Why don't you support the intelligent candidate?
Why don't you support the intelligent candidate?
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Your graph looks at degrees, not intelligence.
You have low intelligence if you think that degrees predict IQ.
Social science degrees probably predict lower than average IQ.
>not including the Johnson
So high school dropouts have the highest IQ of all. Gotcha.
Thanks for trumpening the record.
"African-American Women Now Top the List of Most-Educated Group in the Country"
> The views of African-American women are the most important
the leaf is at it again
are you going to call anyone who disagrees with you a "right wing retard"?
>globalist elites, cucks and gender studies graduates
See, you have a low IQ. You don't realize that young people today are going to college far more than older people.
Young low IQ black women are going to college more than high IQ white men of an older generation.
The "educated" vote is usually just the young vote.
A whole third of intelligent people support Trump
shills btfo
I'm sorry but this is a board that has spent the last 5 years trying to #redpill us on race and intelligence.
I assumed you guys would think that intelligence is important. Was I wrong?
"I love the poorly educated" - Donald Trump
Not what the other user pointed out at all, but there you libs go warping words again.
leafs are always wrong and not welcome on Sup Forums kill yourself senpai
Non STEM degrees make up over 70% of all bachelors degrees in the US.
Not sure about the post grad.
>People who spend 5-10 years at college are more susceptible to groupthink
Gee, who could have possibly foreseen this‽‽‽1
"The median household income of a Trump voter so far in the primaries is about $72,000, based on estimates derived from exit polls and Census Bureau data. That’s lower than the $91,000 median for Kasich voters. But it’s well above the national median household income of about $56,000. It’s also higher than the median income for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters, which is around $61,000 for both."
Trump voters have higher incomes than Hillary voters.
IQ and income actually has a stronger statistical correlation than IQ and college degrees.
Hillary voters appear to have more "education", but are poorer than average - i.e., low IQ people with worthless liberal arts degrees.
The psychology major who serves you burgers is not important.
>1 Hillary token has been deposited into your account
Well where are all those high IQ people that you're talking about and why aren't they endorsing Trump? All I see for Trump are endorsements from people like Hulk Hogan and Mike Tyson.
liberal brainwashing is effective
you trying to say mike tyson is stupid? are you some sort of racist
So much this.
Can't even get a Hockey team into the NHL playoffs this year. You guys are at an all time level of suck. Can't wait to see USA clobber your asses in the Olympics as usual.
>its a liberals say they are for the working man while insulting them episode
The fact that you look to celebrity endorsements to get an idea of a candidates base is another sign of your really low IQ.
Democrats are all about the working class until they vote GOP. Then they're uneducated morons.
Gotta love the tolerant left, folks.
And shillary obviously hates them. What does it matter?
ironically, the poorest and least educated voters (niggers) love hillary.
Why do you gotta hate on the simple, working man, op?
high IQs don't necessarily equate to success in school...
Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.
Found the C student.
>most colleges are liberal
>most colleges produce liberal graduates
Wow, how shocking.
that's bullshit, I'm still working on my degrees, and I'm voting Trump.
This basically. The difference in support would close a bit more if you cut out the useless degrees that shouldn't really count as education and even more if you considered only college educated white men.
fuck you
Looks like it's pretty much the same for post-grad. What a surprise.
Found the gender studies major
>am conservative leaning
>as are nearly all colleagues and most professors I have had
Business and Engineering are generally conservative leaning. If they aren't in college, they become that way slowly as they start working because doing real work in the business and manufacturing world changes the way you think.
I started out as a libertarian, still am for the most part, only I realize that libertarian ideas of open borders and unrestricted free trade will continue to pillage the manufacturing industry that I am a part of. Slowly I have migrated from libertarian ideals and neo-conservative ideals because of this.
This view point leads me to embrace internal capitalism and external nationalism, which seems to be what Trump is all about. Literally the only issues I care about during this election are gun rights and blocking TPP.
m8 you could have a high iq and just be super lazy or something, or be a drug addict or something
>Spend longer time in liberal indoctrination centers
>become more liberal
Wow really makes me think. Thanks for correcting the record.
But all this proves is that universities push a liberal curriculum. Hell most of those "highly educated" voters probably have liberal arts degrees.
I have an AA, AS, and BA. I will be voting for Trump. This country is beyond fucked if HRC gets elected and permanently changes the voting demographics with amnesty for illegal immigrants.3/4 of my granparents were (legal) immigrants.
Oh also OP.
Source? I'd like to know how this survey was conducted.
Genuinely curious what it'd be if they included Johnson. Although I suspect they wouldn't like the results as much then.
Actually I'm a straight A student in college, but thanks for proving you're just assuming things and not actually thinking :)
Two semesters from getting my masters in Finance. Voting Trump. Every 'college educated' person I know who's voting Hillary has degrees in feminist studies, ethnic studies, English, Sociology, and every other useless degree you can imagine.
My economics/finance professors are straight Trump Republicans.
My English professors have been straight up open communists.
Which do you think there's more of? Which is easier to do? The one that requires years of statistics, math, equations, etc, or the one every retarded liberal in existence can get? Then the follow-up question is which way do you think the Gender studies graduate is going to vote.
Why can't smart people have their own leader for once human history? Are they not allowed to have that?
I'm a CS major
Most USA universities are liberal degeneracy central.
>institutions of reason and science tend to be dismissive of superstitious beliefs
Ok, thanks for trumpening the record.
i don't have a college degree and i dislike both.
i favor Trump just for the lulz but honestly i think this country is a lost cause at this point.
>doesn't understand jokes
Reddit's that way, kid.
>reason and science
>tribals aren't less advanced than us, they're just different!
I thought that you guys valued high IQs and wanted to create a master race full of people with high IQs. Wouldn't it help you achieve your goals to have the country led by someone who appeals to smart people, therefore making their lives more enjoyable and productive?
Wouldn't electing Trump just contribute to making the country dumber and shittier? Think about it.
>most highly indoctrinated
Considering that most post-graduate degrees are JDs and most undergrads are BAs in liberal arts, I am wholly unsurprised. I'd love to see the breakdown among economists and engineers, sometimes called "actual smart people".
This Based Feckin Strayan gets it.
Hillary voters are 4 times as likely to have 0 to 35,000 yearly income, but only 5% more have a bachelor's degree?
So college educated welfare recipients?
Because my IQ is much higher than the average dor any of the cohorts in your graph and I feel confident coming to my own conclusions. Also Trump is himself almost certainly the smartest candidate, though not as smart as me, he is bro tier.
>claims to be superior, logical and rational being
>still falls for a confirmation bias
So sick of tards with basket weaving degrees. They are NOT intelligent.
>this kills the leaf
If they were so smart, they would've found a way to have a smart leader by now.
You're stupid and you don't understand the purpose of averages. Your link clearly shows that people with the highest income prefer Hillary, but their average is lowered by minorities who also voted for her.
There's no point making an average of two completely distinct groups.
If I had a group of 100 people, 50 of whom are black and 50 white and I made an average of them all, I would get someone who's brown and you would think “hurr the average person in this room is brown” even though that does not at all reflect reality.
Fuck you.
>notice existing trend
>speak of existing trend
>idiot comments about 'confirmation bias' without understanding what it is.
This meme about unintelligent people being less credible voters needs to die, we live in a democracy commie scum.
Amazing how higher education makes one 'liberal'. It's like facts have a liberal bias or something.
Most working class voters support Trump
Champagne socialists BTFO?
I guarantee the 45 percent with a bachelors degree major in woman or gender studies
the 40 percent with trump have STEM degrees
Most intelligent people are libertarian or some form of conservative
Your brain dead idiots with degrees are useless
Well if you're going to elect someone based on how “working class” they are, then why not vote for some Mexican who picks oranges all day and mows lawns? Would you vote for that guy? Following your logic, that's what you should do.
Of course not, you wouldn't vote for him because you don't support Trump because of some higher state of moral standard that the rest of us are oblivious to, but just because you're racist.
There are very few people with post graduate degrees compared to the others. There are fewer people with 4 year degrees compared to the remainder.
Trump is going to win because he has the largest base.
Importing Mexicans and Arabs will make our country dumber
give it a rest leaf have a gender studies degree doesn't make you smarter.
If you cared about intelligence you wouldn't want a candidate that wants to bring in uneducated people
look at the bell curve and tell me
>voting for some Mexican
We can't vote a non-citizen into office, you dumb leaf
You got me there. The "facts" presented to you by a teacher's assistant, that were either written by a grad student trying to write a dissertation in their quest to become a professor, or an aging professor that wrote a few books while they gun for tenure and entrance into the university retirement village. They don't cherry pick facts or tell half truths to push an agenda and secure their own economic prosperity, no way.
Hey ctr shill, ever wonder why your sociology/women's studies professors made you buy books penned by themselves or their colleagues? Really makes you think huh.
Finally, an Australian doesn't shitpost.
He is completely right also. I studied engineering for four years, and have worked in industry for four years. I can wholeheartedly say that the vast majority of university graduates lack common sense and are not fit for work. Their "common sense" is far from common. They might know how to use Catia and [barely] work a stress calc, but the majority can't even cook.
Education isn't about absorbing everything you read or hear like a sponge retard. It's about using your brain critically. Not that you would know anything about that.
The shills are always from Canada
It's clear you've never attended a university.
Finally a leaf that isn't a leftist shill
Bachelors degree here I can confirm that most of what I learned for my career was outside the class room
Irish - born, bred and raised. Fuck these cucks. I'm redpilling them one at a time.
>he thinks universities are about critical thinking
Confirmed for not having a degree
Now why would I do that, when I want to destroy the establishment?
Pick the candidate that will plunge the world to chaos and ruin. To destroy feminism, communism/socialism, degeneracy, and all the ills of the world. To be purified of taint.
Why are you afraid of renewing society? It's the most intelligent thing to do, considering how pervasive the corruption is. A global "reset" is the only way.
Academia has a liberal bias.
If you do well in academia, chances are you're fine with the current trend.
Schools and professors also teach liberal values.
Pretty sure that this graph works for every election in the last 50 years.
>the more invested you are into the establishment the more likely you are to vote clinton