Degenerate sluts on twitter are going crazy over Tonga's flag bearer
Degenerate sluts on twitter are going crazy over Tonga's flag bearer
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Almost everyone in all these ceremonies is super good looking. I need to get swole
Pointless thread but it's true I watched for a couple of minutes. It's like globalism new world orde propaganda all the best looking diverse people from every country of course it's going to encourage race mixing. Like the white looking Brazilian guys it's exotic and appealing to some girls because of failed relationships with white guys or they are just whores or socially liberal etc
>Always hear about the Olympics being an athlete fuckfest
>Think nothing of it
>Get redpilled
>Realize there is a minority of white athletes in the games and theyre all probably getting dicked by Africans and other subhuman trash
These arent just any white girls either, they are our finest athletic specimens
Fuck the olympics
if it was a semi naked chick people would be bitching about it
cant wait for then to bitch about the bitches on the carnaval part
Ive seen dudes here look exactly like him, what gives?
I don't get it either. My sisters were going crazy over him too.
They can like what they like. This isn't really deserving of a thread.
well he is a handsome fellow
no need to get butt frustrated
That's so fucking sexist. They see him only as an object.
He has great traps and lats, his pecs are meh though and he could use a cut. Big nipples too and they're dark as fuck which isn't aesthetic. Very handsome face though, I can see why women are losing it over him.
>Tfw he'll never fuck you in your tight white boipucci
lol there is no reason to get upset, save your anger for something that you should be upset.
I like how they have to show white guys because there own people are too ugly. But but look how tan he is! Not fooling me kek.
You can at least rest assured that this year its in Brazil and they will spawn a bunch of hilarious looking zika babies that will only be good for the Howard Stern show.
eh there are plenty of guys doing the same over female athletes all the time
its hypocritical of them to say those things and then bitch about guys doing it but what else is new
Well he's an attractive guy. Women are attracted to good looking men. Why is an issue?
ive got bad news for you user
>your sisters crave the bbc
I know Sup Forums bitches about everything but this is really scraping the bottom of the barrel
Oh well, at least I don't live in a tiny, irrelevant island country where everyone's fat
Cucked states of America Please, in the name of all white enriched countries: Dont be so cucked.
Bitches love the BPC (big polynesian cock). Stay mad white bois.
He's a very attractive guy. Encouraged me to get in shape with how women are just fawning all over him.
The white girls are getting fucked by white uber Chads not scrawny nigs.
Lol most Tongans look nig as fuck. They've been in oz for decades. Somehow they haven't bred like vermin though so they're not a problem unless you deal with them closely then you might have an ape fight on your hands but if you don't travel in scummy circles you'll barely see one.
That's a great idea for SJW skanks to go there, Tongan nig agression mixed with their cuckedom might create a species that is at least mentally normal.
because men should be praised for their intellect and personality rather than how they look
Why is he so fucking oily?
Got bad news for you...
Uggo detected.
You can regularly see better looking Islanders at my local gym.
He's not even that muscular, no 6 pack, and what the fuck, greases himself up
I don't speak German
Who dat bitch?
I'd be that ripped too if I doused and lathered myself in oil. Fucking sloots, what can ya do but fuck em right?
"I am expelled from the national community."
Presumably for race-mixing.
He's not a nigger - who gives a fuck lol.
It's like wanting me to get angry at girls thinking The Rock is sexy
Dude is a flamer...100%
No straight guy is oiling himself up like that.
>Literally better tongans all living in new zealand
why are americans so dumb?
Looks+status, the ultimate aphrodisiac for women.
Shoo shoo
Jealous ugmo
They're celebrating finding one attractive brown guy in br
He's aesthetic a fuck what do you expect? Hell even I'm mirin'
Let me guess, you have a great personality.
I'm so often ashamed of my own gender that I'm starting to become numb to idiocy.
This Tonka truck looks like he's not sure why he's there at all.
dibs bedora
Isn't he the countries Prince?
How is this a surprise though
Keep dreaming fatty
shit, if you're Tongan, you don't even have to be particularly good at what you do to make the Olympic team.
it has a population of 100k
the suburb I live in has twice that.
lets make this trend:
ahahahaha shit I hope they aren't allowed reentry
Not a bad ass for an asian.
Dude isnt even buff
My friend who goes to the gym less than 3 times a week has more muscles
So why are there no abbo athletes there?
Women lie constantly about what they find attractive. They say they want a greased up looking gay foreigner because that's what they believe society currently expects them to want.
im game
wow... even i want him to fuck me in the ass....
Look harder.
He's good looking lad whats the problem?
Having a strop about this is as pathetic as those uggos crying about that sexy long volleyball girl
God you guys are insecure and gay as fuck
kill yourselves you gay ass baby dicked faggots
>those nasty hamplanets would score this in tonga
Isn't your country in the process of being taken over and raped by refugees?
Its not even trending that much and most retweets are literally from dudes making retarded jokes about the amount of baby oil he used. The rest are middle aged or uggo women, and then a very small handful of cute girls.
That being said, he is a good looking dude. No homo.
sluts on twitter are going crazy over this tonga guy
>I am le grill XD
thats better
Who the fuck cares? Im 10 times more alpha and ripped
It's my understanding that in Tonga they eat dog. I wonder if those ladies are open to that.
somebody help me. I'm trying to slut shame as many whores as i can see with that hashtag
>There's fucking articles about him
There are millions of guys who look like that
These chicks must be really starved for dick
Geez I have a better body than him
>white looking
Brazilian isn't a race fucktard, those are white guys
Why are women so quick to objectify men? That dude got where he is by hard work and determination but women just see him as a sex object to be used and thrown away.
of course there are. women bring out their inner sluts at times like this. The best thing to do is slut shame them
Because he's a real man as opposed to cucked out fag Westerners.
Funny though these women will probably hate him because he's probably really nationalistic and probably has warrior spirit in him (unlike Western males who are all grovelling Christian fag slaves).
Summer Olympics = nigs et. al.
Winter Olympics = Aryans and Asians
you all are white dudes bitching on a Laotian anime imageboard about how some ethnic dude is getting fawned over holy shit move on
Because this is all Western men have left. Grovelling like little fags.
pretty much this
Same with Iraq's for some reason
itt mad white bois
hell marry some fat tongan elephant anyway
im trying to get this trending
How is this guy considered that attractive?
hes not, women are just fantasizing about an oiled up aboriginal going balls deep in them
>Polynesian men
More squatz, less simple carbs. Being out of shape is degenerate, so get on it boyo.
>not just getting laid by a girl who likes skeletons
>3DPD """""males"""""
fuck off Sandro