Well pol?
Well pol?
How do I passively call this cuck who posted this a stupid neet?
Q -> P does not imply P -> Q
>why is a square a rectangle but a rectangle isn't a square?
>only way to get a raise is if they raise minimum wage
how long have you been working on minimum wage that you think like this?
also, that is not even the primary cause of inflation
Inflation. Are you retarded by chance?
Inflation, what the fuck?
do you understand that there are more than minimum wages and prices in economics?
comrade marx must have forgotten to include them in "How to Cuck A Nation"
If guns can kill people, how come billions of people died before guns were even invented???
Well Sup Forums?
Anyone with half a brain knows that all men are Socrates.
>They fell for the bait
I don't even feel like trying at this point
but do all people that know all men are Socrates have half a brain?
Are you dumb faggots that respond to this thread retarded? Literally do you have fucking autism to click a bait thread that's been made 10000 times and respond seriously
Because only one thing can raise the prices, right?
Maybe if you weren't such a cuck chem trails wouldn't be making global warming kill black people.
Fucking autists.
>women engaging in logical thought
>there is only variable that affects prices
Time traveling guns.
You have a few choices.
>rly mek u thinc
Repeated ad infinitum
>I'm not arguing with a guy that makes minimum wage
>do you know there's more important factors in business than you?
>if X cause hyper inflation then why does normal inflation happen?
Fuck off.
Corporate greed claiming inflation so they can pocket more money.
Shit can't inflate in price thats ridiculous and stupid to even think to inflate in price there would need to be more consumers and a shortage of supply. Do you think Snickers bars are getting short on supply? Anyone who falls for it has half a brain.
Surprisingly I bet half /pol will and will defend it.
You are brain dead. Objective fact.
Does the person who made this not realize the irony here?
Well, obviously not because they made it, but still.
shills winning over facts
This is a pretty sexist image attempting to portray women as retarded with no understanding of economics. Democrats are shameless.
Wages are not the only cause of inflation.
>wages are not the only possible cause of inflation
>the """(((FED)))""" increasing the money supply is the biggest cause of inflation
Well yes obviously its a factor other than the minimum wage.
So why not raise the minimum wage?
Look in the mirror call your self a neet.
Except federal minimum wage is suppose to reflect inflation dumbass.
You can't actually be American.
Saying what is aggregate inflation would cause a complete meltdown. So it's impossible.
>raising wages is the only thing that affects prices
Seriously, the leftwing idiots truly are lost. How has the education system failed them this badly?
Thanks for the laugh. You're someone who shouldn't be paid more than minimum wage
>price increases can ONLY be caused by an increase in minimum wage.
The guy who posted this graduated high school and constantly complains about minimum wage.
Because the economy is not so fucking simple that the only thing that could make things cost more is a higher minimum wage?
What in the everloving fuck?
Because that will make it worse you dumb fucking chink
The image is infuriating but it's not wrong.
It's not the whole truth either.
It's a half-truth.
There is no logical reason prices go up outside federal mandates. It's all superfluous.
The only important thing is that federal minimum wage hasn't reflected inflation for almost a decade.
State minimum wage is suppose to reflect cost of living, but it hasn't for decades.
The system is fucked thanks to fiat.
>it will make it worse
Except it wont because the price was going up the whole time anyway
But value > cost.
Minimum wage goes up. Means unemployment goes up as well as inflation.
Communism will win.
I make 80k a year. hahahahaha.
We should try real communism. It's sure to work this time
cause jews
because wages grow. (even if not minimum wage), In US ita ATM at 3.6% yearly
Other factors can increase prices too.
That said, the effect of minimum wages on prices obviously depends on how labor-intensive the industry is (and if the wages were near the minimum to begin with). Increasing wages in electronics production probably wouldn't have that big an effect, while increasing fast food wages only works if you make like Australia and have 1 or 2 guys running a McDonald's.
The funny thing is that will be the reality.
First minimum wage has increased.
Back around 2005 I was making about 5.50 an our now its almost 10 dollars
>if you only have 1 or 2 guys
This is basically food prep in all developed countries. Skeleton crews eveywhere.
>prices are only a function of minimum wage
read a book nigger
>what is inflation
More than one thing can cause it.
I swear you people get dumber every day.
ITT: inflationfags unaware of dollar devaluation