Do people bully gingers in your country?

Do people bully gingers in your country?

Nah, we love them here.
Tho there was a ginger bastard who called me "three-eyed" at 7th grade, he still limps.

I bully there cunts with my dick

>tfw ginger in anglo country

life is hell until you're 18 and then some

they're most common here as well it doesn't make sense really.

I know a ginger, ugly as fuck pale spotty face and constantly bumming me for cash so he can buy fags.

ginger uprising WHEN!?!

>bumming me

Gay twat

>be me in school
>there is a cute ginger girl a few years younger than me
>never really cared about here
>7 years later she is only female in school I perfectly remember and constantly have dreams about her

Yes, colorados suffer.

20 quid is 20 quid.

In Australia we call them "rangas" short for orangutans.

У вac пpoкcя oтклeилacь, пaн хoхoл.

probably only since recently when it got popularized by southpark and the ginger have souls fellow

gingers are treated like gods here

Yes, because they always have bad luck and they're bullied because of that.

Not in my area since half the people are gingers

Where do you live?

Canadian Maritimes

yes we round them up and lynch them in the town squares

Gingers are very rare so people love them

How come there are so many redheads there?

I don't really know, it's just a common hair colour. My hair is brown but my beard grows in with a lot of red.

yes. we had a ranga in our class and everyone picked on him, including me. we'd say things like red is faster so why are you so slow in gym and would call him a walking carrot.

Everyone knows gingers are evil.

yes because they bring bad luck