Turkey now officially allows sex with children. This new law will allow sex and marriage with children under 15. It will be official on January 2017
German source: epochtimes.de
Turkey now officially allows sex with children. This new law will allow sex and marriage with children under 15. It will be official on January 2017
German source: epochtimes.de
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I don't know what Sup Forums is getting uppity about. It's in the context of marriage and marrying young prevents girls from becoming whores. Isn't this what you crypto-pedos always wanted?
Ataturk is rolling in his grave right now.
These goat fuckers spit on his memory and image.
Glorious. Our day is coming, brothers.
'atta Turk
Cockroaches have to breed quickly.
Found you Achmed.
epoch times is not your average news source
Turkey allowed sex with children: Constitutional Court annulled Misuse Act
Sex with children under 15 was previously in Turkey as abuse. Now this statutory provision was abolished by the Constitutional Court. Intellectuals and feminists are horrified: Sexual abuse and child marriages in future impunity flourish, they fear, if no new law is enacted for their prohibition.
The Turkish Constitutional Court has repealed a provision already in July, which put all sexual acts involving children under 15 as "sexual abuse" is punishable. Hürriet reported on July 14 in a message of state Anadolu Agency. (Due to the coup attempt, which took place shortly afterwards, barely got the subject of attention.)
How did it happen?
The Constitutional Court of Turkey negotiated the issue at the request of the District Court. This had complained that according to the previously applicable law sexual abuse no difference between age groups would be made, and 14-year-old would it be treated as 4-year-old.
The applicant argued that the previous law did not draw any possible "consent" of the victim into account. 12-15 years of age, it is children already possible to understand the meaning of the sexual act. Criminal differentiation should therefore be possible.
With seven votes to six, the Constitutional Court approved the request and thus annulled the existing Misuse Act. The amendment applies from January 13, 2017.
shocked intellectuals and human rights activists
Academics and human rights advocates criticized the decision sharply. For example, Prof. Bahar Gökler, chairman of the "Association Against Child Abuse and Neglect". Compared to the state news agency Anadolu she called the decision "catastrophic" as they kick the child protection underfoot.
"First of all every person is under 18, according to international convention a child. To ask for the consent of a child for sexual abuse, thus prohibiting without saying "so Gökler.
Your collaborator Prof. Aysun Baransel assumes that in future child molesters "are walking around unpunished" if not quickly a new law is being prepared that the gap is closing. Consensual sex could if ever be drawn only between peers into consideration - but not for decades age difference, so Baransel.
She added that perpetrators are now handled by the 13 January 2017 similar to adults with sex offenses.
>tfw no qt roachette to nut in
why was i born in this shitty country full of fat roasties
Found you muslim scum.
Even more child brides
The head of the child protection organization "Ankara Bar Association" Sabit Aktaş warned that under the decision many children are suffering:
"We can foresee what this decision brings. These lawyers, away from society in their ivory towers, should even go into the courtrooms and see and hear what the children are going through, describing their experiences there. Only then they should take a decision on this issue ", Aktaş said.
The coordinator of the Istanbul Frauenvereine Nazan Moroğlu said, "[the discretion of the judge] to ignore in this way and to set the provision aside, will lead to major problems. It is children defenseless make against sexual abuse and rape, and lead to even more girls who are married young without education, "said the lawyer.
She stressed that child brides in Turkey already had an acute problem - now, there are already around 3.5 million [75 million inhabitants, Stand 2013 ]. A further tightening of the problem is pre-programmed so Moroğlu.
I want a pure little girlfriend so bad!
Teams want to turn the European Court of Human Rights
Activists will try to obtain a revision of the judgment. The head of the Association of Turkish Women's Associations (TKDF) Canan Güllü said it was considering the case to the European Court of Human Rights to bring. Because: "This decision will lead to forced marriages. People will be able to kidnap children to rape and to marry young - and then they stop going to school, "said Güllü.
The six Constitutional Court judges who voted against the judgment had expected a "public outcry".
The Turkish Constitutional Court recently annulled a law that at least 16 years of imprisonment provided for in cases of child rape - on similar grounds as described above. This repeal shall take effect on 23 December 2016 Hürriet reported. (Rf)
stop shitposting mahmoud
Does this mean half of Sup Forums is suddenly migrating to Turkey?
Seriously though, we are safe from something like this ever happening in the West, right?
>takes one to know one
What the fuck is wrong with you people? There is nothing attractive about an underdeveloped female and second marriage and sex isn't that great. It is disappointing after the first few times and I can't imagine living with the same person for more than a few months.
Sup Forums is so immature.
>This new law will allow sex and marriage with children under 15.
how is there anything wrong with this you fucking moron, theres nothing weird about it
its already like that in my country
In case you still think russia will cooperate with this shit country.
There is almost nothing worse in russia then being a pedophile. If anybody finds out and you don´t have enough Rubel to buy yourself out of this you are dead meat.
Putin will use papa roach for his pipeline and then drop him like the piece of shit he is.
Otherwise people might turn against him for working with a pedophile.
Time to move to Turkey conservatives!
And bring your guns, you might have to back up all your online shit-talking this time. ^.^
how did she get dirt on the top of her head like that
Welp, gotta grab dem suitcases hun
Does this mean Turkey will flood Sup Forums with CP?
"without make up, i am a boy"
t. anzujaamu
>sandnigger with shit taste
fuck wrong picture
What are some good areas to visit in Turkey?
Looking to broaden my cultural horizons.
>Pedo with a mental illness
>not wanting to anally rape an 11 year old qt gf
>can't be with same person for month
>Sup Forums is immature
Top kek faggot. Oh wait, you are just an inbreed pretending to have a ton of sexual partners.
>he doesn't want to boop that
When are you coming out? Might want to be careful think they kill people like you for that over there.
I am asexual. Also you guys should get professional help.
That's what your mom said to us last night
Better be b8
>surprised roachhes do this
I'd actually call you normal if you weren't a Paki.
I think you should just go to Cancun like all the normies.
That didn't make any sense.
God has a way of keeping checks and balances. He gave me white skin, good looking face but rewired my brain so I have no desire whatsoever.
>normal to not be attracted to the best examples of femininity, cuteness and purity
Brainwashed cuck feminist tools are so sad
Just when you thought the roaches couldn't be even more pitiful
He created you so he could have something to laugh at dumbass
Lol inbreed with a mental malfunction, your brain knows your genes are obsolete and is choosing to discontinue the mutations. All hope is lost. Goddamn you make me laugh arab. Gonna try to stick my weiner in my sleeping girlfriend now and see how mad she gets. Sweet dreams faggot!
I know. My whole life is a practical joke.
Your mom doesn't count as girlfriend.
Russia is rife with pedophilia, what are you talking about?
Actually it does shitskin
>feminists are horrified
kek implying they actually give a shit about real problems
>First of all every person is under 18, according to international convention a child
wow fuck you
it should be 15
the people of turkey are secular
the leadership of turkey is a u.s. ally
and yet people blame muslims when the u.s. is pulling the strings for everything
Erdogan wants to win the coming election by offering free lolis to everyone?
did you tell Sup Forums about the great news?!
My Dutch brother calls this girl "Fucking Ugly".
I must apologize for him. Probably a Moroccan immigrant.
because turks are muslims you goob
>German source
It's pretty well known that turks are shitskinned pedoshits. They should be all gassed
>yo momma
WEW top bantz
Maybe if you said you were fucking my mom...then I said b-but my moms dead... and you said I guess thats why she didnt move around much!
Then there maybe would have been a chuckle. Instead, a joke insult seemingly from a child. You ever try an IQ test? Room temperature or lower?
>white skin
>your flag
............................ God hates you
There was a joke that Turkey was trying to become energy independent by attaching a generator to Ataturk as he spins in his grave.
holy shit who is the president of Turkey, the fucking dictator from the movie Bananas?
"The age of consent is now 16. Furthermore, all children under the age of 16, are now 16."
Only for homos, russians fuck little girls all the time
Wtf? I hate Thanksgiving now
I'm going to start my own sexual orientation.
I'll be asshatsexual.
Because I love laughing at other people's misfortune.
Just like your priests.
wtf I like turkey now
Gypsies are getting married at a young age so it makes sense.
Look at your flag
Now look at your post
Look at your immigrants
Now look at your little cousin
Look at Merkel on the TV
Now think about your future
Americans with no idea what pedophilia actually is.
As usual.
pedophilia: sexual interest (usually exclusive) in PREPUBESCENT children
That's prepubescent child, not adolescent minor.
That's prepubescent, not some boy who beats off three times a day like I did when I was 14.
Fucking American educational system. Creating dumber people by the day.
Well, Turkey is being Islamized, so it doesn't surprise me that they'd do that. Islam has a long history of child marriage, as far back as Muhammad himself: he married a 6 year old and fucked her at 9.
Fucking his little cousin?
I am well aware of this. We have 4 million roaches and 2 million new "germans". I so hope for the race war to come.
This isn't that far different from a lot of the consent laws in Europe.
>Agreeing with a Paki
Is this /bizarro pol/?
>pedophilia is normal here
means your a bunch of degenerates
Nobody gives a fuck pedo, you are going to get raped by 100niggers in jail either way.
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Article 1
For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.
Pedos are cancer, wether they are priests or roaches like you Mehmet
That's what happens when you encounter another neofag cuck like you
Not such thing if this thing really happened our right wing would literally cihmp out
They didn't before?
Was it just one of those laws that they never enforced?
t. Pedo
Go die in a ditch
Good, same thing in the west when?
Die in a fire pedofag, you're pathetic
>Turkey now officially allows sex with children
>under 15
isn't the age of consent in spain and japan 13?
This new-age bullshit idea has been a pox for the world for over 100 years.
Go into any fucking middle school and see how "innocent" and child-like the students really are.
They're misguided young adults(aka adolescents), not fucking children.
>from this happening in the west
Why the fuck would you want to he safe from this?
Ali Mohammed Snakbar BTFO
Looks like we're retaking Constantinople sooner than expected, lads. New Crusade is just on the horizon.
Probably Istanbul or the Western part.
they are if muslims are involved. this is the bullshit hypocrisy of the west.
so drunk 17 year old gets feltup and the media immediately starts winning that muslims raped a CHILD. ohh... that poor child
Kys mentally retarded pedo
You really think they're going to let a kafir fuck their little muslim girls? Unless you want to convert first, they'll probably kill you.
Someone screencap this: I'd put money on them inviting some member of the House of Osman back into the country to re-establish, if nothing else, a figurehead caliphate within the next ten years. If nothing else then to tell ISIS to fuck off and dispute the legitmacy of Al-Baghdadi as caliph: The name "Ottoman Empire" is not going to be historical for much longer.
Is there any other source?
>unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier
>child, majority
Is this comma needed here? What are the rules in this situation?