What does Sup Forums think of anthony bourdain

what does Sup Forums think of anthony bourdain

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An entertaining lib. No Reservation is pretty good

The more places he goes to, the more red-pilled he gets. Give him a little time.

He's pretty great. Parts Uknown and No Reservations are enjoyable and he's a no nonsense kind of guy from what I've seen

People think about Anthony Bourdain?

pretentious fag

Drug using degenerate who got lucky by writing a book about drug using degenerates that happen to work as line cooks

>diversity is great because foooooooooooooooood


This, the "muh katana at college" shit is more cringe than half you fucks

I hate him and im a cook, fuck this loser he sucks and whines about everything

(((anthony bourdain)))
literally a nobody up until he wrote a book in his 50s about food, travel, and multiculti diversity enrichment.
Shlomo decided to make Bourdain a TV star because every pro-diversity argument centers around muh ethnic food and muh ethnic music memes.
What better way to brainwash and indoctrinate a generation of CNN-watching Millennials too lazy to think for themselves?

Smart guy, great shows. Obviously sweats the details and cares about locals. He's funny, too.

I thought he'd be a prick before watching his recent shows, but nah.

is it a meme to try to work a jewish conspiracy into every subject

Anthony, it's past your bedtime
Don't you have some shoots tomorrow for one of your upcoming episodes?

is kitchen work too scary for you?
better get back to that liberal arts degree your parents are paying for.

>Bourdain has said he was raised without religion, and that his ancestors were Catholic on his father's side and Jewish on his mother's side.[10
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, you obvious JIDF shill kike

this couldnt be futher from the truth

ive seen him mean mug his guest for not pushing the liberal agenda

one nigger in all of afrika says I know that things use to be better. implying that european imperialism was an african golden age.

but anthony gets all, what do you say to someone like dis!

cool shows, extremely tall liberal pawn

Junky liberal narcissistic faggot who can't cook.

He wants to exterminate the white race. Gas him.

Jew York liberal who still thinks hes edgy as his 'punk' days.

Andrew Zimmern despite being a bit of a fruit is a alright fellow. Especially in that episode where he was at a floating village and caught fish up river 'where the water was a bit cleaner' and seen his host cleaning the fish in the oil and shit slicked water around the town.

Although Bourdain got a bit red pilled in the Namibia episode. The ostrich egg omelette cooked in hot ash, and the rectum of a unwashed warthog.


1970s Bourdain

>bomb threat detected

Lol fucking faggot junky.

>NY cook with own food show

No surprise there


He thinks he's smarter than almost everyone else. He's fucking well travelled, but that doesn't make him smart or prescient.

But as hosts of reality-based travel documentaries are concerned, he's OK for 50 minutes at a time.

he advocated white genocide fuck that kike

he might be good at making food and being a cosmopolitan but he's a fucking kike that promoted race mixnig as the only way to end racism.

and yes he is jewish fucking kike

>NY jew junkie bisexual with pro-diversity travel show

He cooks up anti white propaganda?
Sounds like a modern Swedish Chef.

>typical NYC kike
>claims to be "nonreligious"
>spends life advocating for anti-White / pro Israel agendas

I really like his shows. If you can go five seconds without screeching because people have different opinions he's not a bad food/travel guy.
He did an episode years ago about the Texas border town my mom is from, and the restaurant he picked is notoriously shitty and run by a drunkard asshole I've known since I was young. Aside from that I like him.

>muh beer summit
>hurr durr 4 more years
>mandatory good goy tv watching
>loved and idolized by reddit lolberals and Sup Forumscucks everywhere

haaaay guise, lets cut class and trip on acid listening to hava nagila played backwards so we can receive the satanic transmissions

hey pol, did you forget me? Let's pop some jews in the oven!

Go away Smashmouth/ICP.

>>but anthony gets all, what do you say to someone like dis!

He did this on his before and afther Beirut show.
One of the locals started to question the real politics behind shit that occured.

And Anthony gave that type of reply.