yadda yadda yadda
You are black.
I wonder if that aussie girl poster is cute. she's 5'1 if i remember correctly
An adder stone with a naturally occurring hole through it.
Such stones have been discovered by archaeologists in both Britain and Egypt.
Adder stone was held in high esteem amongst the Druids.
There is a passage in Pliny’s Natural History:
>...the magi are cunning to conceal their frauds, they give out that this egg must be obtained at a certain age of the moon. I have seen that egg worn by the Druids. It is a badge which is worn with such ostentation, that I knew a Roman knight who was slain by the stupid emperor Claudius, merely because he wore it in his breast.
don't like people with more melanin in their skin than me
I will never understand Yanks and the Tory Boys that love them. America is Britain's main enemy.
need her to be my gf quicksmart
Guess I'm lucky you're black then
Is she posting right now?
In WW2 for American aid, we had to pay for it all, up front, in gold. And when the gold began to run out, it was in foreign currency and securities; then through the forced liquidation of British assets in North America at knock-down prices; then the surrender of our patents and royalties for our inventions, such as radar and jet engines; finally it was territory. When Joe Kennedy advised that a British surrender was “inevitable”, FDR wanted British bases in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and Newfoundland. Churchill handed those over in exchange for obsolescent small arms and 50 mothballed destroyers – and FDR loathed giving us these
Battered wife syndrome
>Northern Forest of 50 million trees to be planted between Liverpool and Hull
>Over the next 25 years, a vast swathe of woodland will be created over an 120 mile area to improve the environment and help prevent 190,000 homes from flooding.
>The plans, which will see 62,000 acres of woodland planted before 2050, is expected to generate £2 billion for the economy through tourism, and by boosting rural business and generating jobs.
yeah, she said last thread she's preggo too
Yup. Do you want to see my cock or something fag? Fuck off.
Yeah imagine if there was a huge all encompassing government that governed a mass of states across a continent....
would be crazy...
whiter than you noonga
What the fuuuuuuuuuuck.
hate when anons try and force pol themes on us
imagine being on Sup Forums and hating right-wingers
you know you can easily do that on Reddit right? you get upvotes for it too
>boost in tourism from trees
sorry but a lot of countries have trees
Shit like politicians are doing x, truths about wars, refugees and shit.
Like, I get it, you've read something that's against the narrative. But if you're off track on every thing you talk about you don't sound informed you sound like a crackpot.
90% of "right wingers" on this site came from Reddit in 2016
I get what you're trying to do but you're not nearly as clever as you think you're being. And if you're really going to submit to the EU just because the USA exist you deserve everything that you're going to get.
What do the relatives say
Truly our greatest ally.
It's so weird, because I've heard many people online call FDR a huge socialist. He was really greedy. He forced Churchill to acknowledge WW2 was being fought for "self-determination", which was really him wanting India, Australia, Canada, etc to leave the British Empire and trade with America.
There should be federal EU with all national sovereignty ceded to the European Parliament
Most people that don't support the USA are one of three types
1. left winger ethnic minority
2. underage 17/18
3. women
The USA is the shining beacon of human liberty and freedom for all humanity. It's about perspective, if the USSR had their way they'd have taken Britain into the soviet bloc as a satellite state. Did the USA do this? No. Even though they had every opportunity to just conquer the whole of post-war western Europe, what they did instead was pay temporarily for reparations for France, UK, Germany and Italy. That to me shows the spirit and kindness of the American way
utterly wrong
Imagine thinking this. Loving every laugh~!!
>imagine hating the most cancerous people on this site
Anyone else unironically a centrist?
I can't find a general to take me in, can you people be kind and be my friends
We've already submitted to the USA, things can't get much worse.
The sad fact is there are people who genuinely think this.
>go outside
>get shot
>go to school
>get shot
>call the cops
>get shot
welcome, brother
>Sup Forums is an invention of /r/the donald
Funny reading this shit from people that came in 2015. This website has always been averse to PC culture and fag shit regardless of whatever politics have actually been espoused. There were no good ol' days when people liked furries and traps and muslims and blacks.
I'm not cancerous just for having an opinion, lad
thank you
please inform me on the memes of this general so I can assilmilate
or I can bring in /mena/ memes
> Handbook for Military Government in Germany was ready in August 1944, which advocated a quick restoration of normal life for the German people. President Franklin D. Roosevelt who after reading it rejected it.
>On March 20, 1945, Roosevelt's response was "Let them have soup kitchens! Let their economy sink!" Asked if he wanted the German people to starve, he replied, "Why not?"
disliking america is one of the easiest ways recognize a redditor
there used to be a time when Sup Forums was a genuine counter culture site
now its just bootlickers
What species of sand person are you?
Why do Brits do everything better than yanks?
Case in point: Kendrick Lamar is an uglier and less talented Lewis Hamilton.
>There should be federal EU with all national sovereignty ceded to the European Parliament
How does a man in 2018 come to this conclusion? I'm genuinely curious. Do you just hate yourself and your own history so much that you want to do away with it or what? Walk me through this mental illness. Your country is good and you have good people in it and you can survive without being in the EU. Obama isn't in office anymore, we'll trade with you and defend you as much as we possibly can. Just be fee and care about yourselves. Please! Why are you so opposed to it?
autismoyank (liam) is in this thread as we speak
>leftypol mongs ITT pretending USA is le oppressor
try harder niggers. If fast food chains and digital satellite TV and video games is oppression then you'd have fucking hated the USSR
Unironically a Jewess that has an arab and african fetish
yes, my mother is Japanese and my father is indian, so I charge my Samsung Galaxy S8 with curry on it
>The USA is the shining beacon of human liberty and freedom for all humanity.
Wilsonians ruined that
lol no
I just want to listen about football in other parts of the world, grammar and d.i.y.
but he ruins them all with his unfunny gimmicks, lame puns and overbearing personality.
*oppresses you*
>started seeing this girl who's really keen, and beginning to get more serious
>went on a date with the ex, now she seems really keen also
>want to have both but don't want to hurt either
How long can this carry on before it blows up in my stupid face
i'm a 56% menaboo-er
no relation to the middle east it's just my general and what I study at school.
what exactly is countercultural about being left-wing
this is the only valid point PJW has
How big are your tits, kiketress?
thread smells like corn syrup lads
>p-p-please be our lapdogs!!!
thanks but no yanks
Are you pregnant?
the status quo is liberalism you retard. Left wingers hate liberals, the liberal media demonizes us just as much, if not more than the right.
big enough
hope not
Wait, you're jewish? holy shit post pictures
Gonna start posting as a woman so that yank runts try to chat me up and ruin a perfectly good thread
why are they an ex?
the establishment is right wing
Please post a photo of your feet.
no it's not, not at all lmao
not an argument
sorry no
beez in muh meysunreh gunna bring daun me 'aus.
I am literally incapable of disciplining myself to reading for college
I once finished a 400 page book in 2 days out of enjoyment for the book, wish I could do the same for college.
I'm moving to the UK soon for a few years and I'm excited to make some British friends :)
Most anti-american brits can be found in protests on the streets of London with antifa and niggers and pakis
crikey mate. dingo stole my baby. straya cunt
what establishment and in what country
this is peak delusion. Leftists always have this image in their heads about liberals being the eternal betrayers when this simply isn't true. When it comes down to action, the left and liberals side against the right every time. The liberals and the left agree in 80-90% of things, just disagree on how it should be done.
CNN might not be Antifa, but it'll cheer Antifa on
Really in any other country espousing the opinions of the yank dickriders ITT would be tantamount to treason, sadly in ours they've informed over a hundred years of political thought
government: right wing
press: right wing
public opinion: right wing
what's the point you're trying to make by denying reality? is it satire?
Ima hit a lick on some bricks and go ham on it
piss off jf
It's alright. This reply alone was enough to get me off.
Your cheque from the State of Israel will be with you soon