Be me

>be me
>think Japan should open its border toward immigrants
>people call me proxy, armyfag, shill, English teacher or whatever they hate
>IMF, world bank, United nations,many famous economists and international organizations advocate that Japan need immigrants

okay. educated people are my side.

what do? Sup Forums

t. 14 year old playing KanColle on VPN


ad homenim is not argument. my 13yo friend :3

Why does Japan need immigrants? To fill automated production jobs?

The older generations will soon be out of power in Japan, and in 30 years time the current unimpressive crop will come in with their less disciplined, more liberal ideas and slowly ruin what once made your country great, particularly through endless flow of unimpressive immigrants.

Do not listen to the globalist powers, keep Japan proud of itself and its heritage.

Japan is interesting in that they have an aging population, but are about becoming much more efficient.

Japan is overpopulated and has more kids than most European countries, they don't need anyone.

lack of young people, increasing older people

>why is this problem???

Use your brain.

Hint: social system.

Only allow working women to get temporary foreign worker permits (nurses from the Philipines, etc)

They can only stay in Japan with anchor babies IF they marry and have a child with a Japanese man.

Population crisis solved. If Japanese women don't want to put out, next best thing is to bring breeders over who'll pump out Halfpanese babies in exchange for citizenship.

using economists' opinions to dictate immigration policy is fucking cancerous and retarded, and I say that as someone with an economics degree