All men are created equal

>All men are created equal
Did the founders fuck up by putting this in the Declaration of Independence?

It could be worse. They could have put "all men and women".

No, the south fucked up by importing niggers. Then they didnt want the Liberals to send them back to Liberia

They did it deliberately.

Nah, liberals/jews fucked it up by selling people of the idea that by
>all men are created equal
They meant
>all people are biologically equal with no differences whatsoever between them

When it's abundantly clear to anyone with a couple brain cells and a sense of history that the founding fathers used >equal
In the Masonic sense, meaning
>there is no class of men who are granted by birth the divine right to rule over others, and the only just form of government is one elected by the people, for the people.

The the founding fathers would be spinning in their graves if they knew that the Kikes and Marxists would one day twist their words to mean that niggers were human too, although the "self-evident" part should take care of that bit.

pretty much this desu

All men are equal under God. There's no fuck up from his perspective.

>All men are created equal


They never intended for niggers, spics, and arabs to be considered human men.

ITT: Basement dwelling autists who think they know better than the founding fathers, who have placed a pretty damn fine and solid foundation for the US.

No. Niggers are not men. This was taken for granted at the time because everyone believed it.

all men are created equal. we all come out covered in blood and crying.

it is everything after that which truly makes us what we are.

More like faglord

They were talking about white people. Blacks were only 3/5's of a person.In no way would they have considered them equals in the Declaration if they didnt in person.

Shouldve worded it better is all. Now we are fucked.

All men are created equal
If a black man refuses to be educated that is their choice
Even though the entire black community will support their decision and groupthink rules in niggerland

All men are created equal . . . only with respect to their certain inalienable rights.

yeah they should have added EXCEPT NIGGERS AND MUSLIMS


No... All men ARE created equal. They prove themselves worth more or less by their actions.

Inalienable rights don't exist.

They should have put women in as well. It could have prevented the Civil War.

The founding fathers at the time knew this to be the precise definition of "men."

It meant white property owners.

They never thought blacks would be considered "men" tho.

Since its not an actual legal document

Thomas Jefferson said that all men are endowed with inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The founding fathers never said we were all equal, that's a myth. Everyone had rights in colonial America, slaves had the right to housing, food, not be abused, etc. To own slaves you were expected to be able to provide for them. Land owning free men of all backgrounds had the right to vote.

The founding fathers had no idea how incredibly stupid people were going to be like today.

People was defined as humans who didn't wipe their ass with their hand and had formerly established empires and law.

The common man can see that men are not created equal. To not adapt to this FACT is retarded of them. I'll give them a pass though because they were only around 27 or 29 years old when writing these things. Not old and wise enough perhaps... Fast forward to 2016 and you see the cucks and man-children we have today.

I don't think they did. They did not include women as equals and they also considered blacks to be property. They were really only referring themselves and other like them, white men. I dont see how this is not what they meant if you look at at what point in history this was being written.

This is on point.

But they didn't say that did they?

So they're fucking retarded, is that your argument? They're too retarded to be specific?

Nice job, you fucking idiot. You just demonstrated precisely what they meant.

So basically like minimum wage?

Slaves are not US citizens, these words do not apply to them

the south fucked up by using the 3/5 compromise giving them defacto citizenship

>all men are created equal
>niggers are 3/5 of a normal man

Funny constitution you have there

All men are created equals means that all men (and women, it's 2016 guys) can achieve anything if they work hard enough (abolish paygap when?) and they all deserve the same rights (even criminals and undocumented migrants, duh).
They were basically socialists, which meant they were very clever and advanced for their time.

t. leaf

I hate Canada so fucking much.


>thinking niggers were only slaves in the south.

No, Jefferson was a classical liberal and knew what he was writing

Wow, one person in this fucking thread understands this concept aside from me. Cheers, bro. Goddamn the stupidity of people never ceases to amaze...

> The deceleration and the Constitution are the same


You can't take it out of context like that OP. full version is "All men are created equal, the dicks will eventually fall off the stupid ones soon after birth"

"All men..." is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. The Constitution was ratified over 20 years after the Declaration.

wasn't there a law in place stating chinese people could not become citizens?
didn't they regard a negro as 3/5ths of a white man