Today, one of my teachers was talking somethings about americans.
He told us about how cold they are, that they really value their privacy, so you can't too close to people while talking and shit. I thought it was weird, because it sounds like the was putting everyone in the same pot.
How cold americans really are? German people seem to be a thousand times colder, russians as well. In the other hand, he said that italian people are actually way more 'warmer' than us latin (don't include me in this, I'm not autistic, but I tend to stay away from people while we talk and almost never hug girls)
Today, one of my teachers was talking somethings about americans
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I fucked up on the english, but whatever
You never saw Russians mens greeting eachother? Bearhug.
Every foreigner I spoke to said Americans appear very friendly.
Wut? I read somewhere that if you smile too much in Russia, people will assume you're american.
Expect us, Sometimes you're loud and obnoxious, Sorry if that offends you.
Maybe you spoke with europeans, they seem to be colder.
We're very warm people but if we don't know you and you walk to up to us in a inner city attempting to talk at random we will look at you strange then walk away. Some people might stop but the vast majority won't stop to a random stranger saying hello
I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but your teacher sounds like a faggot communist fuck.
We hella pals in 'Murica.
Russian mens kiss eachothers, During the "Serie du siècle" (USSR VS Canada), At the first game the Russians attempted to bearhug and kiss the Canadian players instead of just a traditional handshake.
>there's 320 million Americans and they are all the same
You're teacher sounds like a fucking idiot
>theres 2.3 billion niggers and they're all the same
I bet you feel pretty stupid now.
Im italian so not that cold
So that makes some sense then, if you stop here in Brazil or any other latin country and talk to people, they'll probably stop and talk to you. At least most of them.
It's funny, because he's not a communist. He's just too warm, he goes out huging people (usually just chicks, obviously). He says that if he did that in US, it would be fucking weird.
Maybe is was the vodka.
Yea, in german it would be the same.
He said he went to Italy once, and told us people are pretty fucking warm. He asked directions to a woman, she kind of hugged him, putting her arms around his shoulders and pointing to direction he should go.
He found it pretty strange, oh well..
>Brazilian intellectuals
We are warm if your cool
Your teacher was prolly a kike huh?
Or maybe a shitlib communist. We hate communists and basically want to kill them all so that is why your teacher might have thought that
Most people who randomly walk up to strangers are fucking weirdos. If you try to behave like in other countries (ie, Arab states) you'll get the cold shoulder for sure. Like this one time a sandie came up to me in Macy's.
>Stops me in a store
>Asks the company that made my glasses
>Tell him, try to leave
>Stops me and asks where I go to uni
>Creeped out, walk away
>"Yuo are beutiful i give you job ofer i from dubai" he yells after me
Niggers and black people are not the same.
In Mexico is normal to hug and kiss a woman as a greeting, the best part is that they have to do it or else they'll look weird so free hugs and kisses all the time from cute girls.
>Yuo are beutiful i give you job ofer i from dubai
Why didn't you take it?
You missed a good opportunity.
This actually sucks because it devaluates kissing and hugging. Totally meaningless and unenjoyable. Here if somebody hugs you they really mean it and it matters.
T. Immigrant
>wanting to be slave boipussy in Dubai
hey man if that's what you want, I know a guy
Every state is different
There is no American stereotype that fits.
Were like 40% not even white.
He would be of course correct. Initiating unwanted physical contact is actually illegal in the USA. Contact beyond a handshake is only done for intimate reasons in American culture. Making initial contact also requires a reason. You can't just walk up to strangers in America and strike up a conversation unless its in a social setting.
Among friends and family however its the exact opposite and Americans tend to be very loud and engaging.
We are not cold or stern like the Germans. You HUE's have really really bad body odor and you don't know it. So do Indians, most blacks, and the majority of Europeans. Soap and water daily, deodorant, and you will be much more welcome.
>Here if somebody hugs you they really mean it and it matters
Yeah it's the same over here, not with hugs and kisses though but with actual fucking. I think it's a good thing we're like this because through this socially acceptable physical contact you can get chemistry with a person and develop interest from there.
Americans are much colder than Latins. I'm half Mexican but I was raised by the Mexican side of the family. When moved to a place that has more white people they were pretty uncomfortable with how friendly and 'loud' I was.
On average. Personal space is about twice that of hispanics. Sometimes more.
Lol your teacher is speaking out if his ass. I can tell he's only been to new York city and that's it
Americans are Hella friendly. We smile, nod, and sometimes say hello to people as we simply pass them on the sidewalk, unless you're a millennial. Millennials are selfish and pay attention to nothing and have no respect for anyone that isn't there friend, just like Europeans
Italians are rude and cold as fuck, but that's just to us Americans. It's normal for them.
In the u.s., we even say hello how are you to cashiers at the stores..... sure, we don't truly care how they are and it's just more of a greeting, but its still better than nothing
Depends on where you are. In New York City its general advised to keep two switchblade lengths away from the people around you. In Wyoming its reccomended to 2 miles distance, or about the average range of your standard .5 caliber sniper rifle.
Oh wait he's Brazilian ... will be like 22 yrs old so still in the 7th grade. As you werhuehuehue
This. Personal space tends to be greater in more rural areas until they get comfortable with you.
Some people are cold but not nearly as much as in Europe. Europeans actually come here and get triggered when a stranger talks to them.
I think only Russians are colder to their fellow countrymen. Tell an american "will suck dick for freedom no homo and close the borders fuck MS13" and you are friends for life. they will even setup a gofundme in your honor if you need anything. That is immigrant privilege in America