For me, it was Jonathan Bowden, Yuri Bezmenov, and Kevin MacDonald.
Let's share our top 3 and redpill some newfags.
For me, it was Jonathan Bowden, Yuri Bezmenov, and Kevin MacDonald.
Let's share our top 3 and redpill some newfags.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jonathan Bowden, also has so much good informative talks all over youtube with interesting historical figures I would have not likely ever encountered without him.
My parents.
I feel sorry for people who need to learn through YouTube and other things.
Bowden is the best. Sadly I only found out about him after he died so I never go to go to one of his pub speeches. I was very sad about that. The guy was probably one of the most knowledgeable and intelligent people of modern times.
American Renaissance is good too
Doesn't RamzPaul come across as kind of fake? He seems to counter-signal against the right more than he counter-signals the left. Makes me feel uneasy, like I'm listening to a false flag, a poser, or a fake of some sort.
He is good.
I think he doesn't like the idea of that hollywood skinhead stereotype ruining his image as a nationalist.
I'd say he is 90% along the way to redpilled.
>a redpill thread that isn't dominated by millennial malcontents or molymeme
holy cannoli
I would offer up Mr. (Dr.?) E. Michael Jones. He's not really of the fascistic/ethnically minded far-right, he's a Catholic ultra-conservative, but good golly does that man know how to eviscerate the modern age.
yeah i get that, but didn't he kind of scapegoat Anglin with that whole fiasco? They were never part of the same subculture anyway. Alt-right =/= skinheads. Alt-right is way too mix-and-match and normie to agree with 14/88 beliefs, even if they sometimes LARP like they do. He went after Anglin to get attention I think, because he's kind of desperate for it. He's been around for a long time now, but hardly gets any recognition. His style is too weird.
The increasing forcefulness of the libtards' bullshit-pushing. The rise of SJW culture really broke any faith I had left in society.
I then came to Sup Forums.
Buzzfeed Yellow.
No need to be haughty over redpills, user. Some anons aren't as blessed.
But redpilled parents are by far the fastest route.
Well Anglin started calling the Daily Stormer the 'Most popular alt-right website' which send Ramz into a fit.
>He's been around for a long time now, but hardly gets any recognition. His style is too weird.
I like is redpilling sarcasm
Is an example of some of his best.
I don't mind Anglin, he sees the funny side, his troll army has always been good.
Why stop here?
For a given value of redpilled, since most of you cunts are crazy and since I started out far-left, it was:
1) something like pic related, but demonstrated by a friend when we were much younger
2) The second half of The Road To Wiggan Piere, particularly
Honourable mentions go to:
The Bell Curve
Sokal absolutely wrecking Luce Irigaray.
Robert Fisk's account of being beaten up by goat-fucking Afghan villagers who were so uninformed they legitimately believed he was George W Bush, after which he inexplicably took their side.
The general practice of reading history books, noticing that the good guys always win, and wondering whether the truth is that the winners are always good guys.
Yuri, Mein Kampf and George Lincoln Rockwell. Haven't look back.
Roger Scruton softened me up, Jonathan Bowden punched me in the face and knocked my brain out, and Mencius Moldbug carefully reassessed the damage and installed a new anti-progressive module before putting my brain back in.
That's an old meme
Graham Hancock. Read fingerprints of the gods
>Sokal absolutely wrecking Luce Irigaray.
this had a big impact on me too. my grandfather gave me that book. that man literally saved my soul. thanks gramps.
I guess reading Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee and Samuel Huntington in high school was the real foundation; to understand the structure of history in its largest scale as a battle of cultures (or memes, as we might say today).
Since that I have believed that Western civilization will collapse in 200-400 years and understood we live in its era of late blooming, slowly falling to ultimate decadence. Everything unfolding since then has just strenghtened my belief as supporting evidence. All additional redpilling has just explained the details.
>Non stop, spooky background music
This is the most retarded fucking thing you can do when trying to convey a message
19,587 people found it comfy.
I guess i have ocd then. Bowden is based nonetheless
My dad is so bluepilled he let 2 refugees sleep in his garage and work for 20€ a Day.
Jared Taylor by far
The working class, I was a leftist upper class limousine liberal (definitely %1 in turkey maybe in top %5 in 1st world), the old guard type as SJW's were and still are a rarity here. Talking, interacting with them generally made me feel disgusted. I noticed that I despised their way of life, their thought process and how they view each other-others. I thought it was a "turkish" or "conservative-muslim" thing, after studying abroad for a few years and also interracting with 1st world working class I basically got the same feeling. Same resentment and bitterness, maybe seeing a sandnigger having it better than them gave the hate an extra push.
I'm not saying if you are blue collar-don't have a masters degree-make less than 60k$ you are the scum of earth, yet I just feel apathetic, I don't give a crap if some brits job is done by a pole, if some dumb t*rks job is taken by a syrian or if an american gets h1bcucked. I never had the "look at the plebes" thing and I think I'll never will, still this carelessness in me is a recent thing. Marx after all advocated class consciousness and looking after your own class, I'm doing that, the upper middle class not some other class which I will never be in.
Let the masses sink or swim.
Left wing media.
Kevin MacDonald is the man. I'm reading "Culture of Critique" and it's a great book, it exposes the tricks and lies of the (((chosen people))) and their (((influence))) over european and american politics for the last century. Everyone must read it!
A wealthy roach is still a roach
You don´t seem to be redpilled, more like retarded.
this one is good, but not complete.
It aligns with what Kevin McDonald says.
p.s. this is a valuable thread.
indeed, something I'm reminded of regularly
>I might be struggling to get by but at least I'm not a t*rk.
It gives them comfort so meh.
It's a damned If I do damned If I don't situation. Left hate me for hating poor-middle class, right hate me because I don't imply that I share the same values as a min-wage factory worker.
Dr. Pierce
>also Hugh posts
>pic related
I also really like this video by Lincoln Rockwell
most of this is racist
oy vey, you changed my mind instantly!
> and started the Communists Revolution of 1918
Why is it that pol has absolutely no idea or grasp of basic history?
The revolution of 1918 was started by German Sailors in Kiel and other big port cities - for they refused to submit to orders of getting on their boats to fight the British in one last (pointless) battle in order to die with honor.
While there were Socialists and even Communists soldiers these were not the majority of these protests - that sparked riots and rebellions all over the Kaiserreich which then were hijacked by the Communists.
However the rebellions were not started by them :DDD
Wanting White people to continue to exist is racist.
Wanting Norwegians to continue to exist is racist.
What is this?? Racist mania?
Ben Garrison
Poppa Adolf
>he doesn't know that he'll be the first to go when the class struggle turns real
No one of intelligence protects the proletariat out of some sympathy for the prole's worldview or situation. You do so as a protective measure, so that you don't wake up to one of them chewing on your leg, and sucking the marrow out of your bones, one fine morning. Properly nourished, proles make excellent watchdogs and companions. But if you neglect their care and keeping, they will render you asunder like ravenous wolves. It's only a matter of time.