The right once again proven to be the scum of Earth

Pastor Marcos Feliciano, one of the most homophobic and rightwing politicians in Brazil, has been exposed as a rapist crook today.

He offered an office job to this young woman in exchange of sex, and when she refused it, he attempted to rape her. His associate proceeded to try to buy her again for her not to tell the story to anybody. She refused again, and he made her make a video at gunpoint denying that it all happened.

But she's a strong woman and now she has told the media all the details about it. His associate has been arrested already, and Feliciano himself will be the next.

Right wing politicians = scum of Earth.

Only brainless morons defend populist hypocrites like them.


I think I found the real source of this behavior

Boo hoo go fuck yourself

Sounds like some made up bullshit. There's no way she didn't take the money.

No hue
brazilians = scum of the earth

> Brazil

Yes, Ignore all of the democrat Black rapes yearly, but post 1 right-wing rape from another country.

Get ducked


96% of blacks vote left.


Who gives a shit about some shithole country?

Also, what makes you thing the brazilian "right" represents the real Right?

Gerry Healy was a leftist who forced feminists to have sex with him. The feminists defended him whe he was caught having sex with over thirty feminists over the years. Only leftism can say they are against the patriarchy but defend sexual favors for men in the name of overthrowing the patriarchy.

Probably one of the made up rape cases that the left loves to do. Remember those multiple fake rape claims in united stated campuses to enforce the leftist narrative that rapes happen often at university campus. Turns out all of those were fake claims.

What? Leftists lie?


Go back to your favela you half-nigger spic.

Lavrentiy Beria, soviet politician, was notorious for his sadistic enjoyment of torture and his taste for beating and raping women and violating young girls.

Tell me again how it is only right wing politicians?

O problema nesse caso são essas conservadias que fingem ser de direita pra chamar atenção. Quando não conseguem mais chamar a atenção como antes, inventam casos de estupro.

Toda mulher é feminista e comunista por natureza. Que fique a lição para outros líderes conservadores abrirem o olho. Não confiem e não abram espaço para elas em sua organização política.

It's not the right that's the problem in that scenario. It's the fact that he's Brazilian. You are all human garbage.

Left or right, you Huezilians would act like favelamonkeys.

Do yourself and the world a favor and KYS.


>1 post by this PT voter

All women deserve to be raped.

Well, it is his country

Nah, it's the right. Scumbags that only look out for number one, and actually think they can get away with rape.

Check it - rapists and white supremacists support trump more than any other candidate.

Why else would the sane republicans abandon ship all year?

Bill is a serial rapist and Hillary defended a pedophile rapist and enabled her rapist husband

Check mate

damn this is a great story

It's to hide the fact that every rapist is a nigger


Yeah....only the right wing politicians do this

Brazilians can't be trusted anymore.

They're getting mosquito viruses that are turning them into retards.

Really made me think...