Why did this business venture fail after only 2 months?
Trump Steaks
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Plebs have bad taste and don't know a high quality steak when they see one.
consumers don't know what's good for them
Who the fuck wants mail order meat?
It didn't fail, he's just taking his product off the market to decrease supply as demand increases
>not ordering and buying the highest quality ingredients
>not planning your meals out weeks and months in advance
Do you even /ck/?
too ahead of his time
I don't get it. They're the world's greatest steaks- and for that price?! You'd have to be a lunatic NOT to buy these from Mr. Trump.
Mail ordered meat is the best kind. Nothing beats a steak dry aged with cardboard and bubble wrap flavoring.
Donald, I thought you said you wouldn't post here anymore.
I've never seen them before in my life, were they sold anywhere normal people shop like costco? I also assume they were pricier than other steaks.
Weren't these things sold at fucking Sharper Image?
Some projects fail like selling steaks on a tech site
I'm not Donald. I never said I was Donald Trump. Maybe I'm Donald Trump. Heh. But I'm not Donald. No way. Not ever. Not in a million years. I guarantee you. Believe me, believe me. I DIDN'T SAY IT! I didn't say I was Mr. Trump, believe me. Believe me, folks.
>Sold via Sharper Image and QVC mail-order catalogues in 2007
>Sharper Image went bankrupt a few months later because they were hemorhagging cash
>Mail-order steaks
>Cost $199-$999
I mean, they're basically all-American aged Angus steakhouse steaks that are frozen and packaged for home delivery. It's good, but you can buy something similar from your local Costco.
>you will never sit down to a fine steak meal with Trump and see the sadness on his face that he's not eating at KFC
Because the only place that sold them went out of business.
The stakes were too high.
nigga it was also at sharper image. gotta go to your local mall m8. lol
Because it's too generic a product for branding it to have any real positive impact.
I though he still sells them in his hotels
It turns out selling brands doesn't work so well with food, especially with places like Costco still around and selling infinitely cheaper.
They were properly aged, and are shipped packed in dry ice.
No, which is part of the problem. Trump Steaks was not a high-volume business, which is what Costco requires. You can buy a similar amount of steaks and steak-byproduct from Costco and age them yourselves/grind them yourselves for $120.
It wasnt meant to be sucessful. Its just a publicity stunt.
Who cares about trump. After he loses to Hillary I'm sure he will get back to driving companies into the ground.
Because what kind of fucking jerk buys food by mail? Seriously, it's retarded.
It's great. It's the only way to get a turducken.
Because once you've had a trump steak, they're so good, you never have to eat another steak again.
>this business was meant to fail so Trump would get publicity
Amazon Fresh is coming to Mexico as soon as the NAU is ready to go.
Because who the fuck goes to the Sharper Image and buys food? He should have made a deal with Walmart instead.
It came out right as the market crashed and it was mail order only which was kind of retarded.
The dude likes his steak well done, how can you expect him to sell any steaks
I tried one of them once. They were overpriced, cheap cuts that were cooked with a god awful mix of spices.
Was this any good though?
we're going to eat and we're going to eat and we're going to eat these steaks are the greatest steaks you can eat believe me
All vodka tastes the same. i.e. like shit
Except they're not pre-seasoned or anything.
>When it comes to great steaks, I’ve just raised the stakes!
The business wasn't well done.
they're overpriced, but you get exactly what you pay for.
Because that looks awful:
>that filet ruined to medium
>the other steaks are all lacquered red with fake drawn-on grill stripes
Steaks aren't supposed to be shiny.
Child that can't appreciate a vodka that's been in the freezer
>The dude likes his steak well done
Source. If that's true I'll send my Art of the Deal back.
Isn't that the same as standing around drinking it outside in Russia?
I don't even eat steak and I know they're supposed to be served medium rare.
lamo...fell for the "Anything but medium" meme...
Go eat some raw meat you fucking degenerate cave man.
That second thing is autistic as fuck.
I don't understand, he makes tons of money in property but does stupid low income shit like this, I don't get it
Who asked for Trump Steaks?
Looks like I'm a #hillbilly now.
Im voting Trump because Hillary got 20% of her campaign donations from a country that stones people to death.
m8, if you think vodka tastes any different from a $10 bottle just because it has a fancy gold label on it, then you're the kind of fucking moron that allowed Trump to get rich.
>Implying the steaks came seasoned
>And cooked too
Because he's a failure and always has been?
He honestly thinks he's built a "brand" with his name, on anything at all. He's got some Herzl "If you will it, it is no dream" shit going on. Sometimes it works, but mostly he's a piss-poor planner. A dreamer.
If you just project constantly, eventually some fucking fool will pay you money. Sadly it doesn't work, he loses money hand-over-fist.
And that's why he would have made much more money just sitting on the cash he inherited, investing it in a mutual fund.
It was a promotional stunt for Sharper Image, it's not an actual business.
>le mutual fund meme
Hindsight based myth.
They're mostly cash grabs, to see if something can do well. It's like when a soda company test-markets a new drink.
>He is a failure and always has been
The man has over 500 active businesses to his name, please enlighten me how is that not a successful brand.
>He would've made more money just sitting on his inheritance
This meme is the most laughable one, even if it were true the fact that he actively used his money to create jobs and benefit the economy is far more admirable than just having a fund. Seriously, kys
Some bentures fail, others succeed. It's thr way of things
I eat my steaks well done with ketchup.
What are you going to do about it?
Recommend you to try your steaks medium with salt and pepper, you could buy minced meat or something instead of wasting your money on a steak that you're gonna ruin
How does that second thing?
Kek ,come on I'm a trump supporter and I laughed.
That's the beauty of this country. You can eat your fucking gross steak however way you want and nobody can do jack shit about it.
Hillary wants to take that away, so I'm backing the only other person with a reasonable chance of winning.
If he doesn't do so well we'll make him work; the people are the ones with all the power and leader after leader have underestimated the strength of a united public.
>putting your name on a brand of mail order meat
>calls a multibillionaire a failure
>sits on Sup Forums all day rehashing memes from Chief Queef
same with all the people saying jeb bush is a failure because he looks goofy and didnt make president
he was a governor for 8 fucking years
Everybody loves these steaks. Everybody. You guys don't know what you're talking about. Trump Steaks were a big success, as are all my ventures.
They were poor cuts from force-fed, retarded mules
The steaks were sold through sharper image. Sharper image went bankrupt during the recession which happened right after the steak deal. No brainer.
>deboned chiken