
How does Sup Forums react when other countries talk shit about your country?

Tbh i feel kinda hurt when someone calls New Zealand Australia, it kinda hurts when you guys call us that! :(

I wonder how you guys feel when someone calls you Americans burgers or amerifats

Or Canadians a leaf or cunucks

:( feels thread i guess, tell me how you feel about the cyber bullying that goes on Sup Forums

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You lot are basically our vassal tbphwy

This is the kind of thing I would expect my girlfriend to say. Are you a woman? Or raised by a single mother?

Just curious.

I feel nothing but empathy for people who insult americans. It must suck not being a global super power.

NZ is just diet australia though.

> Implying leafs don't enjoy being leafs

I'm not crying, it's just been raining....

On my face

>Any could talk shit about the greatest nation that has every existed

Don't insult me ameribro, :3 why are you guys so mean

I guess you can say im gender fluid :3

Whenever I see amerifat posts, I put down my burger and go run. It's really motivational tbqhfam.

Doesn't bother me. My life is awesome.

They hate us cuz they ain't us.

Just wait until the epic bantz when trump loses.

Ignore this pussy


None of them bother me.

We're a relatively wealthy country and we invented fast food, soda and high fructose corn syrup. Natural we should have that reputation.

Holy shit you're so pathetic it's depressing

>I wonder how you guys feel when someone calls you Americans burgers or amerifats

Why the fuck would I get my feelings hurt by someone who's essentially on the other side of the world who I'll never know and never hear of again?

It's all banter.

B-but some times i can't handle the bantz you see a-and it k-kinda gets to me :3

Even I shit talk my country

Couldn't care less if some foreign cunt says some shit about Australia. You're all just beta cunts.

My country is shit to begin with so I can't be upset when people are telling the truth.

But we don't have kikes nor sjws so there's that.

i dont feel bad when people make fun of america because i know we all know that it is the best country in the world

You get desensitized in time

you are just a lonely guy who pretends parts of you are a pretty girl that loves you

Go fuck a kangaroo Australia

harden up you soft cock

>tfw american
>tfw dont have to feel what other countrys think
feels good

>How does Sup Forums react when other countries talk shit about your country?
Personally? Nothing. We either deserve it, or they're being retarded.

I don't give a shit. I know Britain isn't the country it once was. We've been on the wane for decades. Over a century, even.

You know that we dont give a fuck about feels, ecpt when you try to fuck us over. You can be gpd the usa and cyber command, google o r other goy shit. I will wreck havoc if you thing you can use any of that goyshit nigger. And you owe us, otherwise we ll eat your flesh and that is what made out of your flesh. I will take a look into you.

America is the greatest country on Earth.
I laugh at other countries and their failed policies.

I channel all my energies into making my enemies as mad as possible.
My life's goal is to cyber bully someone to the point of suicide.

I really don't give a fuck... neither should you OP

I like your prime minister !

>Tbh i feel kinda hurt when someone calls New Zealand Australia, it kinda hurts when you guys call us that! :(

Harden up you fucking softcock

We dont give a shit about sjw explanation, if you try to fuck with us, and i outlined that before, you will get a response. And you know we have inhumane potential. invade my privacy or useyour amradas of retards, and i will give you feedbak. Something that you wouldt even imagne in your wildest dreams. I wont be like my fathers letting them take any shit away from us. And your poltiicans and fbi derviates matter shit to me. I will break them as soon as i see them and they know that. I will break you.

Best part of being American is I dont give a fuck how you notamericatiers think about us.

If you're not a woman, you're a pussy. This is all good natured ribbing.
You're like the guy who gets upset when everyone's joking around at the bar. This is what men do. Either grow up, grow a pair, or leave.


Live in a nice, rich country and get keked by rapefugees or live in peace a poorfag in some backwater country. There is no middle ground anymore.