Best languages to learn?

I've been wanting to get away from the drug of the internet. To fill the time gap it will leave, I want to learn a language.

I'm having trouble deciding. It's an issue of effort vs practicality. For example I thought about learning Latin, however it's of no practical use today beyond teaching, which I don't aim to do.

I thought of German of French, but with how the muslim/refugee influx is going, the countries may be too dangerous to travel in by the time I'm proficient in it.

Any help bros?
(I know someone is going to suggest some kind of chinese. I'll say that the asian languages don't appeal to me at all.)

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German, both prussian and austrian dialects, and french

Let's learn how to say the same thing in another language.

Yeah, that's efficiency.

You want to learn something... learn something new.

Russian is fun, German is useful and militaristic, French is for women.
Go for Hungarian.

Just learn Chinese because your country has already been taken over

Spanish, definitely.
As you're in NZ, Chinese would be extremely useful. Possibly Maori.

French and German were useful, but now I have my doubts about how useful that would be.

Arabic if you want to prepare for Eurabia. Hebrew, possibly.

Brazilian Portuguese would be useful because it's going to be a big country for trade and so on.

Russian, of course, too.

Learn Hebrew, it's pretty good. Also pretty useful in your country.

japanese german french russian and mandarin are all languages worth learning. asian languages are significantly more difficult though, especially reading/writing

languages that are cool but not as useful include dutch, any scandinavian language, any central or southern european language, any eastern european language that russians can't understand

I know you said no French but you should remember a few things:

>French was the language of academia, the intelligentsia, and the aristocracy for hundreds of years until about the 1800's. This means that is still has a substantial air of prestige around it, and this alone makes it worthwhile if you enjoy historical/classical stuff.

>French is spoken not just in metropolitan France, but in half of Africa, plus tons of little slices of the world like the Caribbean, French Guyana, and of course our neighbour New Caledonia. Plus Belgium and Switzerland.

>The Muslim problem isn't as big as you think it is. Sure, it's bad, but get out of the cities and it's all white French people.

>Maori is useless except for 20 or so NCEA credits. Plus it's a shitty, useless language; exponentially worse than Latin.

Good luck.

speaking as a man who spent several years learning spanish, i wouldn't bother. if you are a europoor who can fly down there whenever the fuck he wants to and enjoy the weather it has some usage, but for a new zealander it's useless. and SA is mostly a big shithole.

I think spanish is probably a great second language choice for travel, for business its german or japanese (as you are close) but culturally I think french wins in the second language battle.

Why adopt the language of the invaders/occupiers?

Plus Maori is spoken by literally no-one (it's like Welsh or Gaelic in the UK), and even worse, is actively being rammed down our collective throats without our consent by the politically correct, leftist elites.

This alone makes it worthless, but combine that with the fact that it has a vocabulary stuck, quite literally, in the year 1600, it is truly a terrible language with no inherent worth whatsoever.

German, french, spanish, italian, japanese. Mandarin and korean languages are ugly af.

spanish, french or english.

If you want to get a job from it then arabic or one of the large chinese languages (mandarin or cantoneese)

Frisian desu

It's really similar to both english and dutch, so if you learn it, which would be easy, you'll easily be able to pick up dutch/afrikaans/flemish too.

If you want to do it for difficulty's sake while still maintaining some real world relavance, Nippongo

Of course here our ballots are in English and Spanish so that would be the clear choice.

I justified it by realizing its similarity to Latin, and its ability to help me learn other languages. It's also very easy for English speakers to pick up.

I can say "where's the fish" but I'm a three day monk with most things.



French, German.

Armenian, Swahili, or Finnish. Anything else is a waste of time.

>Best languages to learn


The rest is pointless

Dutch is basically the most useful and white language.
>Not using guttural sounds in every word

Learn Japanese if you're a weeb and/or like rigid grammatical rules

Learn Chinese for usefulness.

German is fun, sounds cool, and will be easiest for you to learn, as a I assume you're a native english speaker. German is also useful because it is the most commonly spoken language in Europe, across several countries.

French is also relatively similar to english, will get bitches wet, and is spoken in many different countries.

everything else doesn't even matter

German is also being used in based-Switzerland and soon-to-be-Hoferified Austria. Go for German, it's pretty ok.

Latin is a very interesting language and it gives you a strong basis for many other languages. It helped me understand the use of cases in German and Russian.

If your native language is English than I'd suggest French. Many French words are in the English vocabulary and that could help you. The grammar is a bit of a bitch (as it is for every romance language) but the pronunciation isn't as hard as it might be if you learned Italian.

Dutch is also nice, German is super easy to learn.

French is easy to read but the grammar is indeed a bitch. I find it impossible to listen to French speakers, they talk way too fast.

How can Latin help with Russian, I though Greek would have more of an impact on the Orthodox nations?

Latin grammar has all features appearing in most European languages: it has cases (like German and Russian), no articles (like Russian), heavily gendered nouns and adjectives (like all Romance languages), complex conjugation (like Romance languages), huge vocabulary (which many languages borrowed).
Said this, you don't learn Latin to speak it and it takes a lot of time, so I wouldn't really learn it unless the OP has a lot of time off and can afford to spend it on Latin.
French is easier for an English native speaker due to similar vocabulary but English native speakers have to face gendered nouns (you literally have to guess what gender a noun is because you have no actual rule to follow, at least between French and Italian there's a 90% correspondence so I just learn the exceptions) and English speakers are notoriously bad with pronunciation and complex verbs' patterns.

As for the OP, I'd say that, provided you have the time and the will to do it, Chinese, Arabic and Russian are all pretty useful languages, followed by Japanese and Spanish (especially if you want to move to the US).

Obv by picrelated, best language is Husky Wolf.


I see a lot of people saying Chinese. As someone who has a friend who tried this, if you aren't perfectly fluent you will basically be a joke. You will never ever become fluent if you start after your teen years, or if you don't go and live in China. Outside of that, you will just be mocked as a novelty, a foreigner who tries to speak Chinese. Not worth it

First language besides english that I learned was spanish out of necessity (lived in a border state).
I spent a few years after high school traveling abroad, stayed in SK for a while, decided to pick up korean. It was pretty worth it as now that i'm back in the states, I went to college, got a degree in korean-english interpretation.

While not the most pressing or difficult character language it's still in relatively high demand, I've considered going government as it's considered a mid priority language and translators are wanted, but i'm an EA right now in a college course as I tie off a degree in mandarin to english interpretation

Obviously the asian languages don't appeal to you, but they are by far the most desired in regards to a job market. It's probably easier in NZ than anywhere else to find plenty of suitable teachers for more casual learning of a new, asian language.

That said, germanic languages are probably going to be desired in the near future, i'd say go for german, like you wanted. Paranoia aside, even if things do end up shit there, there will be a wave of german refugees escaping elsewhere, and having knowledge of the language is always hugely beneficial.

Short story, a friend of mine I was taking urdu classes with (I stretched myself too thin and dropped out half way through the semester, sadly) ended up keeping the job, and moved to france. He got hired as an interpreter for refugees and he's making somewhere in the realm of 50,000 euros for sitting around doing fucking nothing all day.

It depends more on your reasoning what you pick in the end though. Do you really want to DO something, or do you just want to learn a language? I can respect either, but if you want to DO something with that knowledge, asian character language (chinese preferably) is the way to go.

If you just want to learn for fun, go germanic, it will be simpler for you to learn, and you might actually get a chance to use it some day.


arabic is useful if you plan on ever visiting europe

>France/Germany too dangerous
It's not like in Rio where you get robbed as soon as you leave the house. Germany and France are pretty safe if you avoid large gatherings and murky neighbourhoods.

French and German have a more complicated grammar than English. French has the disadvantage that pronounciation does not follow the spelling.

Alternatively, how about Durch or Danish?
Additional tip: All capitals are full of shitskins. That goes for Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Stockholm etc. etc.

>current year
>not learning esperanto



>pic related


Who would want to talk to people from those shit ass countries


Why would anyone want to learn Mongolian? There are so few people that speak it.

Hindi would also cover Pakistan (Urdu).




Because it is the best language.

I would suggest german because french is kind of gay desu. Probably because it has so many silent letters and silly pronunciation (also it's made by frech people). Be sure to lubricate your throat with bloody sausages before communicating in german, of course.

Danish is a horrible language to get into. They ban everything (books movies, etc) outside of their country. French pronunciation is hard only in the beginning. Frenchies love hearing their language, so they dub everything. You can watch your naruto in french.


After having tasted many languages, I am settling with Russian now. It fits the bill for culture, amount of native speakers, amount of native speakers who don't speak English (i.e. useful), is a mostly Caucasian speaker base, isn't as complicated as Chinese, and sounds cool when you speak it and not gay.

Chinese and japanese give the best practical advantages alongside English in the current world. In the new future you could add Hindi if their economy and business continues to grow.

Other languages to consider are icelandic (maybe one of the safest places to live now and in the near future), Russian, and Arabic I guess (at least then you can understand what the mudslimes shout)

>They ban everything (books movies, etc) outside of their country.
On the contrary: They print books that are forbidden in other countries. Denmark has more freedom of speech than the US has.

try spanish then

not super hard to learn, spoken by many people

spotted the weeb

If are lookig for a challange, polish.


How did you travel abroad. I want to do that.

Learn jap so you can be kawaii and desu cunt like in your animes

Esperanto :)

Since you seem to believe that Sup Forums conveys an accurate picture of Germany and its "cuckedness" and "islamization" you will not be interested in diverging opinions.

Still, let me tell you that Germany is and will be a pretty safe place for a long time to come. No need to worry. At least not because of refugees.


oh man, russian is a great language. i sing classical, and russian isn't covered at all, yet it sounds fucking amazing.

French is nice-sounding, logical and gives you access to some of the best literature and cinema ever created. The French countryside is lovely to visit too. It only took me about a year to reach the point where I could read anything, understand most spoken French and communicate coherently (although with errors and a bad accent).

By speaking population: Chinese then Spanish.

Useful for business: Japanese, Chinese, French I guess, German, Russian.

Introductory course to Eurabia: Arabic, Hindi.

Weebshit: Japanese.