Fuck this multiculturalism bullshit

Fuck this multiculturalism bullshit

I want to go back to the 90's in an all white neighbourhood where house parties had punk music and not the coontunes of today. People went out on their skateboards to their friends house and play in garage bands instead of looking for pokemon glued to the cellphone in the park like a fucking zombie.

Fuck the Jews for ruining everything with their SJW useful idiots that turn men into wimps and fags. I want my regressive free white picket fence sweet neighbourhood back.

only if we can lose these fuckin hoa's.

Cry me a river hitler.

Just migrate further north.
White people the only ones who can take the cold weather

El PeruANO

Masshole here, it's just as fucking bad

Can't speak for Leafland, though

Ive been thinking about moving to N.Dakota but ive heard its boring as hell.

yeah, because on the 90's there where no pokemon, right?
Fucking shithead

There were also no smartphones

Yeah but you didnt see balding middle aged men swarming parks while playing it.

Wait. Peru was like this in the 90's?

Pokémon didn't come to the US until '98, Juan

There goes my ethnocentrism again, I meant North America, not the US

Fuck you this is all your greedy fault



Your four-foot tall Peruvian ass wants to go back to the 90's, when your country was cucked by a ruthless Jap dictator?

Good luck with that, Pedro.

I miss being around other white people so much.

Call it in-group-preference, call it whatever you want.

I took my fellow white people for granted. Whites are in my experience (traveled the world - had many experiences with super rich and extra poor) the most well rounded human beings out there.


A fucking leaf!

you dropped your leaf sir!

>I want to go back to the 90's in an all white neighbourhood


You should also say fuck the jews for making stupid spics like you think you're white.

You have cellphones in Peru?


Minnesota has a fuckton of Somalians and it's cold as shit there.

>all white neighborhoods.

Just wait till your elections Isreal faggot

I guarantee the left wins...Enjoy diversity

>White people are the only ones who can take cold weather

True, but gibs means it's worth it for anyone. This is how Somalians are in Sweden and Minnesota, Or why Canada has so many Indians.

Sure the weather really fucks them up, but weather doesn't mean shit when they can crank their house to 100 degrees and spend the entire winter inside while eating vitamin D supplemented food to avoid rickets because their melanin enriched skin isn't efficient in low-sun environments of the north.

>I want to go back to the 90's in an all white neighbourhood where house parties had punk music and not the coontunes of today.
Punks are just the white equivalent of niggers, user.

Who's this hardon collider?

all the punks I knew were awesome people.

never hurt anyone, never caused crime.

Here's another handout we'll give to your shitskin country: just click the Google link next to the image and it will reverse-search the image for you. Amazing!

Completely unrelated, but I can't wait until we build that fucking wall.

I'm on mobile, senpai.

better boring than dieverse

Ummm in the 90's you were still an inca cesspool

There goes Mexico, implying that Aztecs were superior to Incans again.

I agree


Yah some of the best years of my life. I did just that.

Then we all got hooked on pot and turned into retards. So it wasn't perfect.

I vividly remember the house party I was at when this guy showed up and told us Kurt Cobain was dead. Knocked me for 6. A few years later all the nig music took over and here we are.

Click the 3 vertical dots on the elite of his post and select "Search on Google", dipshit.

Also, build wall.

By 2020 people will get tired of nig music, I'm already seeing it all over, kids don't seem to like rap and my dad is playing it less too.
It's all so tiresome

666 trips

Hip-hop is a talentless genre that's cheap and easy to produce hence it's heavily marketed to mouth-breathers for the purpose of maximizing shekel flow. I don't see this kind of music dying any time soon.

Where is your leaf, mate ?

You soiled my American culture you jewish swine

I agree. Because it's easy and talentless it appeals to these mouth breathers because they can see themselves doing it where as with white music you need to practice an instrument for 6 months to a year before you can really play anything.

Been a long time now. 20 years.


Only if you fucking drown in it Jew boy.

Peru today looks like Israel in the 50's, are you sure you're not referring to things you saw on TV? And what multiculturalism are you talking about? Peru has two kinds of people: Bolivia-core cholitas and mestizo inbreds, maybe a few westerners in Lima (which looks amazingly familiar to Tel Aviv as long as you stay in the center)

> He thinks that people weren't playing Pokemon on portable game consoles in the 90s

Nigga are you retarded?

Suddenly Israel is an expert on Peru.
What's the matter Rothstein? Are you chasing down 104 year old Nazi's?

You can always immigrate to certain states here. If you're white, you're more than welcome