What is your opinion on Pacific Islanders? I will probably never see one in my life so I'd like to know what you think.
What is your opinion on Pacific Islanders? I will probably never see one in my life so I'd like to know what you think
Jonathan Lewis
Leo Sanders
They live in some of the most beautiful places on Earth, for one.
Evan Sanders
Maoris are hard core nationalists, way more hard core than whites. If only we could break them of their socialism though, they would be based.
Brayden Richardson
If you see a filipino then its a pacific islander.
Aaron Lopez
maoris are all right sometimes but the tongans,samoans,fijians and the rest of them are just fucking fat brown cunts that should be exterminated
Nolan Taylor
this one has white blood in her.
Jackson Martinez
only maoris are racial mongrels
Jordan Nelson
Would fuck their women.
Their men I dont know much about but to prove my dominance guess I'd fuck them too.
Jose Reed
They're the best.
Joshua Sanders
Most of them are fat as fuck. The slim, mixed ones are 10/10 tho