Politico says that Gary Johnson consistently takes away from Hillary's votes across almost all polls.
Expect him to get the media blackout treatment now like the Jillpill.
Politico says that Gary Johnson consistently takes away from Hillary's votes across almost all polls.
Expect him to get the media blackout treatment now like the Jillpill.
did politico just turn on the zionist ? if they say he takes away from hillary in all polls then how do they explain all the polls earlier this week
johnson was shown at the bottom with almost no support in all of them just like stein
CNN has been on all week with their commercial saying they had the most views out of all the stations
le rigged polls, obviously
Well yeah, almost all 3rd party canidates steal democrat votes. If we had a more popular 3rd party that ran consistently every election, dems would never win again.
>they though Gary Johnson would take away from the God-Emperor
>instead he was wooing the Bernouts instead of being good little goy who immediately transferred their votes to Shillary when Papa Bernie told them to
Berniebros just need a little more redpilled
>believing poorly ran polls that oversample democrats
Don't do this.
So 1. Gary Johnson is taking away votes from Hillary,
2. Hillary had multiple scandals pointing to her being corrupt
AND there have been multiple terrorist attacks these past few months
Yet she's still winning. Trump is so fucking horrible that he won't even beat her. Unbelievabe. This is a whole new low for America
Still, CNN and the media will not cover him anymore, doesn't matter how big Hillary's lead is.
>the media
> implying they don't publish the rigged poll while they analyze their own poll
The reason there has been such a witch hunt by the media for Trump that you even see it covered that Trump eats chicken tendies is because Trump is winning big against Clinton.
So they try to change the narrative to demoralize Trump supporters and maybe convert some by trying to show negative sides of Trump. This also keeps the spotlight of Clinton who has a very weak campaign that is full of corruption and bloated with corrupt individuals who give her large donations.
Wasted dubs on a retarded post
no, but thanks for the bump autistic leaf.
Nothing shills can do in this thread. Even if they r sliding it would be against their interests. Nice work op
How do you think any News network will stop covering Trump, and more importantly why?
Not being paid by Shillary
No one except for Rubio and Kasich could have beaten Clinton.
Rubio wasn't ready for POTUS.
Kasich is a Democrat.
What makes you think Cruz couldn't have beaten Hillary? I'm genuinely curious.
he looks creepy, sounds preachy, and thumps bibles
He would have gotten way more Hispanic votes, and Hillary is a disaster so he'd be the obvious choice for swing states
Don't get me wrong, I think Cruz is a cuck, but at this point I want to see Hillary lose more than I want to see Trump win. It'd be great to have both though
.A religious zealot will never win in America. Cruz was generally unlikable except for already deep red states.
Can you see Cruz winning Pennsylvania? New Hampshire? Michigan? Minnesota? Colorado?
So he would have won Florida. Big deal. He would have been slaughtered in the North.
>He would have gotten way more Hispanic votes
No, since he tried to rip off Trump's talking points he would have to walk them back to pander to minorities which would make him look untrustworthy and weak.
They are supposed to have a Jill town hall coming up soon, I bet they cancel it due to polls.
Have they given an explanation how the polls went from +15 Clinton to +3 in 2 days?
79% of all Americans see and hear him as the lying cheap suit snake handling used car preacher that he is. Only humorless, autistic ((((men)))) who will never rule pussy, and their frightened, frigid wives go for Cruz. He was by far the most unelectable out of the entire main stage candidates we fielded.
>So he would have won Florida. Big deal
It is, actually. There's no winning the election without it. Pennsylvania and Colorado are already very likely to be blue regardless, New Hampshire he wouldn't have won.
Ok. But why was Rubio not more popular?
I honestly didn't follow the primaries that much
cruz isn't likable, that brand of hardcore religious conservatism can't be sold to people outside of the bloodstream of the republican base.
he couldn't win hispanics because he adopted all of trump's policies. they would have branded him racist/hateful MORE than trump because he upped the ante and said he wanted cops to patrol outside muslim people's houses in the USA.
rubio had a mishmash of positions (left of cruz on immigration, wway way way waayyyy to the right on abortion, etc.) that made him hard to appeal to people. his base never really existed to push him through, breitbart had a segment analyzing this.
not memeing but trump won for a reason.
You need a combination of Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan to win with Florida and Colorado.
Florida will probably go red because Hillary Clinton is so hated. So Rubio is securing a Florida win while securing a loss for the election.
No person born off of U.S. soil has won a presidential election.
In ~250 years.
Taking away from Hillary votes? Libertarians are essentially republicans.
fuck you're right,
but are you sure Trump has any chance of getting Michigan? Or even Pennsylvania?
Trump has the best chance out of any Republican candidate to both win Florida and the North.
He comes off as too insincere. Not in a smarmy, Ted Cruz sort of way- more as someone who knows exactly what (((people))) want to hear and crafts his wording and message to fit that. Also, he paces his speaking rate at too high of a speed. It is an amazing talent- but it gives a discerning person too much pause. He is kind of like Hillary- and he is never someone one could rally around. Too female.
The absolute death knell was his immigration policy- he spearheaded the gang of eight bill, and is unrepentantly neocon. This was a man who road the Tea Party wave, and he is absolutely no Tea Party man, although he was billed as one.
Trump is seriously the most exciting candidate I've ever witnessed. The only match would have been Perot or Buchanan back in '92. I wish Trump would have Pat Buchanan in his inner circle.
It seems to me that he has some moles and agents in his campaign. Should've stuck with Lewanddowski. He needs to trust his instinct and not water it down. He is exposing EVERYONE who stands against our great nation. The media and the machine display far too much hubris to not overplay their hand and expose themselves as the neo-Marxists they all are. His effect is uncanny and displays the hallmarks of someone blessed by the hand of THE ALMIGHTY.
Even MSN had the Rasmussen poll on the front page that has Clinton 3 points ahead, with 3+/-
Not this guy. Pro TPP, pro immigration, pro drugs, he's endorsed BLM and supports a number of their demands. He and Weld said the type of judges they like are Garrick and some other liberal anti-2A current serving judge. It's crazy.
He's picking up alot of the Berners that don't have TPP as their number 1 issue.
I can see that now. I still feel terrible about the polls and people calling it his campaign meltdown. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it seems to me that he could have handled these recent issues better than he has. His boldness is like a double edged sword and he can't afford to cut himself anymore
thanks for the info and your perspective.
This. Fuck Johnson and fuck YankeeMarshal for supporting him
disregard the YankeeMarshal comment, it's almost 4am and I forgot I'm not on /k/
I knew there was something fishy when CTR shills stopped making Gary Johnson threads. Lolbertarians are truly useful idiots, the intelligent ones evolved into meme-righters.
Nothing matters until the debate.
I don't get it. How can he even get the libertarian support with such policies?
Because he's on the libertarian ticket. It's kind of genius IMO