Being a libertarian used to mean being part of the great intellectual history of people like Locke, Mises, Mill, Freidman, and Bastiat. Now, libertarianism is a fucking embarrassment.
There was some hope that libertarians would make their way into the Republican party and influence it with arguments. That was an impossible situation while the old guard of the Religious Right was in charge who, until Trump came along, demanded that every republican sucked Reagan's dick. Trump has smashed the old guard and the Republican party is now more open than ever to young, libertarian voices that the old Republicans would dismiss.
The old religious right is gone. It's finished. The old Reagan jizz suckers are leaving. it's time for people who believe in the principals of classical liberalism to start fighting back against the authoritarian left.
Donald Trump is completely backwards on trade, but it is not inconsistent for a libertarian to believe in borders, language and culture. Yes, Trump is wrong about a lot of things, but the reason why it is so important to elect Donald Trump is because he has smashed the old guard of the GOP.
If you are a libertarian, Donald Trump is the best opportunity you will ever have to influence the GOP. The old, corrupt system will collapse. Trump will endorse young, new voices to campaign, including libertarian voices.
That's all.