So I just got into a fight with a nig

And I destroyed him. I destroyed his face. I destroyed his jaw. I went after his ugly nigger face and made it uglier.


Other urls found in this thread:'australia'.webm


post the video or fuck off

his wife sucked his bbc

Racial tensions are getting very bad here.

I asked op not you, watch your filthy mouth.

That's not a valid reason to be someone up just because. Where is "here"?


Why you lying? There was never a fight was there OP

>You thinking anyone believes you.


You're a fucking liar. Kill yourself.

OP just watched American History X and thinks he's a badass, but didn't watch it all the way through to the end because he ejaculated during the curb stomp scene and had to change his pants


Here is the Midwest. I am tired of what is going on.

You will a mass of coal-burner killings soon.

Unsustainable kike fuckery.

If you were better than nigs than you wouldn't need to fight them.

It isn't nice to pick on retards

I asked what were the circumstances. I also feel higher racial tensions, specially because I live in a somewhat majority black area but it doesn't translate into me beating a negro up (or getting beaten up)


y tho

how big was the niggers cock that fucked your wife

this guy gets it

>a real ganster ass nigger never runs his fuckin mouth
>cuz real gangster ass niggers don't start fights

Niggers detected.

Wait... So you are saying they can get uglier?

BS. No way a white could possibly defeat a black. Activated melanin has a higher tensile strength than kevlar.

Seriously though tell us what happened OP. Otherwise this thread is dumb.

You might as well tell us, posting this thread already is evidence of your hate crime motivation.

I wish I could meet up with other Sup Forumssters and go do battle with niggers

CTR is raiding r9k? Lel

>Activated melanin has a higher tensile strength than kevlar.

Yeah. Forgot to reset my trip kek

>Activated melanin
I hear they also sell activated almonds too

I haven't met these so called "Blacks" in real life but, from what I hear they're a lot like permanently blood lusted orcs.
How did you ever defeat one in combat?

A nigger was making out with a white woman, which apparently is custom in my cucked area.

I walked by in the ally and said "enjoy your AIDS, cunt"

And this black nigger chimped out. He and the cunt apparently knew exactly what I minorly referenced.

Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.

Jesus, man. You sound like a psycho.


Don't try to take them on with brute force. They're stronger, be smarter.

Not trying to be on Tyrones side but you shouldn't have said that. You never know how hood they can be. They surely don't value their life and wouldn't mind ending yours.

Be safe out there, we need you here, not going to jail or getting shot because of some scum.

What are they doing to r9k?? Are they shilling so they vote for Clinton? Lel I can only imagine those retards posting frogs and screaming REEE

>doesnt pull knife to let off a little steam

come one man......

if i were you, id pull my fixed blade and let er rip
all the times you got yelled at by the boss
all the times you get cucked at home by the wife
all the times you get screwed out of something

take it out on the nog

Cmon leaf we all know you wouldn't do a thing.

pic related'australia'.webm

rofl, nice Warcraft movie quote

Never try to take down one if he's in a group. Those "Blacks" always fight dirty when they're being defeatded.

Jokes on you, by beating the nigger bloody he gave you the AIDS, cunt.

>not trying to be on Tyrones side but you shouldn't have said that. You never know how hood they can be.

Come at me. At the time I was not carrying my pistol.

Are you serious.

Should've put a couple of boolits into him, cops would've thanked you for doing their job for them

how hard is mom gonna freak?
would you say that you 'cut his life into pieces'?
would you say that when you fought you were being your "nice guy" self or your "TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH" self?

i would carry if every tiny thing was a federal offence

fucking cucknadian laws

and thats one more thing, murica is one of the more weapon friendly countries and you dont abuse it................ why live there at all?