Things you won't hear a Canadian say

for five liters of maple syrup, eh'.

Americans, what a great bunch of people

I wish I was American

Sorry for burning down your white house

That'll be 4 dollars.

i'm voting for hillary in november.

Try harder Leafs

Healthcare is too darnn expensive

Let's give up the Queen

My country is 63% white, and falling.

Man I love Trump, the idea that one could take pride in their nation is something to enjoy.

Also, we ought to focus on the individual, not the group's rights.

And lastly, I love low prices, and want my nation to produce the products it consumes.

America has a great democracy system

Tim hortons is complete shit aye

America is a free country

Im sure glad America has that big military

I'll refrain from participating in the shitposting in this thread.

America is better than Russia

i say it all the time.
its bad man.

Why cant my dick be smaller like the Americans?

Americans are a classy bunch of people.


I got my treatment on time, socialised healthcare is a blessing.

Lets go to the beach.

I am NOT going to suck Justin's poutine flavored cock, you hoser.

I have nothing to contribute, I just wanted to show everyone how bullshit my captcha is

We need to reduce the gook importation

>all subreddits
You have to go back


Gay marriage should be illegal


1 CAD worth more than 1 USD

We don't have a country, just provinces in for themselves

Without the US our economy would collapse

We are not polite or nice

Our healthcare is not free

Pakis are taking over

Nothing besides poutine and maple syrup is purely Canadian, we have no identity

We all have extreme inferiority complexes and believe in conspiracy theories like the US never went to the moon

We are America beta

>Nothing besides poutine and maple syrup is purely Canadian, we have no identity

Come on, user. You'll always have Trailer Park Boys and milk in bags.

Americans aren't mentally deficient.

America won the Vietnam war.

Canadians won any war.

My eyes are too round


Here's 10.

1. I don't mind paying way, way more for the same food, fuel and clothing than our American neighbours.
2. I lam really glad that everything we buy is in both English and French for Quebec's sake.
3. Indians contribute so much to Canada.
4. Alcohol is so inexpensive here!
5. There are many domestic products for us to choose from in Canada.
6. I really like how laptops in Canada have an \ where the shift key is supposed to be all for Quebec!
7. Air travel is economical in Canada!
8. Our very high taxes are spent wisely by government on things that benefit all of us.
9. Canada's mobile phone plans are an excellent value for dollar.
10. Canadian internet providers are fast and affordable.

Pedro, bringing the bantz, but still lagging behind Canada. You're still ahead of Venezuela, so dream big.


learn to spell burger cucks

Just out of curiosity, do you not like Quebec?


"Gee, I sure am glad that I live next to the USA, have full protection through their military, and enjoy all of the benefits that come from the culture we import from them!"

I know no canadian that likes Quebec, unless he is bagguete man himself

But I do say that. We get to live up here in our amazing socialism while America's capitalism bleeds their people dry while their tax dollars go to protect us.

It's fucking fantastic

Alright, and your total today will be $8.37

Believe it or not, I would have come up with a counter argument to your typical ignorant leaf-tier response, but I just realized its 2 am where I'm at.

Good night, and have fun being a parasite with little to no relevance, much unlike a "refugee" who lazily accepts welfare lol

We have a national cuisine
Let's eat Canadian tonight

What's that? I have to pay for my own X-rays?! But it's mostly covered by my insurance? And I don't have to wait two weeks? Oh... Okay.

Those are my personal burgers barb! END OF DISCUSSION !

Quebec to the rest of Canada is much like how everyone else feels about having to chip in to pay for transgendered bathrooms, handicapped parking spots, foreign aid, etc... except it's in your face all fucking day long and you will seldom, if ever see the beneficiaries of your efforts and tax dollars making use of them because the Quebecois are extremely rare outside of the east coast. Everything is bilingual except in Quebec, where English speaking Canadians are almost pariahs. Read up on Quebec's "distinct society" bullshit. Quebec habitually receives more from Canada from transfer payments than it ever contributes; the rest of Canada perpetually pays "beaucoup" taxes for a province that can't support itself.


But aren't you in the same stroke refuting that statement or at least saying it ironically because you are in fact Canadian?

No you can't fuck my wife!

The paternity test Proved they ARE my kids


Me and my wife conceived our son

That was exactly what I was coming here to write.


>If you kill your enemies, you win!