How do we save Mexico?


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kill all cr*ollos and c*stizos

Annex and purge anyone below 70% percent White line.

this >:3
t. bleached mongrel

t 56%

we don't

You leave us alone

Why? That would just make things even worse.

kill america


End prohibition policies in the US. Legalize and regulate the sale of cocaine heroin and marijuana. Watch as Mexican criminals lose most of their funding.


mfw they get desperate because no money and start kidnapping and extorting businesses left and right

>Latino muttposting
The irony is wasted on you.

He's right tho


I wish I had a quarter Polish blood in me :(

But that will in no way replace the money from illegal drugs so they can corrupt our system

They'll definitely go for that, but it also means less people will join them and many will quit. The war on drugs then will finally make sense.


The US is ours by 2050, guarantee it.

You'll have to share it with the Asians, it'll be a Philippines.

Wrong thread m8

Save it from what?

>Leave the Asians to me

Redpill me about the Mexican cartels there.
How did it all start?
Was there ever a chance the Mexicans could’ve wiped them out?


from you

They're bad. They're invading our country, bringing drugs and violence with them obviously.
>unironically, build that wall

Yea but how did it all start

With them invading and stealing our cunt
Then they invited Mexicans to immigrate there


Americans have always acted like scum when it came to relations with Mexico. They've stolen land, and this is just payback. Whats funny is that their hate is real, but their threats are empty. They're resorting to posting anonymously lmao

americans wanted drugs, colombians made the drugs, and mexicans were close to the usa


this is how it began


t. that beaner's primo