Chinese 230 Armed(?)fisherman ships and 6 coast guard vessels appear in the sea near Senkaku





>expecting Sup Forums to read Japanese


Will dispute begin in East China Sea during Olympics holding in Brazil?

*this one is not South China Sea dispute

oh ok, cool. I understand.

Mind translating those moonrunes, Hirohito?

We don't read nip you filthy slope eyed yellow skinned 'herbivore man'. Use a real language.

>chinese fishing ships
want a hand with that?

>mfw there will at very least be a large naval battle between 2 world superpowers this year

>more than one superpower

Chinese fishermen are being controled by Chinese navy desu senpai

These Aryan moon runes make no sense to me

That area belongs to China.


light the fires nip. the chinese are coming

>china pissing off every country around it
>call AUS paper nigger perfect for attack
>USA backs them all

what did they mean by this

still we sunk one months ago and they didnt do jackshit about it

Why should this worry us my Just-in-time friend.

Make no misttake: they will come for japan eventually.
They are like anonymous without the beeing fags part: they don't forgive or forget

That area historically belonged to China. Historically, Japan was relegated to its own archipelago, and Okinawa and surrounding islands were incorporated into Japan in the 19th century. China has a much better claim to the islands in that area than Japan ever will.

Get your facts straight, bitch.

That's like saying India belongs to Britain.


proxy shill. you can take a piss off the phillipine coast and land in their claim

Back to quarterchan with u gookboy

>Senkaku arc
It should have ended after Twilight of the Gods

Wow this is big news! Really great analysis!

Look at it this way: A lot of Chinese are feeling jingoistic right now. All over Weichat and Weibo they're all talking about how they'll take the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea entirely for themselves because they belong to China.

You need nukes.

Fun Fact

Xi Jinping,President of CPC, can not handle his own private military

I understand completely

>historically belonged to China

But it doesn't anymore.

You can't lay claim over something on the basis of "My great-great-great grandfather once fished there"

China has one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world... and Japan doesn't. All you can do Little Japan is go cry to Papa USA.

>muh history

What you're trying to push doesn't hold water in modern day politics. It's either China settle the fuck down, or else it'll face a NATO-led coalition designed to dismantle the South China Sea.

China building an island in the region and using fishing trawlers as weapons just shows that they can't compete with the U.S. Navy.

That's why we need to let Japan build up their shit. Get those nips some navy ships and new cruise missiles, then unleash them on those soulless fucking chink rat motherfuckers.

>Indian Ocean belongs to India


argentina should sink every one of them

Damn, i wish i could read nintendo

even I will call you a faggot


Wow. This really made me think....

what If Xi jinping can not handl his military
Do you think that Xi Jiping can control Chinese Nukes?

>his country doesn't have a carrier strike group so his country stays getting cucked by chinese fisherman in their rinky dink boats

lmao at your life m8

>chinese ships appear in Chinese watesr
i see no news here

China is becoming increasingly more aggressive with every day.
They had just threatened Australia with attacking their trade ships and now have moved into an aggressive position to "fish", how far will they push until they piss someone off?

>Little Jap Boy thinks one man controls a whole country

Ha ha ha.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs always knows nothing
They know the fact as news after case outbreak

>The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 6th that it has strongly warned the Chinese government after detecting 6 Chinese coast guard vessels and approximately 230 Chinese fishing vessels in the contiguous zone near the Senkaku Archipelago, Okinawa Prefecture. The hundreds of Chinese ships in the Senkaku contiguous zone is unprecedented.

>The coast Guard ships were mounted with what appeared to be autocannons. It is believed that the Chinese intended to demonstrate their control over the Senkaku area, over which they claim territorial rights. Japan remains vigilant against repeated attempts to exert these claims.

>"This is a unilateral attempt to raise tensions in the region, and absolutely unnaceptable," the Foreign Ministry bureau chief for the Pacific region Kanesugi Kenji communicated to the Chinese embassy. He requested that they leave the contiguous zone without entering Senkaku territorial waters.

t. weeb

I think you mean diaoyu, eigo sensei

japanbros, you cant let the chinese get away with this shit.

Fuck the fucking chinks. We just caught two fucking illegal chink commerical fishing ships raiding one of our fucking maritine reserves and our dumb cunt kike faggot prime minister isn't going to fucking doing a thing, like te faggot pussy he is.

So, when are you going to slap the shit out of them?

What the fuck is little Japan gonna do to China?

That's a serious question btw.

They lost a war to flightless birds.
My 5 year old nephew wields more power.

>things happening hundreds of thousands km away

like I give a fuck, go fight your own wars gook,

>throw baby girls into river
>not fags

Well, World War 2 for japan can happen again.
I mean the raping of China, not a second Pearl Harbor.

I guess This is Why US Military talks with Hi rank Chinese Military generals and officers directly but not with low rank politicians

>They lost a war to flightless birds.
it was funny the first 8000 times someone said it

they shot a machine gun at an emu plague and they ran away

just shut the fuck up you imbecile

No there won't.

That doesn't happen until 2077 in your stupid video game.

>playing chicken with a US ally

>Chinks can't into navy for 8k years
>japs beat them to it
>muh territorial islands
Literal riceniggers.

Okinawa isnt Japanese. Give it freedom immidiately and pay reparation for what Japanese troops did there in WW2.

>american education

That's like saying the Falklands belong to Argentina.

China is being a bit too ballsy. Something is worrying them.

After all these years the wounds of the emu occupation still won't heal, I feel for you bro.

The Rape of Nanking will never happen again.

When Japan invaded China it was literally a bunch of impoverished rice farmers in the middle of civil war involving numerous factions.

Xi Jiping may gives military pressure to the other nations to avoid being assassinated by Chinese military

It's like saying New Zealand should be it's own country.

Every night I go to sleep dreaming hopeful dreams of a naval war with China. The US stomping their shitty fleet into oblivion and with Aus and the nips pretending to help while grabbing neat photos our navies with sinking chinks in the background.

The Chinese are in an urgent need of being retaught the lessons of 1900.

I bet you think Chishima belongs to Russia


rape and pillage a country

Call them the soulless ones.

My ancestors are smiling over me indian killer. Can you say the same about yours?

Or like saying Australia doesn't belong to China

There's a lot of unrest in China, a lot of the Chinese get to experience western lifestyles and products are starting to want western freedoms.

Recently in my city, a group of chinks put up a huge banner saying something like "Support the 700 million against the CCP" which I guess is the estimated figure of China folk who think negatively of the commies.

But China is still impoverished.

stfu nz

wow you sure rekt him with that video game quote you fucking retarded dogfucker

this lol.

Who is Zheng He


China was ruling the sea. (note one sea the CHINA SEA) forever. Move aside Britannia

the war time equivalent of catching someone with their pants down. China still remembers, even if the jews wanna spout muh 6 gorrillion.

Try 70 million combined russio-sino civies and troops.

Fuck em all. Let the Chinks have some redemption before the nips kill themselves off.

'First they came for the socialists...'

lvoe you too big bro

>Fuck em all. Let the Chinks have some redemption before the nips kill themselves off.
great attitude you stupid fuck

'hey birth rates are low in nip land so lets let china kill them because china got fucked so hard it had an anal prolapsed in ww2'

this thread sucks

Not really. It was almost 100% in the 30's, 88% in 1981 and now it's below 6%

> retaught lessons

Son, you obviously are completely ignorant to the fact that the times are changing. The US cannot behave like a hegemon any more. China is too strong and becoming stronger.

No wonder, Trump could have come so far. Everyone feels that US influence is waning.

eight nations.

The most advanced 8 nations of the time.

And even that occupation couldn't last. Unsustainable.

So the nips and mericunts murder millions and play like their heroes, yet the chinks extract some revenge for the atrocities committed on their ancestors, they're the souless devils...?


Which colour skin is more likely to get kicked out of the house after 18?

You got it, blanco. So shut it. White devils.

Prior to that, China was going through one of the most chaotic periods in its thousands of years of history. Trust me, it can never happen again. Japan though would get thoroughly ravaged.

>China is too strong
Their airforce and navy is weak as shit compared to the US and its Pacific allies. All it will take is one humiliating defeat in the South China Sea for the communist party to lose power and China gets another decade or so of turmoil and instability.
I cannot fucking wait.

Off by one lmao

Also, glass houses Poo Peeland

>700 million

Stop making shit up, retard.

The Japanese Navy (MSDF) is shockingly powerful, the Chinese have more ships, but the Japanese have much more modern equipment, better training, better logistics, better communication.

Nippon calls for aid?


Hmm, didn't know, seems with the "liberalization" of trade, they rapidly moved out of poverty.
>I want to believe

I have no issues with that desu.

Japan is a cesspool of degeneracy and faggotry.

It'd fucking end weaboos too.

Though, your comparisons are NZ and Aus.. so fuck it give China the SE and NE area. Fucking degenerates.

The CCCP knows without nationalisim they'll lose now. They wrangled that back 10 years ago.

If they attacked China in the 80s or 90s maybe.

"weak" you say this like their tech won't lose to superior numbers

Aircraft carries max launch what, 70 fighters? Good luck against 1500.

China has the meat machine to win any war that isn't a higher escalation than tac-nukes.

Fuck off Zhang, everyone on Earth hates you.

this, the only people deserving of shit right now is canadians

>China and Russia buying a lot of gold for BRICS
>Pic related

Are you ready Sup Forums?

It is ALWAYS a Canadian flag that defends China. The memes are truly real. BC detected

Also, LOL at the idea of knockoff monkey model Flankers against F-15J Eagles

Mate I'm just relaying what I saw on a fucking banner made by some illiterate commie-hating chinks.

Why is 700 million such a difficult number to comprehend?

It is not only about the weapons.

I can see that your perspective is still limited to schoolyard fights. In the schoolyard the strongest one wins.
In real world politics, China is too strong economocally and militarily to fight in an open war.
Economic fallout and the death toll would be just too fucking high to justify a war.

Go play with your lego.

BC is full of these cockroaches, but public opinion of them has turned, we just instituted a stamp tax on homes, and the CRA is now investigating foreign money. We're going to send these money laundering shits back to the hellhole that spawned them.

go back to china you yellow nigger, chink piece of shit