>US created 255,000 jobs in July vs. 180,000 jobs expected
This is bad news for Trump, right?
>US created 255,000 jobs in July vs. 180,000 jobs expected
This is bad news for Trump, right?
Thry always revise the numbers quietly about 3 weeks after initial release and it typically ends up being a 1/3rd of thr original number.
Of course they never report on the revised number
Let's see if those jobs can feed a family of four...
Why didn't that greedy nigger create 500,000 jobs?
>part time jobs
Creating 255,000 jobs that pay minimum wage, have no room for advancement, and require no skills at all and can easily be done by a high school student with no experience or an illegal immigrant hardly bode well for the economy.
Yeah, well if 500 people lose their manufacturing jobs and 100 of them get jobs unloading trucks of chinese goods, were 100 jobs created or 400 lost?
You ever notice how Obama dicklickers say he made jobs but they can never explain what jobs, how he made them, or what jobs they are?
>what is workforce participation
>and require no skills at all
you need alot of skills to flip burgers
>created jobs
is it creating if you take 1 job and turn it into 3 part-time jobs to avoid having to pay benefits?
Yeah I had one of those jobs, I just shoveled dirt/shit for 2 months, It's all for photo ops.
>seasonally adjusted
yes. That's why Obama's job growth numbers are huge while the economy has barely grown
Those aren't the numbers, champ.
You want the U6 number. That's the real unemployment rate.
It's 9.7% now, up from 9.6%
Funny, right? Actual unemployment is up. The money people know it. Yet stocks rose on the news, because everyone is getting gains while they can.
The collapse will come. Will you be prepared?
Learn nigger math. They always revise the numbers down later.
Obama thinks the entire country has the attention span of an average negro
>there is a lack of 100,000 programmers!
>U6 number
It's trending downwards too after the 2008 economic crisis... It's now back at Bush's years median
Shut the fuck up kike!
Fact is we are at the top of a bubble
all to indians and chinks
white, black ans spic americans still in the shitter.
actual unemployment rate before statiscal jewery at ~22%
and 93,000,000 still out of the work force... good job boss nigger.
I wonder how many of those jobs are correct the record propagandists
I'm not kidding. mfw
>job creation
By the standards of most of the BS reporting the soviet union was a paradise.
pick up than shovel comrade.
No, there isn't. They just don't join corporations.
>actual unemployment rate before statiscal jewery at ~22%
closer to 40% fampai
labor force participation rate just takes every able-bodied person under 65, no statistical fuckery to manipulate it
you need leadership skills,problem solving, top-notch communication, vision and creativity.
mcdonalds needs the best it can get
Watch out, bud. He go be stealin yo moneys.
>The fact that a majority of labor force opt-outs are students or retirees from high-income households suggests that the recession wrought less damage to the U.S. workforce than was initially feared. Those people will either go back to work or would have left the labor force anyway.
As this article outlines, they're returning to the work force.
>As this article outlines, they're returning to the work force.
No, they're not.
You don't understand what perpetual students are.
The majority of degrees handed out have no job prospects.
And yet the median household income is down, I wonder why that is???
Most of which were part-time to avoid paying ridiculous premiums on obamacare or full time positions only open to H1B visa holders.
Notice they never seem to release how many full time positions were lost in the same period?
>what is a series of graphs that ends with 2014
>As this article outlines, they're returning to the work force.
Stupid reality. Why won't it do what you want, user?
>for mexicans working in farms
Data takes time to come in and be graphed, and people have to be paid and given time to do the work.
>workforce participation
ding ding ding we have a winner.
>the president controls the free market
I have no alignment either way, I was just hoping to inspire a discussion on how Trump can effectually discuss anything economy related with these stats somewhat defending Obama's general economic policy. It will be a tough nut to crack for Trump to attack Obama / the Democrats on this aspect, no?
>trump removes iligal mexicans
suddenly 4 MILLION jobs avalable
>b-but obama did it first -r-right guys?
actual unemployment went up
>actual unemployment went up
I posted the U6 number earlier, it's trending downwards
This is no different than saying 'the whale population is exploding' after reclassifying dolphins as whales. They've moved the minimum hours worked to a lower number to reclassify them as 'full time'. The real whales are still being killed.
>It will be a tough nut to crack for Trump to attack Obama / the Democrats on this aspect, no?
Not to anyone who ever dealt with earning money and paying bills.
Democrats removed economic classes from our schools for this very reason. There's not a single piece of economic good news from the past few years. It's collapsing.
>I posted the U6 number earlier, it's trending downwards
Upwards, you mean. Increasing jobless numbers.
Whites don't like an wont do the jobs that beaners do. Idiot
you pulled all of that out of your ass tho
>Upwards, you mean. Increasing jobless numbers.
It's going down month after month
You're lying, Belgium, seat of nothing but government and banks.
U6 in the US is up to 9.7%.
Here's actual unemployment figures, which you already know.
These aren't like your Microsoft Paint chart. This is from a respected economist, using US Government methods from before Washington, D. C. went socialist.
We are being shafted, and very few people care.
>SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers
They can use any arbitrary number they want
So, what does labor participation means? Is it "all the people that should work (18-65)"?
Does it includes students? Because technically, they're aren't "jobless", even though it's not a job obviously. They aren't staying at home, at least.
On top of that, it includes sta-at-home moms and others not returning to the job market
It's insane man. That graph looks like the same as the Base Money chart. Meaning all printed money goes directly on bank balance sheet. And watch later when they're in trouble again, the taxpayer will still end up paying.
That's how they shift a private debt to a public debt. Thanks Obama.
And read the first post. Revised numbers are the real ones.
Moving people from one title to another doesn't create new jobs. Jobs on paper does not equal jobs in real life.
These reports of increase in employment have been padded since obongos first term
>Meaning all printed money goes directly on bank balance sheet.
It's not printed, it's all digital.
The Federal Reserve is owned by the private banks. They create money, give it to their banks and dues-paying members, who put it into the stock market. The stock market, long-term, will pay about 10%.
This is the ultimate 1% insider trading. This is what the 'establishment', and the democrat party in particular, is all about.
This is why politicians leave office as multimillionaires.
And because of all this, US GDP has been negative since 2008. Our economy is shrinking.
So 3 more weeks of hardcore shilling with fabricated numbers and facts? About that time Trumps percentage will overcome poll cooking.
You mean capitalism.
This is net jobs creation. W-Well, I think it is? It should obviously be that. Right? Right?
>get presidency as economy crashes
>economy recovers on its own
>employers limit hours to get out of paying benefits
>hire two people to do one job
>people make shit all and end up needing food stamps any
>lol creating jobs
Was going to post this
>OP doesn't know that revision is Obamas governments favourite pastime
>225,000 jobs
So, 100 new Walmart's opened?
>90% of all jobs created in the US since 2008 has come from oil and natural gas companies
>Obama and his cabinet along with congress and the Senate has done everything they can to fuck the oil and natural gas industry up the ass since Obongo has been there
>They do great anyway
>Paul Ryan gives them the ultimate fuck you by getting rid of that faggot Carter's ban on selling oil outside of the country
>Hiring numbers skyrocket and hit heights even gross estimations couldn't predict even after following their steady trend over the years
>Onigfer and Co. takes credit for jobs and says they're the reason they exist
Someone just go nuclear on them already
if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if
Are you fucking kidding?????
>wants to participate in a conversation of a topic he literally knows nothing about
>Black inequality
>an indicator
CTR is not a job
Trump has been essentially attacking Obama/Bush/Clintons the entire time including during the primary.
It's good for him since his party created them.
mein sides
>I'm not eligible for unemployment benefits therefore I'm not unemployed
What did they mean by this?
If it's anything like here in the UK then then numbers are completely forged, they like to include people on jobseekers allowance who are being forced go to on work placements.
From the the same job report:
>Economists had thought that was a one-time surge to make up for a severe hiring slowdown in May, when the economy added just 24,000 net new jobs. That figure was revised up Friday from 11,000, but still was the weakest month of job growth in more than five years.
Keke but over 800.000 jobs lost.
When a full time position is done away with to avoid the Obamacare tax burden, two part-time positions spring up in its place. It's not complicated.
>This is bad news for Trump, right?
of course not -- why would positive FACTS be of any interest to nihilists interested only in the fascist fanciful?
I'm fine with this. People need to accept that economics is a zero-sum game for the most part. Companies have a finite amount of money to distribute to the population in return for service so you can either have many poorly compensated jobs for a lot of people or a smaller amount available that are really good for fewer people.
Pick your poison.
fake, nigger and gay