Sup Forums humor thread
Sup Forums humor thread
Help me out fags
Fine, I'll dig something up
Leaf still stands
Someone edit that with 6 billion
At least post the one where Japan gets nuked you fucking limey faggot.
>The last few humans know they are watching the end of history.
> eating Indian food that you haven't prepared yourself.
>might be a little small
*smacks lips*
*teleports behind you*
holy kek
Even in le current year you STILL have people saying real communism hasn't been tried yet. I just don't get it.
lmao all the dindus are in jail or dropped out
That is what we biologists call "natural selection".
Where the did the dindus go?
>talking shit about blacksad
People never understand past the surface. They assume it's simply just having a community work each other and get equal stuff to the rest. They think the theory should carry over to the practice, when nothing ever works that way.
Normie-tier trash
Nigs didn't invent peanut butter
I heartily lost.
Get out of here stalker.
>Freedom fighter
My sides.
Not as good without the filename.
Thank you for posting the good version
"I can't understand subtlety so I need my jokes spelled out"
woah hey stop my dick can only get so hard
ayyyy, I am not gonna fall for that.
I'm not falling for your Jewish tricks this time
Yours either
Requesting the screencap of the post about "the meek" genetically engineered race created by the elites.
Not humorous but I need it
fuck you
you jewish fucking cocksucker its 1 am and dark here
>for you
Not even jewish but do we not use their tactics?
Needs napoleons surrender too
Ye its pretty fuckin' jewish alright. Scared the fuck out of me.
I was dissapointed when I realised teh spider wsn't real. Who will protect me form the snakes?
>I don't ever have any problems
>standard English
If anyone has it blease post it.
Trips demand it
damn right
that guy friendzoned himself so hard he stopped playing videogames altogether
Sounds like moot
add mexico