>Trump says Pinoys, other immigrants pose hidden threat: "We're dealing with animals," he seethed.
We warned you. Trump and his redneck mob just want to blame and hate any nonwhite. Spineless white worshiping Flip trump supporters cucked and BTFO.
>Trump says Pinoys, other immigrants pose hidden threat: "We're dealing with animals," he seethed.
We warned you. Trump and his redneck mob just want to blame and hate any nonwhite. Spineless white worshiping Flip trump supporters cucked and BTFO.
Was he wrong? You people are basically island monkeys with a little Chink thrown in.
to be fair alot of the dickasses you lot send over here are nigger tier retarded.
if all he has to work with and see is the dumbfucks of your country thats probably why he said that.
Seems accurate. Get back to prepping your infant daughter for her next client
>random outdated stereotypes
yes the last bastion of white """""pride"""""
you're on your way out and so is your tanking candidate. dumb cumskins.
Pinoys are even a more worthless pile of shit than the souless chinese.
You people the niggers of asia and should be nuked from existence.
You guys are the worst fucking immigrants on the planet. He's right. Stay the fuck out of Canada
>B A C K
>trump supporters aren't racist! you minority guys should support trump!
>immediately drops facade and becomes full hateful racists when you make their support insecure
this is too funny
>you're on your way out and so is your tanking candidate. dumb cumskins.
You are nigger tier people, always have been, always will be
One thing is supporting minorities such as japs and some latinos that are decent hard-working people.
On the other hand there are pinoys,shitskins and niggers that dont respect local cultures and fuck around parasiting everywhere they go.
Kill yourself
That's fair.
I've never, and I'm being 100% honest here, and i don't consider myself as a prejudiced person, not even against blacks, or hispanics, or most people, i think its more environmental than genetic mostly, BUT, i digress.
I have NEVER met a Filipino in my country that wasn't dumb, annoying, and utterly stupid. Also you people refuse to integrate.
Everytime i run into some fucking flips, they're speaking their shitty MGA NA PINOY taglog language. They speak absolutely horrible butchered english, always rude when speaking to someone and again just essentially only associate with other flips. Plus most i've seen, women and men are very ugly and small. They look like asian niggers, short, wide stumpy noses, flat, elongated foreheads, chinky eyes that are either too close together or too far apart. big, callous lips.
I stand with Trump on this one, fuck filipinos. I guess some of you guys on here are alright. But whoever you guys send to the USA suck
Tell me about the great Filipino empire and how many great things its contributed to society
I'll wait
We have no reason to comingle with inferior cultures
I'd like to clarify that none of those latinos come from Mexico. I don't know where they come from, but living at the border I can say it sure as fuck isn't mexico.
you're literally the niggers of asia
nobody wants your fucking votes lel
Dont care much for what you look like but what your worth.
>das rayciss
>votes left with all other non-whites
We vote right because most of us are confident in our ability to succeed in the free market.
>this is why successful, intelligent non-whites vote Republican too
>t. Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell
You vote left because you know, deep down, that you can't compete with whitey without all dem gibs.
>believing anything coming from the Communist News Network
wew lad
U.S should have cleansed these fucks back in 1898
>still thinking we're in colonial times or some shit
lmao. keep showing people the hate that Trump supporters and Trump is really about. let's see how low his support can go pham :^)
>free market
>shitton of white centric racial institutions and privilege
>hell asians have to change their name to be perceived as equal candidates during hiring
lol you're so backwards you're adorable, also using arguments that racial progressives have deconstructed for a while now isn't making you look educated or smart.
sucking white dick won't make you white :^)
How can the most powerful race in the world NOT pose a threat? As always, Trump is 100% a real nigga.
If Flips spoke Spanish, you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between Mexicans and Filipinos. Thank god the all mighty ocean protects us from Flip illegals.
i think they are ok since they have cool flag.
americans destroyed any chance we had to get rido f the kikes, now they ae central of degeneracy. even fucking BLM sreads to world from them. fucking cancer man. Its no fucking coencidence they split europe with marxist kikes from soviet union.
too bad we lost
>most powerful race in the world
>loses argument
>completely ignore fact and shout RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS over and over
Was talking to the flip guy who wipes my grandad's arse, he was salty as fuck over no Japanese girls wanting anything to do with him while he was working in Nippon as a nurse
Apparently on the Asian hierarchies flips are even below chinks
>immigrant wont integrate and assimilate
>immigrant imitate what the host do
a-woo, immigrant take our job and woman,
woman a race traitor
immigrant so degenerate and rude
race war now
pinoys = water indios
gas them all t. mexican
Looks to me like Trump just doesn't want terrorists posing as refugees coming and going as they please. Unless your planning to get in the country illegally, I don't see how this should have you worried.
3/10 for making me reply.
Opening bait was convincing, but now you're trying to hard.
>claiming victory
>BR huehue
shouldn't you be busy embarrassing yourself to the world at how incompetent you are handling your Olympics instead of posting here?
Better than acting like a literal nigger of Asia which includes (you).
Shouldn't you be worried more about DU30 and his hitman team gunning you down?
better question: why aren't you married and pumping children out of your wife? If you're older than 21 and don't have at least three kids your parents consider you a failure
What is the asian hierarchy? I would guess
>not overwhelmingly majority catholic
fuck off clueless tourist
Thank god we gave you guys independence in 1946, or we might have a Puerto Rico 2.0.
Classic Pinoy. Gets massively butthurt when criticized.
You think Trump is piece of shit? Which fucking actor will be the next President or Senator there? Dingdong, Bongbong, Estrada again?
>Trump might get voted. He is capable and he has a good team around him.
>parroting white memes
Zzzz cuck.
Please show me the part where Trump says that he will ban all Flips from entering the country. Seems like you're the clueless one here. Probably the reason why your women would rather hop on my dick rather than give you 5 seconds of their attention
FACT: Philippinos are the most powerful race in the world.
Donald Trump made an crucial mistake tonight. He made an enemy he can't afford to have.
I'm afraid the jig is up. Drumpf is finished.
>proud to score some shit tier gold digging std bearer
lol yeah I'm so jealous of you geriatric pasty faggots with a trike patrol-tier girl on your arms kek. go for it. ugly flip girls need to pay for their family with your wallet too.
>trump capable
>good team
his VP pick Pence is practically a heartland closet KKK member
If you read the article, it states that immigration should be limited from countries that have active terrorist problems. Selecting pieces that push your narrative isn't news.
Surprise as limiting migration from countries with terrorist issues suggested as a method to decrease the risk of terrorism amongst new immigrants. "But it's only one in a group of a hundred thousand, user! It's a near-zero chance!" Correct, but it's a zero fucking chance if you let none of them in. One bad apple spoils the lot.
They are, most people I know tend to see them as the Mexicans of Asia. Indonesians rank even lower because Islam.
all the filipino/as i've met have been pretty based, trump kinda fucked up but given the islamist problem they have i suppose it's understandable
but if he bans immigration from the country that's going to be a problem since it's my #1 destination for a prospective mail order bride
>lol yeah I'm so jealous of you geriatric pasty faggots with a trike patrol-tier girl on your arms kek. go for it. ugly flip girls need to pay for their family with your wallet too.
What's the matter? Virgin rage keeping you from typing correctly? Still waiting for that statement from Trump.
>Trump and his redneck mob just want to blame and hate any nonwhite.
Nothing wrong with this.
Another step towards a white ethnostate.
Don't tell me you actually believe anyone here cares about playing nice. We're just playing the game.
>white ethnostate
That's what Argentina is for.
That's why you lobby them my friend
Indian entrepreneurs are pumping money into both Hillary and Trump campaigns so we don't get deported
Pinoy entrepreneurs should do the same
Oh wait
>Pinoy entrepreneurs
>philippino """"man""""
>calling ANYONE a virgin
>Mexicans of Asia
Makes sense
>He then listed several immigrants, mostly from Muslim majority countries -- Afghanistan, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen -- who were arrested for conducting or threatening to carry out violent attacks, teaching bomb-making to recruits, and otherwise supporting terror groups.
>who were arrested for conducting or threatening to carry out violent attacks, teaching bomb-making to recruits, and otherwise supporting terror groups.
>were arrested
wew lad
Just like every filthy accusation hurled at Trump, the accuser is seen to be filthier to begin with.
Trump loves Indians, they'll be fine. Also they overwhelmingly support Trump too cuz they hate illegals coming from Mexico
it's an anonymous imageboard not reddit. I can type in whatever prose I want.
>I'm waiting for tvdaddy trump's steaming shit in my mouth mmmmmm
lol cuck
>implying I go for gays and trannies while having access to spoiled arts students in one of the most expensive universities in the country
Keep crying bro. Still no statement from Trump?
Shit, we don't have money to pay for an ocean wall
>"waaah Sup Forums Trump iz racist!"
>No evidence
>Gets called out for poor reading comprehension
Just let the thread die and go weep in the corner
The Philipines are american territory so I don't see what any of this has to do with immigration.
i dont understand why some people here pander to minorities. the majority is all thats needed to win an election and every single minority has their own country to fuck off to
Dude, isn't like half to a third of your country Muslim? And isn't it in open and armed religious war in Sindinao? We don't want any of your muzzies in the States. Let Duterte deal with them.
Duterte love them tho their are our bothers
Who the fuck are you to warn anyone? Are you a US citizen? How about you learn how to run your own shithole first before you tell a nuclear superpower to import your refugees.
Trump and Pence are saints and geniuses compared to the thieves and masters of graft in the Philippines. And they're educated and established businessmen and politicians? What does it take to be politics in the Philippines? An acting career or name recognition.
What will the youth of the Philippines do with the corruption and the lack of rule of law in their country? The females are too busy taking selfies of themselves and posting on Facebook and the males will be busy playing DOTA and getting drunk on cheap gin. They will moan, bitch and make funny parody songs and skits about corruption.
>The corrupt work harder than you. The Philippines is both the sick man of Asia and the eternal teenager.
>He then listed several immigrants, mostly from Muslim majority countries -- Afghanistan, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen -- who were arrested for conducting or threatening to carry out violent attacks, teaching bomb-making to recruits, and otherwise supporting terror groups.
He thinks we are a majority Muslim that needs to be stopped
Honestly, give me illegal Mexicans over legal Flips anyday. It's like they take the worst after Niggers, Spics, and Gooks then act like the stereotypical white racist no one likes.
Literal human garbage. I'm actually not a racist, I have black and mexican friends, but I fucking despise Flips.
MILF smuggled 2 million dollars worth of guns and shoulder mounted anti-air missles into our country via california.
fuck off you small dicked brown spider monkey. control your fucking problems or I'm going to pump and dump even more of your women and spit in their mouths before kicking them back to your fucking malaria puddle
I really want to like you guys but seriously fuck off
In a previous statement, Trump said he will restrict entrance to countries that have terrorism problem, regardless if they have majority Muslim
“I actually don’t think it’s a rollback. In fact, you could say it’s an expansion,” Mr. Trump said in the interview with the NBC host Chuck Todd. “I’m looking now at territory.” In the coming weeks, Mr. Trump told Mr. Todd, he would be unveiling a detailed list of countries and territories from which immigrants would be subject to “extreme vetting.”
Trump probably got that notion because PDuterte coddles the NPA and considers the Abu Sayaff non-criminals (both are internationally recognized terrorist groups).
>refuse to integrate.
This kind of. They speak tagalog like they're in some secret club that excludes everyone. There was one in high school that wanted to fuck me silly though. 2005 in Japanese class. She told me her fantasies of wanting to get under the table during lecture and blow me. Was into some other girl at the time though and then she dated a friend of mine. Skank said she would still fuck me though. Never did it. Almost regret it.
Are you saying he's wrong?
I for one welcome you into my home.
As an American, I understand how to plead different cultures to change thir ways.
For instance, you may be dirty and smell like shit, but you can use my shower any time you like. Hell, I've even got some soap on a rope, with extra rope naturlich
Pinoys are hot as fuck. Why does he want to get rid of attractive women?
How the fuck would 71% of legal immigrants on welfare?
I don't think they are immigrants if they apply for welfare? They are anchor babies or american citizens at that point no?
Considering you need a job offer to actually apply for the TN visa or H1-B visa I don't see how they could be on welfare.
duterte thread stole this thread's thunder
Nigger please
Trump was right we pose a hidden threat
Its ingrained in our culture to talk your way up and out of things
We never assimilated to America we let those cucks do their job and suck our dicks since its progressive
Dutdut will make Philippines a potential 1st world country after the purge making them America's rival in economics
Trump is doing the right thing since his mission always puts America First and competition breeds innovation
Angry Filipino left.
close enough
TRUMP 2016
every online game I have played has been overrun with fucking pinoys
"aw aw aw"
"bobo bobo"
"weak american"
"ako bakla"
"lakas ako"
every single game these faggots touch eventually dies out with their immature spamming and retardedness
stay the fuck in the philippines and drown, your whole country will be underwater in 50 years. STAY THE FUCK THERE FAGGOTS, YOU FUCKING VOVO RETARDS
How does it feel knowing you will never fuck a slutty goddess like this?
92% people here in the Philippines are roman Catholics the rest are muslim. And besides most of the muzzies here are content with their lives, well for the most part
why does the Czech Republic care so much about some Chink spin-offs?
Uh, old news? Can we hate America now?
Stop being such a gaylord
He's specifically referring to the Muslims in the southern part of the Philippines
What will you do when Trump becomes president? Unless you're gonna be a big guy and say:
>Oh I'm sorry anons, I was wrong about this!
Then at least stop your faggotry now
Most powerful race BTFO!
phillipeans are disgusting animals who know nothing but violence.
>What will you do when Trump becomes president?
Sever connection with America. Everyone here knows China is just pretending to be evil and want to befriend us even at the cost of those shitty islands. Stupid cunt.
when you look at a philapino you look at a man or a woman who will turn on their loved ones.
how does that stack up with your whole kill drug-users angle?
>china are the biggest producers of amphetamines.
>the shit that is your " biggest problem..." outside of having zero human rights.
more out of context jew cancer
I honestly, truly, want Filipino immigrants to go home.
We need decent people here more than ever. Any skill you can bring back home would be really great.
How are you still being funded? Or are you doing this for free? If so, you may very well be mentally impared.
He is just trying to crash his campaign with no survivors so hillary can win now
OP is a faggot
I hope there will be a Filipino immigrant working at NASA. I'd love to see that Sta. Barbara Project succeed before I die.
>China is just pretending to be evil and want to befriend us
It's like I'm in kindergarten again.
Thank you for correcting the record, shill. Jesus, you're pathetic.
That's okay, I see America as a threat more than China anyway.
>Trump and his redneck mob just want to blame and hate any nonwhite.