
It's a widely known fact that right wing proto niggers like those that can be found plenty on echo chambers like Sup Forums are highly detached from reality, even more than the so called gated liberals.

Globalism is the future whether stormweenies on Sup Forums want to admit it or not.

>tfw aeronautical AND engi

chemistry is a dying field and computer science is the most important contemporary science so

Yeah, I wish I could abandon this terrible programming job and get a sweet gig in mathematics.

...said no programmer ever.

Falling for stem memes. Lmao good luck in the real world kiddos.


Scientists don't enter illegally, retard. They get recruited by American RnD companies who fund their green cards or come here on student visas.

>math and stats god and high tier
>economics low tier

Why? Economics is math and stats applied to the real world.

And also when you have the best schools in the world you tend to attract a lot of foreign students.

The wall is for illegal immigrants from mexico and central/south america, not for chinks who get work and study visas, you fucking retarded monkey person.

Ever heard of brain drain, morons? They come, get schooling, then go back to their countries. Lots of Asians do this in Canada

Okay, that's great.

How about we look at the number of them who were recruited and came here legally versus how many jumped the wall or were popped out as anchor babies?

The wall has a gate, dipshit. We're not going to shoo away the highly desirable immigrants.


Wait I'm an American born physics undergraduate. Does that mean I can easily get a PhD?

You're right, 27.9% of graduate in STEM and health is Chinese or Indian.
54.9% of Ph.D in engineering is Chinese or Indian
45.9% of physicists are Chinese or Indian born.

What's your point?

So my fiance is a grad student chemist at a really good school and some of her lab mates are really good. Others cant fucking speak english but got in because their dad is some big shot in china.

Fucking way she goes boys, dollar makes you hollar!

PhD's in engineering are nearly unemployable. I will take a bachelor engineer with 4 years of production experience over a Ph.D any day of the week.

The pay increase vs. the actual value they bring to the table in a production or business environment is negligible unless their focused field of study is specifically what the production plant does. They end up being "too academic" to see the forest as their education and focus was on some specific part of the bark on a specific part of a tree. Takes years to undo the bonds of "rigor" they are shackled to.

Foreign students go after these grad degrees and try desperately to get sponsorship by US companies. Some companies bite and end up with a shit engineer that can't communicate and is therefore useless. These useless engineers then move their families here. Most end up going home and honestly end up helping their home countries, which should be encouraged as it reduces immigration to the US by improving the economies of their home countries.

That's all because US has the best schools in the world. How many of those engineering graduates do you think are illegal Mexicans?

Yeah nice post, Pablo.
But now continue your pickpocket studies so you can become a great criminal like your teacher Miguel the moneysnapper.


Accounting has gotta be mid-tier, surely. I mean come on man.

IT is low tier?

It is the only reason you can fucking shitpost on this board.

>Shit Tier

The world comes to our top tier university system for some reason? They learn how to do important shit from us, or from people who learned from us?

Depends what area of accounting you're in.

AR/AP clerk makes a third of what I CPA/CFO/Comptroller does.

>Top Tier

Yeah... sure OP, whatever you want to believe


I guess I better stay another year for some graduate classes, then. So I'm eligible to sit for the CPA.

After having your shithole of a country revealed on TV, live, you must feel terrible. My sympathies.

The US has about...5% of the world population?....and as you point out, a very high percent of scientists.

I don't know why you want to praise the US so much, but we'd really rather not be associated with you, ok?

Shitting on the social sciences is some blue pilled shit. Yeah the classes are pretty cucked now, but that doesn't mean the core material is intrinsically cucked. Red pilled anons with an interest in those fields should be encouraged to pursue them, not pidgeonholed into muh STEM because everything else is "worthless". Infiltrating and winning back our education system is actually much more beneficial to the white race than another grindmonkey engineer who is destined to be replaced by the millions of chinks and curries that can do their job cheaper and better.

we give student visas and work visas to resolve this

we dont need stupid little gib me dats from a damn country with a space program (mexico) coming over here expecting shit and using our countries fucking scholarship program

Dont all these asians pay double tuition? Therefore pushing Americans out of these schools. Our schools run for profit.