What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
A filthy Jew cuck
lil' Benji? what's the pipsqueak up too nowadays?
He's doing fine at dailywire. Also he shit posts on twitter a lot. He's immensely proud of the Ben Shapiro Thug life compilations.
He's pretty fucking awesome for a jew
Come home, Benji.
I like him again after his politicon appearances this year
He's cool except for the whole Michelle Fields thing and his Cruz Missile shilling.
Litteral manifest of the cuckservative,
Gotta shill for jews, don't ask me why, and especially don't ask about my ethnic background.
ethnicity has no place in politics because oy vey
Glad he's getting to race at a few tracks this year for Dale Earnhardt Jr.
I like him desu, good debates, closes people like fuck saying the stuff we say with no repercussions because he's Jewish, same way it works with milo.
It's working.
He's good at what he does (drinking SJW tears) but he needs to get over himself and endorse Trump. I wish more Jews were like him.
Nasal voiced manlet kike.
I disagree with his views on Israel and American foreign policy but I still agree with most of what he has to say about American domestic policy. He's alright for a jew.
I think he's about 5'3.
He's a great guy but should really chill the fuck out when it comes to the alt right. We forget this guy is what, in his early thirties, he's not exactly acquainted to meme and Internet culture. He should lay off the heat from the kike jokes desu.
Other than that, #Shapiro2020
cuck manlet jew
Dennis Prager is the better conservicuck Jew.