I'm a Libertarian and the libertarian party can fuck off

Being a libertarian used to mean being part of the great intellectual history of people like Locke, Mises, Mill, Freidman, and Bastiat. Now, libertarianism is a fucking embarrassment.

There was some hope that libertarians would make their way into the Republican party and influence it with arguments. That was an impossible situation while the old guard of the Religious Right was in charge who, until Trump came along, demanded that every republican sucked Reagan's dick. Trump has smashed the old guard and the Republican party is now more open than ever to young, libertarian voices that the old Republicans would dismiss.

The old religious right is gone. It's finished. The old Reagan jizz suckers are leaving. it's time for people who believe in the principals of classical liberalism to start fighting back against the authoritarian left.

Donald Trump is completely backwards on trade, but it is not inconsistent for a libertarian to believe in borders, language and culture. Yes, Trump is wrong about a lot of things, but the reason why it is so important to elect Donald Trump is because he has smashed the old guard of the GOP.

If you are a libertarian, Donald Trump is the best opportunity you will ever have to influence the GOP. The old, corrupt system will collapse. Trump will endorse young, new voices to campaign, including libertarian voices.

That's all.

Other urls found in this thread:




>implying Trump doesn't sell out to the old guard on anything that isn't his labor agenda

The three-pronged Miller test is as follows:
> Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interests (i.e., an erotic, lascivious, abnormal, unhealthy, degrading, shameful, or morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion);
> Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way (i.e., ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, masturbation, excretory functions, lewd exhibition of the genitals, or sado-masochistic sexual abuse); and
> Whether a reasonable person finds that the matter, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

Any material that satisfies this three-pronged test may be found obscene.

Federal law prohibits the possession with intent to sell or distribute obscenity, to send, ship, or receive obscenity, to import obscenity, and to transport obscenity across state boarders for purposes of distribution.


Donald Trump has pledged to appoint an Attorney General who will make enforcement of obscenity laws a top priority.


And what is the alternative?
>inb4 Gary


>backwards on trade

He's pro free trade retardo. But free trade doesn't matter when we're getting schaffted. We want good deals

You are correct my libertarian friend, marxism must be destroyed.

Anyone who thinks that a trade "deficit" is a bad thing, or even thinks that there is such a thing as a trade deficit, does not understand how trade works.

>The old religious right is gone. It's finished. The old Reagan jizz suckers are leaving.

This is what I love about the rise of Trump as a Libertarian.
Those RINO fucks are finally being driven out of power, and the fight can finally be brought to the left.

Remember the good old days when the Religious Right were the ones who tried to tell you what to do in the bedroom? Well, the regressive left has taken up that cause and now using the courts to enforce it in the name of safety and tolerance.

The left is now the religious right.

They're both one in the same.
Anti-American fucknuts who hate the market and free will.

Their days are numbered.
Security might sound good, but eventually free will makes a civilization revolt against their captors.
Because the typical person is pretty good-natured by nature and wants to be left alone. Especially once comfort fades away.

I generally agree that people are good, but imperfect. People who desire power are the ones who should be the least trusted. And, yes, Donal Trump wants that power, but he more insidious power, as i see it, is in the establishment that politics has created.

As I said, I don't necessarily like Trump, but he pisses off the worst and most insidious people. If he can wreck them, i'm all for it.

I have a great nose for the psychopathic types.
Trump's an egomaniac, but he's not a psycho. He wants the presidency for bragging rights and a challenge, not to do harm and act like a douche.

Hillary OTOH...
Jesus Fucking CHRIST. She's obviously mentally ill. Histrionic personality disorder, compulsive lying, narcissism, obvious lack of emotion...
She could easily be Baker Acted. The fact that she hasn't been committed or at least completely disqualified from politics shows the system is corrupt to the core and needs a huge cleaning.

I've been around legit crazy people who weren't as psychotic as she is.

>I send my goods to China expecting them to make market
>China says these vegetables to meet up to its stringent importation regulation.
>Meanwhile America accepts everything from China without question

These deals are not "free trade." If it was actual free trade, our two markets wouldn't be considered two markets but one.

Vote Gary Johnson. Get the Libertarians to 5% of the national polls, and we will be on all national ballots forevermore. Then the true Libertarians can come back from the Republican Party.

Here is how I think of both of them:

Hillary is the type of person who speaks like a loving, caring and confident person when she is in front of an audience or a camera. In real life, she screams at people and viciously abuses them.

Donald Trump is the kind of man who is an asshole when the camera are on him and when he is on a stage (i.e. his treatment of Rand and Cruz). Yes, on a stage, he's an asshole, but when the cameras are off, and no one is watching, he is the kind of man who will learn the names of his staff and the agents who protect him, and he will throw a party for them to thank them for their hard work. no cameras, no fame. He realizes that he would not be where he is today if it were not for his employees from the top to the very bottom, and that is the kind of temperament that a leader should have.

>I'm a libertarian
*tips fedora* enjoy your senior year of high school good sir

That would be impressive if you could do that.
If this election could break the two party system I won't be as disappointed with the result.

Here's the (you) for your reading comprehension faggot.

Americans can buy whatever they want from China while the Chinese government restricts what Chinese consumers can buy. Sounds like a good deal for the USA to me.

As a man once said,
>Free trade isn't free unless it's equal.

This is like the fucking fifth thread I see about fucken' anarcho-capitalism. Fuck off and die. WHO WILL BUILD THE FUCKING ROADS IDIOT?

I get the same vibe from Trump, but Hillary is a flaming nut.
She's as bad news as bad news gets.
I know a psychotic nut when I see one and she's a full 11 on the 0-10 scale.

She's much worse than just someone who's a bitch. That mind is busted and under constant psychosis.
I especially noticed it a few weeks ago while tweaked outta my mind on a-pvp.
I picked up on that undertone she has like a bloodhound, and it confirmed my suspicions.

Sometimes one needs to be crazy himself to know when someone else is crazy for sure. Now all her mental illness symptoms shine out like a beacon when I see her speak.
The woman's a frightening monster. The kinda shit you'd expect to find in a Marquis De Sade party. Not kidding. If she gets elected, bad fucking shit will happen. REALLY bad shit.

t. Correct the Record.

Equal to whom? Suppose I buy a TV that i like from China. Who loses?

Private companies. Yes, they are the ones building roads and light rail systems.

Which is odd since no business in the first world has built a railroad or subway in a century

I work for one of those businesses you stupid leaf. I work with the engineers and architects who design and build transit systems, hospitals, sewers, and universities.

So you are telling me that the brilliant people I work with can't figure out how to build a road without some gender studies faggot leading them.