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Did he died?
Is this true about the torrent sites being taken down?
How the fuck did they get at him in Russia?
I guess he ain't getting that pardon huh
He proved himself to be a liberal cuck anyway, so who cares.
It's all movie promotion.
Go back to shilling for Hillary.
Insufferable cuck with a victim complex deserves it.
>It's all movie promotion.
damn, you really made me think
He's a CGI 'Sim'. They can do that now.
Bullshit aside, let's wargame:
You are one of the 5eyes. You know fagboy has seriously detrimental shit squirreled away. You know he is going to get iced soon. You know he has a dead man switch. How do you go about locking it down so info distro becomes exponentially harder?
>Sup Forums now hates Snowden because he isn't in favor of their meme candidate
What a bunch of NSA loving cucks this board turned into.
Big brother trump will keep the country safe, right?
gayest shit ive ever read
*teleports away*
That would be wonderful.
I hope isn't, but if he did, I hope it was very painful and drawn out.
nice legitimate source bro
Get his Twitter banned and cut off the internet connection in the surrounding area so that he can't trigger anything locally, maybe cut the power. They'll probably also stage some shooting to grab media attention away from whatever he releases.
Bribe of some sort?
If he's dead or kidnapped switch goes off, so he needs to be left okay ultimately.
No idea how they'd bribe him though.
Either that or dismantle the dms..? I have no idea how
>need to know more intensifies
I was just talking about this scenario with my father.
Hopefully Obama grew a pair a put a bullet in his head.
there's no way his twitter isn't filtered by the NSA.. if his dead man's switch was triggered and included a tweet with a decryption key, the NSA modified it.
>That would be wonderful.
t. globalist shill
so, torrents said goodbye because of the leaks?
oh boy, this is some serious shit.
Holy shit.. that would be awful if it actually was supposed to be the key instead of some handshake thing, and the nsa changed it to some random hex.. fuck.
>Talks shit about Trump
>gets killed
not bad, praise KEK
Do you have something to hide? NSA is your greatest ally (next to Israel) and will keep you safe from terrorists. Don't you want Trump to shut down their internet and ban porn for the glory of the Aryan race and Christianity?
You must be some kind of degenerate lefty cuck if you disagree and should probably be executed.
Snowden talked shit about Trump? Sauce?
This, fucking pathetic.
s p o o k y
What does EBS means?
emergency broadcast system
Snowden didn't only blow the lid on the NSA's illegal spying. Dipshits like you think he did because you are dipshits. Remove the spying program on US citizens and he is a traitor five times over. Just revealing that we were tapping Merkel's cellphone is more than enough justify killing the rat.
He is a shill mate, they are around all the time
No one cares pedo.
Its not treason, its patriotism. The nation is not the goverment, flag before money, nation before goverment.
Its like a soldier refusing to shot civs and calling him a traitor...
Fuck off, kiddie fucker.
>by aggressively enforce
Is this real? It's not even grammatically sound English.
>FBI is on this board tricking newfags into download CP in encrypted pngs
What? Any info on this?
If I download a comfy english countryside pic I could be downloading CP???
He's safe as long as he's useful to putin
How do you protect the innocence of children in a country that parades gay mean in gstrings with dildos in their ears and tell them its ok to put your cock inside another mans ass?
This is why anyone who supports shit on the internet being criminalized is a dumb statist cuckold piece of shit.
Cp laws should be immediately abolished for violating the first amendment.
>Is this real?
Sure it is.
>It's not even grammatically sound English.
Sure it is.
Weren't his archives publicly downloadable at some point? Can anyone try the key?
Putin is pragmatic, if hillary offers him a good deal you bet snowden will be in a plane in what a calls delay.
>trusting her
I see an issue there tho
Edward Bryson Snowden
No. He's not dead.
A few days ago Snowden asked his former NSA colleagues to reach out to him or a reporter he designated. After that he released a hash of something, presumably to identify that it was him that had control over the account.
>uphold the rule of law by aggressively enforce
>by aggressively enforce
>by enforce
wasn't there some setup in place that if Snowden dies, the information he stole, would be released to public? All of it.
>Talks shit about trump
>gets murdered by hillary
>comfy english countryside pic
>comfy pic
>Comfy Pic
What do you think?
Excuse me what? I hope you mean in favor of better child protection laws, because you can bant all day about muh freedoms and shit, but cp is the one thing that should be hammered down on fucking hard.
Yeah right.
I don't think it's a smart idea to kill someone like him or make him go missing.
No, it is treason. Going back to the Merkel example, there was zero possible reason to release that. That is the job of the CIA and NSA. That is what they are meant to do. Spying on all other countries helps America. All countries do it. Now we can't bug many leader's phones because that is written into our agreements suddenly. This hurts national security without question. This is much, much, much more than enough to justify killing Snowden.
He also revealed that we were infecting computers not connected to the internet. It is widely known that the computers we were targeting were in the FUCKING IRANIAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM. If torture were legal, Snowden should be tortured.
>FBI is on this board tricking newfags into download CP in encrypted pngs
Criminal bytes!!!!! CP is not a victimless crime!!!!
Fuck Snowden. If he's not dead, I hope President Trump one day makes him dead.
>b-but he did some shit years ago
So the fuck what. He's an SJW leftist shills, and he can burn in hell. We don't owe him jack shit for what he did a long time ago. He's absolutely useless to us now. Worse than that, he's a liability, because sniveling little traitors look up to this complete piece of dogshit and admire him for the disgusting, subversive nonsense that he says.
I hope Trump sticks a poison needle in his arm. And I hope he televises it.
Kill yourself you dumb fuck. I meant exactly what I said, you pussy feminist soccer moms should stop violating the fucking rights were supposed to have your "muh chilluns" bullshit.
I pray to god you don't consider yourself a true American with that kind of fucking verbal diahhrea. You make me sick.
Australia is a police state.
Are the dank memes safe?
Hulk Hogan sex tape was leaked after this tweet, trying to undermine him. FUCK THE NWO.
>but cp is the one thing that should be hammered down on fucking hard.
You love raped children, don't you.
Nope. Just a cripplechan epic troll.
Jesus, Australia is beyond cucked.
You snuff out the flame with an even larger, albiet, staged one. You have no hope of preventing his leak, but you can cloud it with counter info against his credibility or a major happening to take eyesaway from it.
If anything is released on Hillary that gets her indicted in any way, I will shit on a plate and eat it, piece by piece, posting proof every step of the way on Sup Forums.
That is how much stock I put in "Sup Forums predictions" since the email indictment.
Screen cap this.
>twitter existed in 2001
You're out of your fucking mind if you think abolishing all cp laws makes you some right wing vanguard. It makes you a sick fucking lunatic. Strongly consider suicide. You're nothing but a fucking tumor to society with that mentality. In no way wanting that shit gone makes anyone a "pussy soccer mom" you autist fuck. Go back to Sup Forums and stalk those fucking sick threads and get the fuck out.
>Implying Adult-Child relationships aren't pure fucking degeneracy.
I bet you're pro having grown men in the little girls room too.
You'd have to start a war. A 9/11 type event implicating the Russians. Perhaps a large scale ISIS attack with supposed Russian support. In that case you might even drum up some sympathy for the agencies and their cause.
>I have no idea how a dead man switch works
I, for one, embrace our NSA overlords.
It makes me someone who isn't a fucking hypocrite piece of garbage and actually believes in Liberty and the first amendment. You're literally jailing people for watching fucking videos and censoring the Internet AND giving the government loads of authority and ability to blackmail, frame and much more.
Go back to lebbit with your stupid normie nonsensical bullshit
>hurrffff muh degeneracy durrrr
Fucking retarded sack of shit. Just don't even bother responding to me again.
Did you even read the fucking article yourself you stupid nigger? It says real children are still bad, but artificial productions might serve the purpose. In many places loli shit is already legal. If CP becomes legal, it will be monetized and will be produced at a much higher rate, which means more victims. Think before you post.
Seconded m8. No defense for CP honestly. I'm the way he is about muh guns and muh free speech but fuck pedos. Line em up and shoot em down
Pedophile detected
I bet you don't feel this way about speed cameras or weed arrests or NFA laws do you, you kiddie fucker? KYS
>it will be monetized
The act of making it would still be illegal in that case unless changed separately you stupid fucking nigger.
I guess Mexican drug cartel beheadings and Isis videos are monetized when they're posted on the fucking clearnet too. Dumb shit.
Also they're legal, so if I watch someone get their head chopped off, more will get their head chopped off. That's the anti argument isn't it?
And increasing demand for CP. Which increases supply. They know what they're doing putting kiddie fuckers in prison.
And if they wanted to frame you, they could frame you with just about anything illegal.
Here's something you might not realize due to the fact that you're most likely mentally retarded.
Actual children are involved in the making of that shit, it's not like your loli hentai. If it's legalized then the risk of watching it is removed, and demand would go up due to people who were too afraid of the consequences to watch it prior starting to watch it.
If demand increases, more videos will be made and sold. That means more kids will be exploited.
You stupid fuck.
Yes I do actually dumb fuck. Id abolish all gun control legislation and end the drug war.
Stop projecting so hard statist bootlickers
Holy shit, based on what you say I bet you are one of those stupid fucking Sovereign citizen niggers. Jesus christ. Yes, I am absolutely for jailing people showing intentional satisfaction from watching children being abused.
>And if they wanted to frame you, they could frame you with just about anything illegal.
Not as easily as placing a few criminal pixels onto your hdd. For example by sending you a spam looking email with CP that lands in your trash.
Demand for Isis beheading videos is null
There are thousands of you kiddie fuckers out there wanting to see the shit. The supply will follow with the demand legalized. You can't argue this.
I like milf bbw shit. I'm not out fucking someone's fat mom if i don't watch the porn for a few months. I just don't think about the shit. You're a sick pedo making a mockery of muh freedoms
>hurr u watched that Isis video now more are going to be made
>u watched that vid of a girl getting raped she's now getting raped all over again
I am so tired of this shitty stupid argument and it's the one you retards parrot the most.
>just about anything illegal
Nothing as easily or that would carry the negative stigma that cp has shitweed.
>actual children are involved making it
No fucking shit Sherlock. Real women are raped in videos too, doesn't mean that video is illegal to watch.
Also you fucking stupid normalfags love going on about increased demand. Tell me something, people who cry about pirating (normalfags) say downloading something without paying for it hurts production, nobody essentially ever pays for cp, so aren't we hurting production by downloading it?
>normalfag newfag cancer logic
>Australia isn't retarded for once
You don't fuck with Hillary's husba...opponent.
>your argument is null lol
Nice job not addressing anything you dumb fuck
You lose.
I've been doing this for so long and I swear I have yet to see more than 2 or 3 different points brought up by you stupid troglodytes and every single one is as dumb as the next.
>making a mockery of freedom
By supporting freedom? Drink bleach bootlicking faggot.
beans and dirtnigs aren't chopping off heads so some pervert can beat his meat. wtf am i reading?!
I'm going to bed. Thanks for playing you stupid anti fuckwits.
Literally just regurgitated the same old tired state rhetoric everyone's heard a billion fucking times before and that I have disproven a billion times before.
You're an idiot. A shallow minded, forethought lacking, 15 year old brand anarchist idealizing, kiddie fucking moron.
>there is no in between the idea of full on authoritarianism and no laws
>kiddie fucking on film is okay
Fuck offffff and kill yourself. Not worth the .35 it'd cost me to do it
You're emotional, I understand, but its clouding your judgement. Demand for things increases the supply. They put both the demanders and suppliers in prison. They simply don't belong in society.
In my opinion, the demanders should be put through court mandated therapy first, not prison, because attraction to children is probably some sort of retardation. Upon relapse though, they should go to prison. Perhaps a three strikes law and then castration.
Nobody has gone to prison for receiving spam email that was CP.
You haven't disproven shit, kiddie fucker. You are buttmad that your idea of there being more pedos here to defend you was incorrect. You are not a true American if you want to see other Americans children fucked in the name of freedom. Go to bed. You lose. Do us all a favor and never wake up
Your a retarded kiddie fucker. Reported you're posts to the FBI
in a sane country you would be put to death for this shit but America is so fucking cucked anymore. count you're days though, kiddie fucker, when the God Emperor takes over your gonna be in the ground where you belong
>pink text
>veiled threat of raping people if no access to porn
>crying about losing access to porn in schools specifically
>nobody essentially ever pays for cp
Yeah generally they just trade cp. Which is a form of payment.
Just kys pedo scum. Pedos who don't act on their urges and know they're fucked up are great people, in all honest. But it's faggots like you that actually try to advocate for and normalize their illness that are literally subhuman.
Just buy a rope and a stool, it'll be quick.
Ah yes! Finally, someone pulled this card. I was waiting you stupid fuck. Comparing ISIS and Cartel propaganda videos to pornographic films. Brilliant.
Pornography is entertainment, and CP along with almost every pornographic video both cam and conventional photography is produced in the majority of cases as a form of entertainment. Ever heard of the porn industry? Beheadings and murders are almost always statements or in the case of murders mostly third party captures. They aren't produced for the sole satisfaction and monetary gain that pornography is.
>so if I watch someone get their head chopped off, more will get their head chopped off.
In the rare case in which it is developed for entertainment, yes. What is snuff film for 500.