I'm always afraid of being hurt or even murdered here in Brazil. Do you feel the same?
Suddenly I started to appreciate any safe country where I can live unapologetically unconcerned.
I'm always afraid of being hurt or even murdered here in Brazil. Do you feel the same?
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Most people in America right now probably think of Brazil as a dangerous country. Now, if i was to go outside, i might get killed. But to me, posting on Sup Forums, i'm safe. So to me, Brazil is a safe country.
See? it's all relative
70.000 homicides a year. That makes me way too frightened. I can be the next person within this number.
Infelizmente eu me sinto inseguro até dentro de casa, anão. É triste.
do people really get murdered for no reason regularly in Brazil? Why? If you're just some shitposter shut in what do you have to fear?
Actually YES.
Check this text out. Translations to Portuguese are almost always fine: crianca.mppr.mp.br
A short summary is: 80% of homicides here occur for urges or futile reasons. That's fucking shocking, bro.
Last month I was almost killed in a robbery. I'm not jocking neither shitposting.
sounds rough, how hard is it to move to Chile or somewhere like that?
I live in a ghetto, so i'm always anxious when i go outside. I know a fight or a robbery can happen any second.
lmao you are so wrong that it hurts. even your source contradicts you my friend
yes he is
So you a nigger? Sorry, I don't care anymore.
90% of Brazil is a ghetto, i mean ghetto, not favela.
Also i'm from South Brazil, even our criminals look Slavic.
I know that feel.
I dress old dirty clothes to avoid be attacked.
Wew, it must really suck to live in a poor country.
I just posted that for having some reference. Any other research concludes the same, you dumb monkey.
According to street view, your cities look half civilized, half ghetto, definitely not 90%.
No the criminals fear me more than i fear them, i even have already entered physical fight with a drug dealer
Fortunately I'm not black, I'd kill myself if so, it'd be terrible, things would get worse. That one is another Brazilian.
Those are my posts:
We should go full Punisher in criminals since they don't fear anything in Brazil.
Compared to Russia we're first world of course.
I’ll be real
I’ve been to Detroit, Afghanistan, Chicago, and South Africa before
But Rio was the only place I genuinely feared for my life
>tfw you live in one of the most violent cities in Brazil.
I want to secede and then start a death squad.
Latin America is actually more dangerous than black Africa
Dat latin passion
>voting in socialists
You all deserve everything.
I (OP) live in São Paulo city, the most modernized place in this shithole called Brazil. Here's dangerous as fuck, but not as much as Rio de Janeiro, which is one of the worst states. Don't risk your life coming to this country.
Why the hell you think that going to Rio is a decent idea?
>I'm always afraid of being hurt or even murdered here in Brazil. Do you feel the same?
Yes i was almost strangled by bydlo not too long ago.
Nah, i have a dark skin and they suppose i don't have anything of value so no one steals from me.
>muh socialism
Brazil's problems go centuries back. Also it was always full of buccaneers and criminals en.wikipedia.org
I always hope somebody starts shit with me so I can beat them up without repercussion. Anyone else?
Blame the western propaganda about Rio being 24/7 Carnival with sexy girls in feathers
i doubt so.
many if not most crimes in sub-sahara africa goes unnoticed cause african governments either don't bother or can't handle them.
try commit a crime here and GET caught, it'll be harder than not getting caught
And if it wasn't for bleeding-heart liberals they'd all be dead long ago
I thought Byldos just laze around and insult passerby
I feel pretty safe in the uae. Can't say the same when I was in Jordan. I always feel like some shit could happen.
>The heads of those killed were cut off and sent to Salvador, the capital of Bahia, for examination by specialists at the State Forensic Institute. Later they were put on public exhibition in the city of Piranhas.
> Only after 1971 were the families of Lampião and Maria Bonita able to reclaim the preserved heads, from the museum where they had been on display, in order finally to bury them.
It was always Liveleak: The country
Now you know the true.
Rio is currently in a urban war.
The best places are small cities or historical ones.
Nah, the UN is actually pretty shrewd in analyzing crime stats
This. Brazilians can't complain nothing. Socialists made joke laws where teenagers can rob or kill and the judiciary don't let they go to jail
Everyone outside Rio knows how awful it REALLY is: every day hundreds of news on murders, robberies, manhole explosion, and so on.
Terrible place to visit.
I thinkk the same about Argentine
I'm really thinking about moving to Jaraguá do Sul, the safest city in Brazil, but I'm not sure about how to do it, since I need to establish myself in there first, find a job, house and all.
compared to russia you're fifth world. hell, you're fifth world compared to south africa, dude
Thanks for the blog North Brazil
You know, I have really come to appreciate living here. Outside of Maori areas (and even then is mild) I feel incredibly safe.
Being a white, middle class guy I always thought me and my mates were tough. We even listened to rap as teenagers. I recently stayed in a Maori area in the middle of no where and it was terrifying, I genuinely felt scared. It made me realize I am a complete sissy, but its really comfy this way.
I rather be the softest guy in a comfy city, than a tough guy in a shitty one.
Latin America, Uruguay and Chile look worse than Russia. But South Africa looks worse than Brazil.
Ouro Preto is a fucking nightmare
Same goes to Petrópolis
Like a 1/3rd of women have been raped in south africa. Brazil is shit, but lets not pretend that Africa is developed enough to keep statistics.
Seriously or are you just shitposting? Argentina seems a nice place to live in. I'd move to there if you were not so fucked up because of your former presidents.
you're welcome, south mexico
Homicide rates =/= Robberies
Moscow is dangerous as fuck in robberies
I listen 44 minutes in the bus so if a shooting start I'm on the mood and climax
>manhole explosion
Historical cities in Paraná are safe.
Russia maybe, South Africa nope.
that's when a faggot braps during sex and the fart shoots up the other guy's dick and he dies
You are a nigger, right?
Not being killed is just a relief.
You should move here
>you're fifth world compared to south africa, dude
Higher GDP per capita
Higher HDI
Higher IHDI
Lower murder rates
Of we're fifth world compared to South Africa, then South Africa must be seventh world or something
ah, yes, how could i forget
During the 2016 Olympics, anons on a brazilian chan using pesticide bombs in sewers so all the cockroaches would come up.
here being killed is uncommon, but you can get mugged unless you're a tourist
woops outdated pic
Morocco is very similar to Brazil racially speaking. And you have one of the lowest homicide rates.
Communists ruin everything and Christians are shit tier controlling niggers
Most Brazilians here are either NEETs or uni students sustained by their middle class parents.
How safe is Russia? I hear mixed things. Obviously Westerns think it is suicide, while locals an people who have been there describe it to be safe aside from usual city crime/pick pockets.
I remember talking to a friend from there and she would always say it was super safe, but then explain that all her power went off because someone was trying to get the neighbors attention by pulling out the power main. I could hear them slamming doors and shit while she was explaining.
She was completely unphased by this, but if someone did this to my place I would call the cops instantly.
>Communists ruined Brazil
>It was a pure untouched virgin and not a complete shithole until those commies turned up
You should move here plus YOUR family
Europe has lot of robberies. In Russia it's just 2x worse.
I think America is safer outside nigger areas because everyone have guns uronically
Favelados are assaulting and stealing people in public transport.
>Morocco is very similar to Brazil racially speaking.
No one says that, the commies killed it though.
Brazil was safe as fuck before 1985. Homicide rates below 7 and houses without walls were more common. Just ask everyone older than 40 years old
Can't kill what was already dead.
How a seven la supposed to be good?
I say below 7.
Look at Brazil population
Aren't you both majority brown nigger mix?
It is made based on our population density. We have one of the biggest populations in the world, so our inhabitants numbers tends to be higher.
Everyone underrates how the hyperinflation fucked society. I remember reading how safe it was on JK's context as well.
Also, you now realise we had the first literal gypsy president in the world
I heard Chile isn't a good place for gringos. There're a few opportunities or something like this.
Anyway, I'm seriously thinking of moving to Australia or Canada. Receptive countries for us.
No, because subhumans from third world shitholes are moving here en masse and making our streets unsafe.
Same for Japan. I don't want more Chinese here
This "no, because" makes no sense then
Morocco is Maghrebi Arab + Berber + sub-saharan African minority
Brazil is entirely European and African diaspora with a small Japanese minority (relatively speaking, of course)
Is violent crime common or is it more just theft?
In all Latin America you might get killed just for fun.
And if they just want to rob your wallet, they will also kill you just because.
They are a bunch of murderous animals.
And Levantine Arab, forgot them.
Essentially we have a shitload of ethnicities, but Maghrebi Arabs, Berbers and Africans fron the regions Morocco imported barely exist here.
What do your parents do?
If you earn enough then chile is not different when compared to an anglo country
Are you New Zealander, aren't? Immigrant?
brazil anons
what's the worst things you've witnessed?
But diversity is our strenght, our country is better than ever thanks to mass third world immigration! How could we even breathe and do any kind of human things without millions of foreigners, it's unthinkable!
Nothing, tbqh. I live in Goiânia, Goiás,and was robbed twice during my life, but besides it, I never witnessed any really bad thing.
Never witnessed it personally but my city has had:
>Some lunatic injecting people with STDs
>Some lunatic raping a dead corpse in car
>Some lunatic stabbing school children
Why do you sound like a nigger? I think you are a nigger because I don't see white looking people from Brazilian crowds in liveleak
A violent car crash (only one car involved)
Me suffering common theft twice
A guy trying to take a lady's purse and failing at it when I was a kid
I wish someone would murder me. Fuck this shithole.
Imagine having such a large brain you can tell what people sound like through text.