Happening in France

13 dead at a birthday party


konfirmed Kebab

remove wen

>"fire believed to be...

I read this in Serbian news and it said that they died because candles on birthday cake started a fire, lol.

>"blond man with black rimmed glasses seen running out of the bar just before the blaze started"
Can it be?

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you

happy birthday dear________

happy birthday to you

the absolute madman strikes again

Can somebody just finally fucking STOP SAM HYDE?! SERIOUSLY

First pics of the victims has been released.


Religion of Peace. If France banned guns surely all the problems in that country would magically disappear?


when will France ban guns?

Time traveling Michael Caine


Sup Forums's hearts goes out to france.

When will France ban Birthday cakes?


Is it even possible to stop Saim Al'Haid now? I think he's grown too strong from all the murder

It was a gas leak explosion, the French authorities even said so

Jesus you guys are retarded

The media is still saying it was an accidental fire. No religion of peace involved this time it looks like.

tried these once

tasted like a mix between the tasteless parts of chicken and fish. is that how they were supposed to taste, or were they just improperly seasoned? can a frog chime in?

got them from a chink restaurant ran by a vietnamese, if that means anything

dieing in a fire is probably my worse nightmare along with drowning.

pic related

>is that how they were supposed to taste
definitely not, especially the fish part
>got them from a chink restaurant
that explains it. Avoid eating in chink restaurants if you can. You wouldn't believe what goes on in the kitchens

>Being this naive

Kill yourself you gullible child

party was in the basement, The person carrying the cake tripped. the candles lit the floor on fire.
Pretty stupid way to die

please turn out to be muslim related please turn out to be muslim related please turn out to be muslim related please turn out to be muslim related please turn out to be muslim related please turn out to be muslim related please turn out to be muslim related

Sam "Global Jihyde" Hyde strikes again. Reports indicate that he is now on his way to Norway to free Anders Breivik so together they can begin their Final Solution for "the shitskin camelfuckers and their ZOG kike puppetmasters"

> video games at a bar

>hurr it was muslims even when it wasn't

you're only gonna make yourself look stupid. wait for evidence first. This splosion happend almost half a day ago.

>video games at a club
>they died


So when did accidental fire become a happening?

how did the building catch fire so quickly? wtf is the bar made of? did they soak the floors and walls and ceiling in alcohol?

i came here to post this

Yay, I turned 22

>we believe it was accidental

13 people died from eating poisonous baguettes

Shut the fuck up Mohammed they already said the French media already said they aren't going to report instances of terror attacks anymore.






But no kebab = no happenings! We need happenings!

>Railing and ramp became an obstacle to escape and rescue.

Thanks a lot, handicapped people!


See if you were like Britain and banned assault birthday cake candles this wouldn't have happened.

it's polystyrene. it happened in your country in 2003 and killed 100 people


You're a genuine retard

meanwhile in germany nothing gets done anymore and building costs skyrocket because of fire safety regulations...
Meh maybe we dont have it that bad afterall

They said they arent showing the faces and names of the terrorists anymore retard

you're likely to pass out from smoke inhalation than be burned to death, if that's reassuring.
also if you are burned severely then it will quickly destroy your pain receptors and you won't feel it.

a tip for surviving a fire though is to crawl along the ground as the air will be less smokey there. also feel any door for heat before opening it because closed doors can prevent fire from spreading so if it's hot, find another way out.

all you need to know to survive a fire is
> stop
> drop and
> roll

And nothing of value was lost.

It was an accidental gas leak.

lol that's what you do once you're no longer in a burning building

Who wants to get dirt all over them?

they should taste like finest chicken you've ever eaten

>République """"""""'''''''''''''Française""""""'"'''''"'"""''

I'd rather die than roll around on a sticky club floor.

Not terrorism.
So sad for the normies who lost their lives, though...

must be a rhum baba then

im sorry for youre lotts

delicious if cooked properly bland otherwise

It s a nigger bar, nothing of value was lost i guess


I've only eaten bland frog legs. Greasy and froggy- not bad but not great.

dead frogs are the new normal now

it's like reporting on killlings in syria, not news

Why the fuck not?

Because it gives them fame and inspires other shitskins to alllahu albar

Shiet I remember turning 22. I was all like
"sure, I did literally nothing for my 21st or most birthday ls before it, and I'm on my own, browsing Sup Forums for my 22nd, but I think things are going to get different. I'm trying harder, getting fitter, have a job, gunnar get a girl, it's gonna be good."


Many failed jobs and years later I'm sitting here, at 30 years old, back in my parents fucking house, having simply run out of money to even fucking EXIST two years ago. Just kept failing jobs, kept failing rents.. I didn't fail at relationships though!

Because you can't fail what you can't start.

I'd say enjoy your birthday, but I think you know deep down it's just "another year closer. Another loss in resistance"...
And we both know it's not going to get better.
I'm sorry, user.

I bet you are the life and soul at parties aren't you?

garlic butter is perfect


Why did nobody ody go in the cooler?

Actually anyone who knows the person I present to the world thinks so.
And they like me, think I'm a sound cunt all that.

Some people aren't meant to be happy user. Their life is just one shit turn to another. So they have to grow a pair and push through, pretending to be until they can't. I was one hell of a pretender until I slipped one day. Someone asked how on earth I could be single, unemployed, poor etc etc, when I'm so determined, funny and upbeat...

That's a very good idea. I'm sure there names and faces will never be sent around the internet. I think the authorities have finally solved things. Phew.


thats what i was thinking. if no escape at all thats best place to go.

The birthday cake was mentally ill.
And gay and a Breivik's fan and it shouted "I'm French" before exploding.

The name of the bar is "Le Cuba Libre" ("Free Cuba") and it's a degenerate place playing african music.

Basically it's a place for leftists, niggers and coalburners.

Good riddance.


Am I the only one who actually thinks this is sad?/makes me lose faith in humanity?


>makes me lose faith in humanity

why? because humans designed the candles?

unless some news came out about safety code violations in the building, I don't understand why you'd feel that way

>has still faith in humanity

Do you guys think it could legally be considered a terrorist attack if someone released a cloud of millions of wasps inside a densely-populated indoor space?

I mean just some horrible accident on a birthday... It's like I'm a minority now though. Not even a normie, just disheartened by this.

The whole thing was accidental/gas leak as indicated. It's just nothing really for me personally to laugh at. Unless I'm misreading this, that's an awful way to end someone's life.

Electronic slot machines and the like are classed as video games. They were probably gambling machines, not vidya.

sounds so familiar. just got a job again after a few years and hopefully am on the right track again.

>until I slipped one day
what happened?



Why the hell wouldn't it be? The law does not define each and every object that can be qualified as a deadly weapon. If you use it with an intent to kill and it has the potential to kill, then it is a deadly weapon.

what the fuck? how could 13 people die just from a fire? was it so crowded they that they couldn't get out of the bar? damn frenchies, i bet they sensed danger and just waved the white flag.

>killed by a cake

because the article said that there was a birthday cake which had candles and sparks, and those sparks fell down to the floor and set carpet on fire and that carpet released poison gas which killed them all.

Fucking hell France, get your shit together. We're almost ashamed to consider you historical rivals, at this point.


A muslim refugee sabotaged the birthday cake, replacing the regular candles with deadly mini-flamethrowers!

Did someone lock the doors? How the fuck can the people not run away from such a tiny bar?
inb4 it was ovecrowded
It was a private birthday party, not a punk concert.



Coolers are steel boxes. You'd cook in it like an oven or it would fill with smoke and you're die anyways. Once the rubber seals melted you're fucked.

Poisonous gas from the burning floor/ceiling filled the room almost instantly

In these cases you have less than a minute to get away, often through small fire exits in old buildings

I think a situation like this cafe would have been illegal in the Netherlands since Volendam
