supports Trump, so if he wins they're on good terms still. Seriously, you have to be strategic. Do you really think it would be wise to make a bold move like this following a rough week campaigning?
4D chess
What if Nehlen does win? Then what does that say about Trump? And all the people that supported Nehlen, who will they vote for since Trump betrayed them for a globalist?
I do understand what you are saying about strategy, but I seriously do not know if I can get over this. Ryan is Hillary is Obama. Trump might as well have just said, "I support Hillary" or "I support Obama." No difference. Trump only has two three more months to go and he blew it. It is his fault his campaign is now faltering. And, I read earlier today on Sup Forums that one of his economics board people is directly from George Soros.
℮ ^ π ί chess
Nehlen said he thinks Trump's earlier comment about how he "wasn't quite there" about endorsing Ryan was indicative of his true preferences. I think you're being shortsighted about this. In order to get in, you do have to make nice with the establishment. Leaders make tough choices in order to secure power, and this was one of them. If you want to beat Hillary, this was the correct choice.
also when you say it is his fault the campaign is faltering, that means it is his squabbles with the Khans that are tearing it up. Even if he is right, you can't always say what's on your mind (for the record, he is right about the Khans. But your average person doesn't know that, because the MSM doesn't report on Khan's views on Sharia). Endorsing Ryan was safe; endorsing Nehlen was a gamble. I'd rather not gamble on losing to Hillary.
Think about this logically. If he endorsed Nehlen on that stage the MSM would never shut up about party unity
A display of leadership would have been telling Ryan to hit the curb. What the fuck is this shit.
>In order to get in, you do have to make nice with the establishment.
True. But by supporting a globalist (Ryan) he might have destroyed any chances Nehlen had of winning. Thus, he is betraying the very people who are supporting him (Trump).
>Leaders make tough choices in order to secure power, and this was one of them.
Trump won't have power with Ryan in charge. If I remember correctly, there was an article last week saying as such, that Ryan would support what Hillary wanted to do, not Trump. This was Trump's chance to get rid of Ryan and he blew it.
Eric Canter lost to a nobody, and Eric Canter is a huge Jewish political player, and he lost to a nobody. Nehlen is going to win. There is more hate toward Ryan than there was toward Canter (if I remember correctly, I could be wrong). So again, I think Trump blew it. Sorry. I do understand your points, but I just don't know if I can get over this.
I bet later, Trump ends up backstabbing Ryan. For now he'll play along and then backstab the fucker when the time is right.
if this was his boardroom, he could have done that. But it's not his boardroom.
>that means it is his squabbles with the Khans that are tearing it up.
I agree with you that Trump was right about the Khans. I made my comment about his campaign faltering because he is just not acting dignified lately. The stunt he pulled with the mother and the baby really turned me off. It was very mean-spirited what he said when the mother left, about "she really thought I was serious..." So, now we know Trump lies, and then laughs about it when people believe him.
So is trump more of a cuck than ted cruz
He's fucked either way. I hate Paul Ryan, but if he endorses Nehlen and Nehlen loses, Ryan is going to screw him. But if Nehlen wins, he's not the Speaker, so Nehlen can't sandbag Trump. It's the safest bet.
I don't like it at all, but he's going to have to throw the GOPe a bone now and again, so don't act too surprised if the trade he has to make for the wall is some kind of amnesty.
I'm not even trying to be a dick, or facetious, but you need to stop thinking with your emotions.
>This was Trump's chance to get rid of Ryan
and what if it failed? There is a better chance of Ryan winning, and there was even before Trump's endorsement.
Wow you burgers are fascinating to watch; one more retarded than the other.
Party unity, he needs everyone to stand as one against the clinton machine
I believe this endorsement is to push liberals to oust Ryan and others in the open primaries.
Make friends with your enemies so that your other enemies smite your main enemies.
Not necessarily enemy of my enemy is my friend, but take advantage of the useful idiots to eradicate the backstabbers like Soros does.
He has to persuade the public and other GOP elite that he isn't the raving lunatic he's painted to be and can play ball with establishment politics.
What he did here was effective since by withholding his endorsement I'm sure he was at least able to get a little revenge and simultaneously thorough news coverage. Then by caving to the pressure he looks like a good goy to the GOP elites and donor class, to everyone else you get struck with the impression that he does listen to his advisors even if it goes against his wishes.
If we start seeing more moves like this and less of the loose comments the media gigs him for then we're going to have excellent chances come November.