It's about time we had an An-com thread.
It's about time we had an An-com thread
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Is this a cognitive dissonance thread?
That's not an anarcho-communist flag .
This has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've seen all day
You're basically asking to get fucked in the ass posting this here. Go to cripplechan and go to leftypol instead
meant to reply to
what are you crying about?
Cognitive dissonance
I'm a national socialist. I just think we need more an-com threads out of fairness. We have so many rand-tard threads here.
Sorry, I got a bit confused
I do not think "National Socialism" and tolerating ancoms go hand in hand. What are you, exactly?
communist leaning national socialist
ANGOM? like the human pizza?
>communist leaning national socialist
W-What? Sorry if I annoy you, but...explain?
He's bad. He gives the rest of them a bad name. Idpol ridden man. To be fair, Sup Forums is riddled with idpol too.
>/leftypol/ and CTR shills here at the some time
Caught one of you guys at a rally the other day.
I support an ethno-nationalist government that is also strongly redistributive in nature. Think late 70's USSR, but supportive of the catholic church and the russian national and ethnic identity.
fuck me, meant orthodox not catholic
So Strasserism? You know who Strasser was right?
literally only one of these is possible and not conceptually shit ancap would work in pure white country
just wiki'd it, yeah that seems pretty spot on. It's a shame it didn't win out at the end.
Explain to me how the companies/corporations wouldn't abuse the workers
Yeah, I was briefly one. It's better than meme natsoc
hey my farm is inside your borders and I'm not gonna be ancom what're you gonna do about it
>Individualist communism
There is that cognitive dissonance again
This guy was there rocking with the red and black crew.
hypothetically, the an-com community would just refuse to buy your goods. If your farm was within the national boundaries they would also refuse to honor your property rights.
There would be no borders mate.
Why don't you actually read theory instead of calling it "not anarchism"? It predates American "libertarianism" by a lot
And if it were a moneyless society?
Fuck the anarcho-communist, they are responsible of me been born in Mexico.
truly the cringiest people
your system requires the enforcement of laws to make sure everyone plays by your rules
not anarchism
oh that's OK I'm actually an export business, I'm set up here because I can grow 5x the corn crop in this awesome location
so if they refuse to honor my property rights what do they do about it?
there would be be de facto borders within which the people tend to their business and use the land
So you are saying that I could rape a woman and get off scott free in your system?
Yes, but not actual borders.
This is as retarded as an-cap.
in real anarchism? yeah
I'm not an anarchist though so it's not my system
well, an an-com society would involve the devolution of political power to local communities, so I'd imagine one or another of those groups would send an armed band to seize control of your resources for communal use.
Again, why not look it up and read about it? I'm not an ancom but reading doesn't hurt
Anarchism does not equal chaos. Pic related
>Anarchism does not equal chaos
yes it does
A central political authority is needed, otherwise a bigger unified force will take over. This is the main problem with ancap or ancom or any other "anarchist" society.
>Explain to me how the companies/corporations wouldn't abuse the workers
Everyone is white.
Read the pic.
belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.
I actually agree with this. Actually, the Ancap society would have a better chance of fending off the invaders.
I'm actually quite happy with how everyone in this thread is being cooperative instead of calling me a useless spic
Thank you
wow that sure sounds like a government to me
anyways my corn crop was so good I've actually hired a PMC as a small army that I feed and shelter. What does your local government do?
oh and the neighbor town with its non-government government wants to use the same farmland as your town. who gets to use it?
>not ancap
If there's one thing more autistic than ancap it is this
The fuck even is ancom
Gross. It's a good thing school starts soon for you kids.
That's exactly why I'm not an ancom, as previously stated.
read read read
I'm not sure enforcing the rules with a small militia would equal government. You also wouldn't be allowed to hire a PMC. In fact, they wouldn't even exist. It's also nobodies farmland. It's everyones
Stop doing hard drugs kids, you're essentially lobotomizing yourself long-term.
I hired the PMC from beyond the de facto border
and yes, a militia enforcing "the rules" is a government
who picks "the rules?"
you didn't answer the question about the land dispute. It's everybody's land but who gets to farm it?
>Let me do things myself because I'm a big boy now. In the very rare case that I need help, I'll ask someone else who will totally help me because he has absolutely no reason to fear a scam because Man is always nice and never selfish.
>Let's do everything together. No one will ever act for himself and compromise the community because Man is a creature of long-term logic and definitely not short-term feelings.
>My stance on Anarchy has never been debunked by anyone because I just invented it, so it must be perfect, even though it's basically the same thing as other forms of Anarchism but with a slightly different name.
All forms of Anarchy are fucking autistic.
>I hired the PMC from beyond the de facto border
And? They still wouldn't allow it
>and yes, a militia enforcing "the rules" is a government
Not really. How?
>who picks "the rules?"
The people, through direct democracy
>you didn't answer the question about the land dispute. It's everybody's land but who gets to farm it?
Now, this is something I really don't know, as I am not an ancom. Try asking leftypol or something.
UH OH.....
>They still wouldn't allow it
Who wouldn't allow it?
It's probably less embarrassing than drinking cow piss thinking it'll make you lucky Pajeet
The commune
praise kek
So the government?
>supporting individuals right to their labor is anti-anarchist
>implying if I build a cabin in a forest and build my own tools (capital) strangers are allowed to take those tools from me
Lol you what?
Nah it isn't
a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities.
the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
Is this picture supposed to be ironic? Using the implied reasoning, both sides require coercion. As should be obvious, the penalty for not "working with" your socialist community is ultimately death.
people democratically vote to use violent aggression against someone else for owning land they want isn't a government?
Democratic voting is anarchy?
I was saying that ANCAP was less autistic, sorry for unclarity
the government
>As should be obvious, the penalty for not "working with" your socialist community is ultimately death.
Says who?
>Democratic voting is anarchy
Define Anarchy.
>people democratically vote to use violent aggression against someone else for owning land they want isn't a government?
No, the government would use violent force right away. Besides, It's not like they would immediately blast him with guns, they'd try to do it peacefully first
What about it
"Anarchy" will be the end result as capitalism becomes more advanced and sophisticated. We see the beginnings of it with tax advisors and tax shelters: these are services that monetize resistance to the state in real world markets. With cryptocurrency or a return to commodity forms of exchange, ever more services will become available.
Eventually, we will even have outright physical conflict between government agents and private security forces (e.g. denying tax auditors access or refusing investigators serving a warrant). We are heading towards a situation where those who can afford it can be partially or wholly immune to laws, government action, and tax burdens.
Many libertarians/ancaps think there must be some sort of mass enlightenment. That people will see the morally superior position and take it up, after which there will be non-participation and separation from states. This is not how anarchy will come about. Rather, it will be natural market forces and economic self-interest.
The true ancap is not the Mises fellow that writes articles for armchair philosophers.
The true ancap is the tax attorney and the offshore banker.
>no true scotsman
i know you're american and all but, can you at least try to logic?
I'm going now mates, I hope something came out of it. Bye Bye, and goodnight
On the left someone is depicted offering their service in exchange for the other persons service in the future, that sounds like HIERARCHY and CAPITALISM to me.
>Says who?
Says anyone with a brain. First off, there is no "checking out" of the socialist system. You idiots pretend like it's all voluntary but that's definitely not right. Since people are inherently greedy and lazy they'll do the least amount of work for the most gain. It's only a matter of time until someone Huckleberry Finn's (you know, trading stuff for other stuff in arbitrage) the whole plan and the voluntary socialists start killing people to get their wonderful system of distributing resources in line.
Can you not be a nigger and learn to recognize a rhetorical manner of speaking?
>implying right = freedom
Where do you retards get that shit from?